1. How long is the civilized world going to put up with this type of thing. He’s going to take his rhetoric and threats.

  2. We should wait for them to figure out how to use their nuclear warheads before we do something about it. Also, Radioactive Tsunami would be a great band name, super hero or move for the bedroom. Something good has to come out of this.

  3. As a member of the public, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the Bridge and Lock Tenders out there for their amazing work. These individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes, often going unnoticed and unappreciated, but their contributions are invaluable.

  4. As an observer, I have come to appreciate the importance of their role in keeping our waterways safe and operational. As a viewer, I have been impressed by the level of commitment and dedication that they show day in and day out. As a recipient of information, I am grateful for the knowledge they impart and the insight they provide into the workings of our infrastructure.

    1. Burning torches and chants of Jews will not replace us is your thing. Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish. You would frog march him to a death camp and claim you were just following orders. L’chaim. I’ll teach you some Aramaic. It’s the slang of Hebrew. Jesus spoke both. Schlama means peace. Malkuth means heaven. Hubba means love. 3 things not in your domain or grasp. I was born March 11th in Bethlehem. You have Covenant with God aka Elohim Adonai Hashem. 3 things you forgot. Deus. Vivitas. Rem. God. Reality. Truth

    2. P.S. Inform China I’m a mean as John Wick and as kind as Keanu Reeves. My words are my sword. Inform China God is not only my Father, He is also my.

  5. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the Bridge and Lock Tenders out there. Your hard work and dedication are an inspiration to us all, and we are fortunate to have you as part of our society. By showing your support and appreciation for their efforts, we can help ensure that they continue to face the challenges of our time with courage and determination, and remain valuable contributors to our communities

  6. The more they try to project strength, the more weak they appear. Its like watching a little kid pull out his nerf gun and then threaten adults with it.

  7. As a terrestrial lifeform, I am indebted to validate my heartfelt gratitude to oxygen. As an element it works ceaselessly to provide my cells with energy, and when combined with hydrogen it forms water to slake my thirst.

    1. @Darklinkx8
      โ€œHe should be fedโ€ฆMeat is meatโ€ฆโ€
      More like fat is fat.๐Ÿ˜‚
      But yeah, he should be. Lol

    2. That man can send to hell fed population so worry less of his hungry people and prepare for the misery he can bring upon you if any one uses force against his country

  8. I remember when Trump single handedly walked across the border into N.Korea and shook Kim’s hand. After that the media couldn’t scare us into oblivion about being nuked by North Korea. He shut the media up real fast. I will never forget that until the day I die.

    1. @FREE HIKER xx I have. I was also on the DMZ at the age of 19 along with ROK, KATUSA, and North Korean soldiers. It is an extremely dangerous and terrifying place

  9. Donโ€™t be surprised when Mother Nature ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ refuses to go down without a fight.

  10. Damn. Capable or not, this is a devious weapon. Could literally wipe out an entire naval task force!

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