War game suggests Chinese invasion of Taiwan would fail at huge cost to US, China, Taiwan militaries

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2026 would result in thousands of casualties among Chinese, United States, Taiwanese and Japanese forces, and it would be unlikely to result in a victory for Beijing, according to a prominent independent Washington think tank, which conducted war game simulations of a possible conflict that is preoccupying military and political leaders in Asia and Washington. #CNN #News


    1. @Joey So why did the United States challenge China’s bottom line across the Pacific? When the world police maintain their own “justice”? How to explain the problem of Kosovo (even bombing the innocent Chinese embassy at that time) when the United States stole oil in the Middle East?

  1. As if there isn’t enough real bad news, we have to be frightened by a story about what could happen. Please cnn give us a break ffs.

  2. A part of me hopes that in the case of an invasion, China’s military capability is proved to be overestimated. Not to the same degree as Russia, most likely, but between the US military and the native Taiwanese military, perhaps they’d find it to be a harder nut to crack. At the very least, they can’t just drive over the border in a huge tank column like the Russians tried in Ukraine, since the whole thing’s on an island.

    1. ​@HMQ it’s really interesting how your comment reminded me of how Hitler praised Nazi Germany …. 😅

    2. China is supposed to be more than a decade behind, but I wonder if the Ukraine invasion made the CCP think twice, considering how fast they distanced themselves from Putin in the first weeks, they have seen how the West and allies have sanctioned Putin and Russia, and China has struggled a lot with the chip sanctions recently, and Japan Korea etc. aren’t going to sit and watch this happen, especially considering all the tensions in the South China Sea the past few years, China should think again about invading Taiwan

    3. @Maxxxie Lorenzo The difference being of course that Al Qaeda (with it’s HQ in Afghanistan) started it. With the 1993 bombing of the world trade centre, the 1998 attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the 2000 attack on the USS Cole and 9/11.

    4. @Maxxxie Lorenzo  hahaha hiding in caves is not really a full out war.The USA could invade and stay there permanently if it really wanted too.your so silly

    5. And even if China had the toys as claimed, they are an untested force whereas the US has been warring in some way or another pretty consistently for the past hundred years. That’s an incalculable quality that can’t be taken into consideration in these computer generated simulations.

    1. well, 2 aircraft carriers sink that’s over 150 aircraft aboard depending on how many exactly are on board. China’s land-based anti-air systems are actually pretty good and easily cover the entire region so not hard to calculate.

  3. The USA has a 4 times larger Navy than China by tonnage. China has more ships than US navy but most of their ships are small corvettes and small frigates with meager capabilities and little to no air defense.

    Saying China has a larger a navy is very misleading…by that logic even North Korea has a larger Navy than the US because they have more ships than both the USA and China. But not all ships are made equal. Quality matters more than quantity.

    America has 12 Super carriers, 9 light carriers, and nearly 100 cruisers and destroyers which are about 10,000 tons each. China has 2 carriers, 1 super carrier(still years away from completion) and a few dozen destroyers. The rest of their navy is small ships which would be almost useless in a naval war against the US

  4. I think China will look at that body of water they have to cross in the face of vicious Taiwanese counter fire, think about how nearly impossible it will be to cross it with any sizeable infantry left intact, and decide not to do it. But if they do green light the semi-suicide attack, I’m not sure I take much comfort in war game outcomes. War games don’t fight wars, people do.

    1. Back in ww2 when planning the Normandy beach assault, they prepared ten thousand body bags because they expected that even with supporting bombardment there would heavy casualties. Fortunately due to German defenses being undermanned and the naval bombardment being especially effective, three quarters of the invasion corridors where effectively cleared, aside for Omaha and one other, and less than 1000 casualties were sustained on the first stage of invasion.

      High balling the odds seem to work in our favor because it dispells the thought of an easy win and doing foolish things. Otherwise we get moments like black hawk down where overcompetent troops don’t even bother to put their plates in their vests and did not bring enough supplies on their backs making a bad situation worse.

    2. @Eddapults Tab Funny. There were practically no German combat-ready troops left there. All the main forces of Germany were thrown into the fight against the USSR.

