1. Umm… why? Skin is just skin, no matter how you imagine color affects human… it has no effect to other functions.

    1. It’s not just skin…. We are different races .. And there are physical, intellectual, and cultural differences……. That’s a fact

  2. I like the one where Dilbert realizes he is living in a simulation and that the creator of the simulation is a giant piece of sh!t.

  3. sad. blacks can say all
    kinds of rude anti white things against whites but he’s in big trouble for talking about a topic. I’m done.

    1. Never, because everyone, especially the media thrives on it. The media acts like they want it to end, bs, they want it. I hate our media more than anything.

    2. It’s never gonna stop. Because the people you vote for make sure every 4 years that they talk about racism every single day to keep it alive.

  4. I thought at first maybe he had a stroke. My grandfather had a stroke and started speaking German. Mostly cuss words.

  5. The only thing I remember about Dilbert is that the great comedian Drew Carey used to have some bits how he looked like him.

  6. If he was trying to say that racism is prevalent amoung people of all racial groups in the U.S.A. them he’s correct. MUCH better would have been to say that “There are racists people to be found in any large group of people regardless of race. Stay away from racist people.”. That would have been OK. OMG, the way he said it simply proved that he’s part of the problem (racism) that he was trying to denounce.

    1. I only heard this one snippet & to me it sounded more like he was calling out a bit of the ‘all whites are racist’ craziness that some are promoting and that he was being sarcastic or ironic. Was there more to this rant & as a black man, do you agree or was it really a racist rant?

  7. I think some people should stop the faux outrage. If you can’t laugh at yourself then you are just a meat popsicle

    1. The “consequence culture” that allows people to speak negatively of white people and speak in favor of the progressive ideas that were a no go a few years ago. What happens when the pendulum swings back?

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