Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses several unidentified objects that US fighter jets have shot down in recent days. #CNN #News
See Neil deGrasse Tyson’s reaction to shot down UFOs

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses several unidentified objects that US fighter jets have shot down in recent days. #CNN #News
“Everything that’s rare on Earth is common in space.” Intelligence?
I don’t know if you realized it’s endless, so there probably are hundreds and thousands of undiscovered developed worlds
@Trevino TC UFO means unidentified flying object. No implications of extraterrestrial craft.
Use your brain for a minute. I know its tough.
One can only hope.
THAT was a great line. It was well delivered!!!
“Who’s going to control the new high ground?” I hear you Obiwan
First, being dismissive and organizing an argument to be humorous does not disprove the alien hypothesis of these unidentified crafts. This is a great example of how gaslighting is such an effective means of coercion.
Second, only the first craft is confirmed to have been a balloon the others are still yet to be identified. So Niel’s joke about aliens dropping balloons is a classic strawman fallacy.
Third, our propensity to trust in his opinion in this situation is based on an appeal to authority rather than him having transparent access to the information of the UFO encounter. It’s not like the government is sharing classified documents with him. If he doesn’t have access to all the information he can’t make an accurate assessment, plain and simple.
Let’s not write off any hypothesis of these UFOs until we have pictures, parts of the objects, peer reviewed papers (in the event the objects remain unexplained). As American citizens, we have the right know who created them and if they pose a risk to national security. Don’t get lulled into a false sense of security from any uninformed, biased opinion.
To be precise, we went back to the Moon FIVE times: Apolo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17.
We were going to the moon every 6 months. Then people got bored and quit watching. TV ratings went down and the moon landings got cancelled. We haven’t been back since.
And then we stopped.
Neil underestimates humans’ ability to find new things to fight over. Who gets the best minerals from space, or the most, or first access to them, for instance.
You won’t find too much mineral wealth to fight over in the stratosphere!
I think he gets. He is just smart enough to know how far to go in a conversation with this woman who only wanted to create a little maelstrom around nothing much but a balloon. I am sure he is very aware of what you speak. More than aware. The man is brilliant.
@Ria Swift he just tells you weak people what you want to hear.
no need to bible beat everyone online. Christ showed love and humility. have Christ-likeness. science and faith do go together. p
people like you embarrasses many of us.
@Rich Pleh So, even if you are “strong”, you’re also broadcasting to the world that you’re stupid. Strong and stupid is obsolete, and will only be worth less as the world moves forward getting stronger and smarter, and you’re left behind because you can’t get over your own ego.
Aliens and/or Interdimensionals exist. Still love you Dr. Tyson!
I would not be the least surprised that aliens exist. It appears that if you have a planet with liquid water and basic chemicals life will arise. The issue right now is that there is simply no evidence that aliens have visited us. First problem is planets are light years away from each other and Einstein said you can’t travel faster than light so it may be impossible to quickly travel between planets. The other issue is there are simply billions of planets so aliens may have better things to do than visit Earth.
We would not need “rare Earth” resources if we were living more lightly on the planet. In a sustainable way.
Thank God for Neil! Calming insight in a country where things are just plain weird. Thanks to simple mindedness.
Neil is plenty weird! My kind of weird, hysterical geek!
“Tell me what I want to hear”
she had a lot of fun interviewing him.
Delete that emoji right now
She couldn’t keep up with him though. He said a few things that fell flat. She is too hung up on the ‘media’ freak ’em out verbiage.
I know…I could feel it!!!
Tyson almost makes a few points in this video regarding aliens for the first time…
Telling my age but I can remember, as a kid, lying outside on a blanket in the Summer, watching the Echo weather balloon going overhead at night. The local newspaper would print the time to look for it at night and it was a challenge to pick it out amongst the stars. It bounced around and took a while to get across the sky. I think there were two of them.
“I don’t want no low tech aliens!” 😂
Funny the way he said it — but I can’t imagine how profound it will be, even if we get to see an alien microbe.
@Clifford Mathew Right? All I want to see is bacteria, or some sort of organic material.
That balloon traveled light years already!
haha…who does?!?!
Lots are balloons, however military fighter jet footage of “objects” moving against the wind, or dropping from 80,000 feet where radar first detects to 50ft in a second and then back up also are not balloons, objects transitioning from underwater to flying in the air. If these are russian or chinese then we are all screwed
He is calling out the pissing contests. Love this man.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from I am David originally from Spain Granada but currently living in Texas now and you
Refreshing. CNN is being so dramatic over this. Fear sells
UFO expert Neil DeGrasse Tyson gives us his take on everything!
Neil always preaches the science and make my worries something to laugh at
Feet on the ground head in the sky! Every time I see Neil Degrasse I remember this image…
I love that this guy is so passionate about his area of expertise.
He’s a waste. Why he’s not working for NASA? Better yet if he’s that smart then he should a CEO of an Air Space Firm.
I like how reasonable he is about this.
I just want aliens to show up already and see his reaction. Just because you’re a scientist It doesn’t mean you don’t have to know everything. There are things that not even science can’t even explain. I know a lot of ppl endorse this man and call us alien fanatics ridiculous and stupid for being a believer.
Always love listening to Dr Tyson. For me he is the spiritual successor of Carl Sagan.
If he was that smart and put his knowledge to work why he is not working for NASA or CEO of an Air Space Company or something other than Democrat lapdog.