What Constitutes A Compromised Immune System? | MSNBC

As coronavirus spreads health officials say people with underlying health conditions are at a higher risk for complications with the virus. NBC News' medical contributor Dr. Natalie Azar reports on what qualifies as a compromised immune system. Aired on 3/12/2020.
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What Constitutes A Compromised Immune System? | MSNBC


  1. is GPO number 1 priority still going to be not to resort to any “socialist” solutions to try to stop the spread of this virus?

    1. That’s correct. They are sticking to their outdated spiel. They fear mostly their loss of power over we the people. And they use fear to wield that “power”. Simple bullies.

    2. Trump bungled the virus outbreak,
      ‘cuz he thought it was deep state fake,
      and now that it’s true,
      he climbs out of the loo,
      to peddle tax cuts in its wake.

    3. When time comes trumps cutting ssi MEDICARE and Medicaid services.so that alone will take care of a vast amount of elderly, and homeless. So in his mind and maga morons that will be a massive drop in the bucket.

  2. What is concerning at the moment is the Fed pumping 1.5 Trillion into the economy to stimulate it and help the stock market. This once again just reduces the value of the dollar causing everyone’s pay check to be worth less as prices increase because the dollar is worth less. This is a rip off of the American people to prop up big business and the stock market and it has to stop.

    1. This is another bailout… Which is …shudder….socialism…. Most Dems too dumb to see Bernie is the answer

    1. Helpful but you’re very much more likely getting this virus by touching something an infected person has touched. Wash your hands, keep them away from your face. It’s worked for millennia, although not always reported.😉

    2. It’s not an airborne virus. So doesn’t matter. It’s transmitted via touch and then ingestion via touching your own face/nose/mouth.

    3. @natrelacoustix Yes, it can be spread by coughing and sneezing. Please tell me you’re not getting your info solely from fox?

    1. JB R hate or not. Reallocating the money for exactly this type of thing to build a wall he can never finish was bad leadership, management, decisions, whatever you want to call it. But there’s no question that underfunding the people that do exactly this was clearly a terrible idea. He went on the “meh, that’ll never happen” principle, and ironically he may already have it.

    1. This is to everybody:

      I think I may have found the study that Red Hawk is referencing. It is from 2011, and states that “An estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included”:


      It is *VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE* that while this was quite a sizable study group (over 19,000 children), the data was gathered by phone interviews with parents, and if you scroll down just past Table 2, there is a graph showing the prevalence of each condition they counted as a “chronic health condition.” Some of them are obvious, such as Diabetes; others are conditions many of us would forget to include, such as chronic ear infections, hearing loss, and vision problems.

      So we can debate whether or not a specific health issue should be considered a “chronic health condition” in general usage, but Red Hawk seems to have been relying on information from a credible source. (Red Hawk, maybe you should consider including a link with your initial post next time you cite a statistic, or at least provide a study title and journal name so people can look it up.)


    3. Frosty : For now. 😉

      Seriously, though, take care of yourself. Stress and/or environmental factors can build up over time to wreck your immune system, and then it can go downhill very quickly. I had “mystery illnesses” beginning in childhood, and I was only just diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases within the last ten years (I’m 36 now). I kept being told I needed to “see a specialist” but never had insurance (or enough spare income) that would cover it until my husband joined the Army, which is when the first diagnosis came via skin biopsy (morphea). Then after he got out, I was on Medicaid and got two more diagnosed via blood tests (Hashimoto’s about three years ago, and Addison’s just this past Fall). Now that I have medication for everything, I feel human for the first time in forever, and I might actually be healthy enough to go back to work finally . . . although maybe I’ll just find some way to work from home for the moment, considering.

    4. Well I stand corrected ! I will certainly read that study ,however I have 39 nieces and nephews and 4 children and there is only one with a chronic illness ( epilepsy) and she’s fine with medication , so 1 in 43 with a chronic health condition c. 2 percent , must be the luckiest family ever!

    1. Nobody is pretending that everyone can work from home. They are saying *those who can* should do so. Of course, the reality is that we still need to have people doing physically present work in the economy, like continuing to move products and stocking store shelves with food. Or providing care to those who are sick. But limiting the number of those people out and about also limits the spread of a virus like this.

    2. @6dazey9 And this is why it is good to have government safety nets for people in times like this…
      My sister drives a school bus. There is no bus to drive when there is no school. She will have trouble paying her rent this month on half a month’s wage… fortunately, she can get unemployment benefits in our state during the time her work is shut down. But if she actually gets sick, then she would be considered “unable to work” and would be ineligible for unemployment benefits.

    1. Orange complexion, bad diet, mental illness at the top of at risk …… along with morbidly obese elderly .

    2. TheProcrastinator6 – I question the premise of non-availability of healthy food being the primary driver of obesity in small southern towns. I think it’s cultural to a degree, fried unhealthy food is very popular down here. Fast food and convenient processed food reign supreme and “healthy sounding” choices like salads are are loaded up with cheddar, then smothered in ranch and blue cheese.
      Salmon fillets are lathered in sugary barbecue sauce and maple syrup appears at the dinner table to coat chicken breasts.

      Food Lion, the local supermarket chain has plenty of healthy choices but it doesn’t sell much because people don’t buy it. I’m not sure it’s one particular thing that’s driving obesity but I’ve even noticed a somewhat militant attitude toward eating healthy.

      There is definitely a nutrition problem in the South, but I wouldn’t attribute it to the phenomenon of food deserts, or non-availability. That’s usually associated with large urban areas.

    3. Marc Milton-Talbot – you are correct! It was during the H1N1 that the obesity risk was highlighted by the NIH.

      “With the rising prevalence of obesity has come an increasing awareness of its impact on communicable disease. As a consequence of the 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus pandemic, obesity was identified for the first time as a risk factor for increased disease severity and mortality in infected individuals. Over-nutrition that results in obesity causes a chronic state of meta-inflammation with systemic implications for immunity. Obese hosts exhibit delayed and blunted antiviral responses to influenza virus infection, and they experience poor recovery from the disease” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6523028/

  3. Vaping kids may be more vulnerable to CoVid19. Stop now and wait until this is all over before you think about re-starting that habit!

    1. I’m thinking something could have been,planted in the medical mmj. A lot of seniors do this….speed up the end…save Medicare bucks….don’t trust DT as far as I can spit covid phlegm

    1. Correction : The nation, all together, is sick already..
      Use commas next time, please.
      Thank you. No charge. Punk.

  4. Bernie Sanders has been raising the alarm on the wealth inequality in this country and now hundreds of thousands will die people in the ghetto and not millionaires they can’t get away and get food

    1. @Terry Edwards boy my husband and i were on food stamps for a few weeks, my husband was very ill and couldn’t work. They gave us so many food stamps we only used half and the rest we used to store food. Then of course I did cook, no prefab foods, pop, and we don’t eat junk food.

    2. @Jasmine Sierra how many scandals when trump s name is mentioned? I think it would become a mini series. but like you steped in the twilite zone.

    3. @john abbot Twilight Zone you just described the White House let’s make a bet did Donald Trump go golfing this weekend

    4. @Si ms I see, right there is your problem: you are referencing conservative papers who lie to make their point.

  5. This is what we need more of, doctors and specialist answering questions with no other motives but to tell the facts as they know them.

  6. Yes. “I don’t know” is an excellent answer – if you don’t know. This is the kind of answer you only ever hear from professors (scientists) – NEVER from priests or politicians.

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