1. It’s like the death penalty. It’s for the people to decide. Not 9 unelected person in black robes. Now it will have to be where both sides come together and find some compromise depending on what the people want. The whole thing was getting ridiculously out of control with being able to infanticide just after birth. They had no limits.

  1. Fair play to the correspondent for actually saying that this issue would now be returned to the states instead of just saying that abortion has now been banned, which is not quite true.

    1. Yeah. I am going to go read the ruling in its entirety. From what I heard the court says it’s really divisive issue and should be left to the individual states to decide… but people say anything online so I want to read it for myself

    2. @The SmorgMan You should. And look at pg 118-119 they mention a few cases:

      Griswold – contraception
      Lawrence – being LGBTQ+ legally
      Obergfell – gay and interracial marriage

      They claim the outcome of these cases were ‘demonstrably erroneous’ aka. WRONG and should be reconsidered. So yeah. If they get their way, states will not only be able to ban abortion, they will also be able to ban contraception and gay sex.

    3. “Leaving it up to the states” does not mean freedom. That’s a misperception. The federal law stated a universal right for a woman’s own reproductive decisions no matter where she lives, which is pure freedom on the matter. Now state and local legislatures can impose their ideological will on millions of women who live in red and purple states and want to make certain decisions on their reproductive outcomes. That is not freedom at all for those women in Kentucky and Mississippi for example. The Supreme Court today has allowed those women and healthcare providers to be at the mercy of state and local courts. That is ideological oppression. Get it?

    1. @Art by Cannell Your what’s wrong with America.

      Art By Cannell: Waaaaa I want cheap gas. Mr. Trump I know you didn’t win the election but please PLEASE RULE US. WE WANT CHEAP GAS. PLEAAAAASEEEE WAAAAAAAAAA.

    2. @Mandy Graham unfortunately there will be millions more out in the streets without jobs thanks to the Republican court’s, PITIFUL, SO SAD 😞 😔 😟

    3. @Justhor You are far too young to stay up this late and play on “Mommy and Daddy’s computer. Shut it off and go “night-night.”

  2. Just keep that energy and protect the kids in foster care system, kids being born to addicts, kids that are abused, poverty, etc. immigrant kids, etc. Protest and pass laws to protect all kids not just in the womb but outside the womb. These same people who supposedly want to protect the babies are silent once they are born.

    1. True. I bet 99% of the people calling for abortions to be banned wouldn’t lift one finger to help the mother once the child is born.

    2. @Tony Too Tuff What happened to all the first born when Moses was in Egypt? What happened to the entire world population for 40 days and 40 nights when Noah was on his boat with his family? What happened to Jobs entire Family? Finally, what did God do in the City of Babylon with all it inhabitants?

  3. Get it together Tubin lol every other word is “ugh”….sounds like your mind is elsewhere…lol

  4. I wonder what the new “Inseminated” certificates will look like. There MUST be some OFFICIAL government record of a PERSON. And….everyone just got 1 years older. Congrats 🥳

    1. @Metro Hemo if you can’t afford the consequences DON’T CREATE A Baby, really simple don’t want to be involved in a dwi DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE wow imagine that imagine having just a little PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY

    2. @Danial Hillmann They didn’t create a baby, they had sex. A few weeks later they would have had an abortion, and you wouldn’t know anything about it, nor would it have effected you life in any way. But now the government gets to tell them they must have a baby because their body belongs to the state they live in. You and I get to take care of this baby and the mother for the next 18 years, she doesn’t have to take any responsibility at all for it.

  5. I can’t believe Roe beat Wade in that boxing match now where’s my husband Jill – Joe Biden

    1. I don’t think you understand the point of the constitution. It doesn’t say for example you or I have the right to buy food from a drive-thru at McDonald’s (didn’t exist 200 years ago) – but it does say we have a first amendment right to express ourselves, to assemble ourselves at whatever business we want. So the law can’t force you to eat at Burger King instead of McDonalds without expressly telling you how to live each and every moment of your day.
      The constitution is a living document that we use to assert our rights. And the founders meant it to be a document that would either help us understand future proceedings or add amendments to it (which is so very rare and usually unnecessary) Under the 4th, 9th and 14th Amendment we have the right to autonomy and privacy over our own being.. this protects a woman’s right to consult her healthcare (most pregnant individuals have a doctor in the states) privately and to make decisions based on what she and her physician decide.

    2. @JimFILMbOOKaSMR the Constitution is not a living document liberal. As the Supreme Court just reminded you today.

    3. @JimFILMbOOKaSMR you have no idea what you are talking about you sound like the person who left the sink running as you tried to mop up water

  6. Very rarely is the decision to have an abortion one that I would encourage. However, it should always be allowed. That is my opinion.

    I can think of some cases where having an abortion is the right choice. For example, let’s say that;

    A 10 year old girl falls pregnant from sexual assault.

    The woman is on a bunch of medications that are not safe to take while pregnant.

    The woman has a laundry list of psychological problems and she would be a suicide risk of she had to give birth and deal with postpartum depression.

    I would say that the above cases are valid justifications for abortion. All that said, what policy could we possibly enact to ensure that only those who are doing the right thing ever have abortions? There is no such policy. That is why we must allow abortion is all cases.

  7. I’m confused. All this talk of “women’s rights” from the same people who are incapable of defining the word “woman”.

  8. Love how CNN lies about what this means. All this means is it lets the states decide its decision on abortion rights. It does not make abortion illegal.

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