1. Daily reminder: “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Carlson said in a text on 4 January 2021, two days before the riot. “I truly can’t wait.”

    1. @Dave Davey You want to leach on to Dave, instead of taking care of yourself?! How unrepublican of you!

    2. Something about tuck tuck’s quote has been niggling me – if he expected to not be covering more of trump then there’s a good chance he was out of the loop re the attack. Mmm? Guess tuck tuck isn’t as in with the inner core as he thought.

    3. @Randi Bagley-Goodwin red states. Is that where they keep the average person broke, un or under educated and the wimen pregnant. And tell them they live in a primo part of the country?

    1. @Martin Dread “I’m on Russia’s side.” Republican Mouthpiece – Tucker Carlson

    1. @Ashen Walker Tucker says he hates Trump like no other 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. my mother went back home to Iowa a couple years ago …she couldnt believe how dumb they are…..her words not mine

  3. Blessed be the day when we have no Trump news on any device. And DeSantis gets a job driving for Door Dash.

  4. I’m annoyed that I agree with what Tucker Carlson actually thinks. I too, like Carlson said in his own words, quote “passionately hate” trump and think his administration was a disaster.

    1. @harry lazard I never thought about lies being compared to quality and character. They just don’t mix.

    1. @jennifer jean 🍁 Maybe he will be done in by a *woman, just like Sisera was by *Jael 🥰 ! 👍 ( Judges 4:15 – 22 👍 !

  5. It’s not alpha behavior to beg. So emasculating. But… sometimes ya gotta plead the Fifth…440 times

    1. Big man, strong man, tears streaming down his face…. He said “Sir! Under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States….”

    1. That’s why i voted for someone who doesn’t do anything, so he can’t do anything wrong! Easy character analysis

  6. Instead of leaving abortion rights to the states, perhaps we should leave it to the mothers that carry the children

    1. these people were 30 during the bush era. just like we thought the old prunse that were 50+ back then would die out…they didnt. and new ones are replacing them

  7. Schools should teach children how to think, that means exposing them to all the world has to offer, both good and bad. Children are brighter than most adults give them credit for. If you deprive them of a full education they will never forgive the adults that hold them back.

    1. Thats not true, most will be too uneducated to realize what adults have done to them, and will easily be molded into beeing exactly like their parents.

      But i agree that the educational-system in the US is pretty terrible. You need a lot of money to get something approaching decent.

    1. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in NYC and some oceanfront property in Arizona you’d just love!

  8. Is it just me? Can anybody enlighten me on exactly how this country was better under TFG in 2020?

    1. @Kiss My Axe So, you’re just “asking questions”, right? Why is it that people who have no clue are always doing that? You can’t really answer your own question, can you? And you can’t because it’s a stupid question.

  9. Without a doubt … the ORANGE MENACE can AND will lead us back to where we were in 2020 AND on jan 6th of 21 as well . These people NEVER learn

  10. From Waterloo, IA I would like to show my support for Trump going to jail for his many crimes. Make Accountability Great Again

  11. She’s hoping Trump displays “grace, poise, dignity, and smarts”?!?!?? Like Dr. Phil says, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”. She must be stark raving mad!!

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