The ‘Hollywood primary’: Which 2020 candidate is winning?

CNN's Dana Bash examines which 2020 Democratic candidates have received the most support from Hollywood celebrities, according to campaign finance reports.


  1. Yes Hollywood worked SO well for Hillary Clinton last time didn’t it!!!!!!!

    1. When they don’t mention the top candidate, that’s how you know he means business and is our best bet against Donny

    2. They want butt plug Pete because he’s gay but unfortunately African-Americans hate gay people so he’s got a big problem there.

  2. Trump supporters attacking Hollywood actors for having an opinion in politics yet they seem to forget they voted for Trump who has always been a celebrity.

    1. Exactly. Trump did a good job of making himself appear as an outsider. But, he’s more elite than any candidate.

    2. Lots of celebrities are supporting Trump. Kanye West, Mike Tyson, Bruce Willis, Evander Holyfield, Sylvester Stallone, etc.

    3. Democrats are done. Unemployment 3%. Nazi on CNN hated Trump. Jihad Squad failed to denounce terrorists. Impeachment done. Chinese GDP drops. Mexico pays for refugees. Blue Cave 2020.

    4. @Robert Clawson you do realise that the 3% unemployment number your so proud of was falling to that point long before trump was elected?

  3. I would vote for a cheese sandwich over dump. At least I could look at the sandwich without disgust or disdain.

    1. The president will win reelection and the house will flip. You don’t even have a clue as to how that can happen. That is because you watch too much of the mainstream media like CNN makes ignorant just like last time.

    1. It will NOT be Bernie sitting as the Democratic nominee for president and if it is he will still lose.

    1. Remember when the only people who would perform at Trump’s inauguration were Three Doors Down?😂

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