A super PAC closely aligned with former President Donald Trump is calling for a Florida ethics investigation into whether Gov. Ron DeSantis’ recent political activity is violating state law. A CNN panel discusses.
Trump-aligned PAC demands investigation into DeSantis’ political activity

We can just sit back and watch them devour each other. 🎉
Why would they devour each other? Is open discussion with multiple views confuse you?
Let’s not forget that donors paid for this to happen
DeSantis is of Italian decent someone needs to remind him of what the Italians did to Mussolini when they got tired of his 🐂💩.🤔
Hii american, 😊
My question is that did American believe in new York Times??
What a nonsense!!!
It’s called, the ‘resign to run’ law in FL. Every politician in the state is expected to abide. Unless you’re the governor, I guess. If your job is to enforce the laws, actually following the laws yourself is optional.
I’m from Philadelphia. Can someone just tell me if he can run for president and still be governor
Yes, lots of politicians run for another office while holding a present office but in Florida it’s actually against the law to do so. Watch for DeSantis to push for a change in that Florida law.
Bravo 👏
@Beau R*Technically, he’s not doing anything wrong.
Thank you for the info because she didn’t ask the questions
Our only hope is to beg trump to come back.
Yes, if they keep fighting each other. The less actual work they will do, making them even more incompetent. He ‘who I won’t name’ started all the name calling.
Hii american, 😊
My question is that did American believe in new York Times??
LOL, I can’t wait to see these 2 on the debate stage together.
@ihmpall Yeah, Trump will eat his lunch & derail his campaign.
Dictator trump, dictator desantis are bullies in completely different ways. I do agree dictator desantis will not hold his own against dictator trump.😂😂😂
I have to say, I would rather see Liz Chaney and John Bolton on the Republican Primary debate stage then either one of these incompetent and vitriolic vindictive guys.
Neither is capable of listening to another person. Both listen to nothing but voices in their heads.
This might just be the beginning of whats to become between Trump and DeSantis for the Republican Presidential nomination. Will it get more intense between Trump and DeSantis?
DeSantis will win. Level headed, wise man? Trump is too old, too childish & too centric
Trump would have a meltdown if Desantis wins.
Clearly, Trump feels threatened by DeSantis.
@Becky M Technically he isnt yet. But will be. Because he is by far the best candidate.
My blood pressure rises and my anxiety increases every time I think about a MAGA or SANTA Republican having the slightest chance of winning the electoral vote. Remember people, the electoral college has screwed us before.
Better get to the doctor before the election.
Which makes the Electoral College a success because that is what it was originally designed to do.
Maybe a basic explanation of how democracy works will help.
If for arguments sake a country’s population totals 100, if there are two contestants for the leadership, to be elected leader one of the contestants has to get a minimum of 51 votes, assuming that is, that everyone votes.
The electoral college nullify’s the whole premise of democracy involving the general population and puts the picking of the winner, into the hands of less than 600 people.
Golly those guys are really into show trials/investigations, aren’t they.
This is the BEST!! Rump and Desanctimonious are fighting!
Sorry..Its a one sided fight! Ron hasnt even announced a run. Trump is done. Too childish & ego centric!
Give me a break … … DJT runs so many lawsuits how the hell does he afford all of the suits. Are these lawyers clearing the check before they file?
Bianca Nobilo is impressive female journalist of the top tier professionalism
“I just want to find 11,780 votes” – Donald J. Trump
“Why would anyone plead the fifth unless they’re guilty?” – Donald J. Trump.
Trump pleads the fifth 450 times in N.Y. AG’s civic probe
Nobody needs agent orange never again they do either they think they do he don’t care about his base
Can’t wait for the fun. 🍿🍿🍿
I can just picture what kind of hell hole the US would become if either of these two corrupt individuals should be President.
Thank you Jim 🇺🇸💙
sorry, a country of 350 million people where one half hates the other half… one thinks its already gone to hell ….and liking it..
Let the games begin!!!💙🇺🇲💙💙💙💙
Republicans against Republicans. I love it. MORE PLEASE. 😂😂😂
😆 Trump’s trying so hard for Desantis to sit down.
Finally something I agree with? Haha
DeSantis is breaking a law…“it’s a nuisance lawsuit!!!!“