Son who turned Capitol rioter in reacts to father’s sentence

Jackson Reffitt warned the FBI about his father, Guy Reffitt, before and after the January 6th Capitol insurrection. He speaks with CNN's Brianna Keilar about his father's sentencing. #CNN #News


  1. The one thing Guy Reffitt can be proud of is that his son has turned out to be a far more intelligent, moral, courageous and compassionate human being than he was himself. I cannot imagine struggle that that Jackson Reffitt went through to reach this point and I stand in awe of this man.

    1. @Shelly Walker Show me where Bernie told his followers to come to the baseball diamond, “it will be wild” and I’ll agree that Bernie’s responsible.

  2. This young man has vast potential to do great things. The courage, strength, presence, awareness, intelligence, and integrity which he has handled all of this is an inspiration. He is an amazing example for anyone who is one the fence with this. What is morally right is the ONLY good choice.

    1. @Oscar Cordero ….it’s “silly” because you are not capable of intelligent adult conversation. So just like a child you immediately resorted to nonsense like “blah blah blah” and “this is silly”. This is what we have to deal with these days.

  3. No one can deeply understand the long path of healing the children of narcissistic parents have to go through unless you were raised by one! I am literally shocked that at such a young age he had the courage and the poise to face his father’s demons and evaluate the extent of his pathologic personality disorder with the clarity he does. Someone please, take note of this young man and help him achieve his full potential. A true gem!

  4. Much respect to this young man. Extremely impressed with his intelligence and wisdom. Allot higher than many voting-aged adult Americans. What a great guy.

  5. Good on him, a stand up/no BS young adult. Must be very hard for him to deal with all of this, much respect.

  6. The son is a true PATRIOT and his words are so meaningful. I applaud him for his courage at his young age.

  7. My respects and admiration for this young man. My prayers and heart goes out to this family, what a difficult situation for all. Agree, if his father has to face the consequences the head and mastermind of all this situation should be joining them in prison. We teach our children not to get involved in situations or not to be part of a situation that could get them in trouble otherwise they will join the consequences, DT instigated, promoted and was the head of this, even with all his money he needs to face his doing. Don’t just find how to cover the sun with a finger, the law should be equal to everyone and not selective.

  8. Right now the impression I get is that young man is light years ahead of both his parents in terms of maturity and responsibility ., and respect for others

    1. Agree. He’s more mature and well-spoken than most adults I know, and what impresses me the most if how he answered difficult questions with such simplicity and honesty.

    2. Probably wasn’t eating lead paint chips as a kid.

      Something I wish we could say about our parents’/grandparents’ generation.

    3. Kid has more decency and intelligence in his response than many serving in the house. So impressed and based on his way of thinking, he’s light-years beyond many in his family. His mother is selfishly but understandingly upset. She knows her spouse was wrong but pissed the system caught him and their secret life is no longer. She is even more frustrated secretly because she’s now on her own and probably haven’t had experienced this type of pain before and feeling forced.

  9. I admire that kid so much…. This is what courage looks like….
    I couldn’t imagine having a dad and mom like that and having to stand up to that as a young person in front of the whole world and have to stand on your decision to do the right thing… I applaud him

    1. @Steven Odinot It is the responsibility of the parents to be a role model for their children. Both parents failed in this responsibility.

    2. @vshah1010 and if your father isn’t a person who should be honored? Criminals aren’t honorable. People who want to take the rights and lives of others aren’t honorable. Yet their children should honor them? No.

    3. @Ariana Houle no you wouldn’t, you’re only saying that because he has taken the same position as you.

    4. @M. Campbell Each parent has their own accountability, and you have yours.

      Your parents gave you life and existence. How can you deny your own existence? So, you shall honor and protect your parents. And. family comes before _others_ .

  10. Jackson, you are such an intelligent, thoughtful and courageous young man. You are so impressive. Simply wishing you the very best life has to offer.

  11. The daughter is absolutely right. If the minions are going to jail, the “master minds” of the failed coup definitely belong in jail, as well.

    1. While I agree that the cult leader should be punished, ala Charles Manson, these adults made a decision and should get harsher sentences. Mom was 100% wrong with her response.

    2. @JU SCHOLTEN Trump has done nothing that carries a prison sentence.

      One can only be relieved knowing that the father will be pardoned by Trump once the president is back in office.

    3. @Dietrich Varez why would you want him to have to lose three times in a row. I mean he didn’t even win the first time he only got him because of electoral college he was short like two and a half million votes. And the the electoral college is on its last legs it will be gone very shortly

  12. This kid should be a Supreme Court justice … he has more sense than the 5 that just turned roe vs wade

  13. That young man is an unbelievable inspiration to those of us that struggle with doing the “right” thing. I hope he and his family find enough common ground to reconcile and come to terms with what had happened. This is happening across our country and the more listening we can do, the better off we will all be. Especially when young people like this step up and have something very real to say. Good luck to him and his family.

  14. That took an incredible amount of courage, integrity and commitment to justice. I’m often taken aback by how aware, confident and articulate many of the young people come with when interviewed. For example, the young people leading causes against gun violence. I didn’t have that level of maturity, insightfulness, or the ability to debate articulately with adults and politicians. These people are inspiring and are doing great things with their lives ahead of them to make real change in the world

  15. Amazing that this brave and upstanding young man came from these two parents. Wish this was the case more often, we need more people like him.

  16. This young man shows us that there is still hope for this country and this world. He made an extremely difficult decision with logic and understanding. You can love someone, and still do the right thing even if it means turning in your family or close loved ones if they have done something wrong. Good job sir keep doing the right things in life, your future is bright!

  17. What a special, enlightened young man. He demonstrates such conviction and ability to discern right from wrong and courage to act accordingly. Yet he also shows compassion for his dad as he faces jail time, which is also beautiful. He sees his dad as being deceived, manipulated and used by the former president. He is 100% correct! He is navigating the complexities, difficulties and harsh reality of this issue so well. I pray for healing for him, his sisters, mother AND father. He is the adult in this scenario.

  18. Love this young man you can tell that you can’t brain wash him the way he’s handling this tells me he’s a strong wise young man and he’s speaking facts 👏🏿

  19. Incredibly intelligent and eloquent kid, seeing this younger generation gives me hope about the future. Good for you Jackson, congrats for seeing and understanding life in a more balanced and common sensed way, sorry about your dad.

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