    3. @хорошая жизнь there was also a psi ops campaign in conjunction with the fins to feign an allied invasion in the east. Hitler being convinced diverted reinforcements that where meant to support the Atlantic wall were moved off which helped us forces to strike deeper faster.

  5. 2:46 – That doesn’t always seem to be true.

    I mean clearly recently (like the Ukraine – Russia war) we’ve seen if a nation state sees a risk to its survival and it weighs those two options. That being war vs no war, it will sometimes risk going to war.

    Deterrence will only get you so far, until it runs into that calculus -> Either our nation disintegrates due to lack of action or also if we do take action. Sometimes they take the latter if the risk seems to have a greater chance at survival.

    That is why that saying “If you want peace, prepare for war” is so fickle, because if you also want war, you prepare for war. The Cuban missile crisis was the greatest example of doing compromises to achieve and favorable outcome.

  6. imagine being a chinese soldier and on your military gear reads “MADE IN CHINA” now that speaks volumes of well made gear from sweat shops!

    1. We have a word for it in Chinese:

      Not even I buy products made in China. Inuse Cultivate so I don’t even see their products. Plus, its better for the environment.

    2. Interestingly, many things of the US military, such as purchased drones and F35 parts, also have “Made in China” written on them.

  7. Taiwan🇹🇼, we love you!
    #🇹🇼 #standwithTaiwan

  8. Humanity has bigger things to worry about than each other unfortunate this very important fact is lost on most of humanity…

  9. The war game they talk about is missing quite a bit of information. Like how their is very few places troops could land. Plus the moment troops amass and ships amass Taiwan wood mine the water and beaches.

    1. They got nearly 100 people to think, all the scenario. You by your self. Cant out think 50. That spend decade, study wars for a living. Ready books and movies. Wont cover, that secret information, they have. I get, what you mean. But, trust me. They got human and machine for it. Me and you. Cant out smart them.

  10. It might be difficult for our military to “remain number 1” if our leaders continue to make “race” and “gender issues” the priority it seems to be.

  11. The USA likes having a powerful military that they can keep constantly involved in wars. That keeps the arms manufacturers/developers well-paid, and the numerous politicians they fund happy.

  12. Maybe we need to increase the military budget even more IMO to start matching China or catch up as much as we can and innovate in new ways to meet this future threat …….it’s not going to wait for us and the sooner the military budget is increased and actions are taken to match China’s Navy and increase US/West deterrent against China the better.

  13. I find it highly unlikely that the US would suffer as such extreme casualties to its naval and aerial forces let alone the loss of two aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers aren’t even placed in the direct battle zone. Not only that, but it’s highly unlikely the Chinese would even be able to find the aircraft carriers.

    And again, it is entirely likely that basically what happened in the Ukraine could very well happen to China. Overseas assets would become frozen, and there would likely be widespread condemnation by the rest of the world.

    Also, 3000 casualties in only a few weeks? Clearly he’s individuals have forgotten about the battles were fought during World War II where we would lose significantly more than that in some battles.

    Don’t give me wrong American casualties would suck. But considering the inadequacy of the Chinese military, and the fact that pretty much they have no real world combat experience. Where is the United States is one of the most combat experienced nations on earth it’s entirely unlikely that that number of casualties would even take place.

    If I were in charge of the Taiwanese military, I would secretly get a hold of possible hydrogen bombs, and then have them placed underneath some of the larger cities of the island. If the Chinese word, invade and very likely capture the island, I would get Nate those bombs does denying final victory to China and basically giving a giant middle finger to Beijing.

  14. Chine didn’t afraid to intervene in korean war, back then it had foot soldiers against might of US army, and they entered to war…

  15. The problem with these simulations is they are given face value and we’ve learned from Russia in Ukraine that these countries lie and overhype their capability. China is not even a tested force, they have fought no modern wars. All the force and fear attributed to them is 100% theoretical based on assumptions that what they claim to have, they have, and that it will work properly and be implemented as designed. Compared to the US which has been tested in real world warfare pretty much non-stop for the last hundred years. Obviously you don’t want to underestimate them, and these war game simulations are all we have, but they are not fortelling the future they simply react the way they’ve been programmed to based on the face value of the weapons systems in play.

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