Why Mike Pence just ruined his presidential hopes

Former Vice President Mike Pence stood behind former President Donald Trump during their time in the White House. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why Pence is finally criticizing his former boss and putting his own political future at stake.

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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

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    1. He dared to say “tr.was wrong”, and that’s why he is a hero now ??!! He is a coward and a tr.’s slave. Bannon is an active nazi, What a shame ! “A shining town on the hill”… The most shameful page in American history; how it had happened – who needs a nuclear bomb to ruin the great country when we have tr. and bannon…

    2. @lazyeye I hope trump runs again in 2024 because he’ll be just as easy to beat then as he was in 2020. Landslide victory.

    3. The truth shall set you free” well done Mr vice president “Better Late then Never, not like most, they still ignorant self serving hypocrites

    1. @Scorpogee Facts..See Sadam Hussein former dictator of Iraq who was hanged from a special noose made just for him..This would Trump if the US grew a pair against treasonous traitors..

    2. @M Hall They never cheated. The Orange Clown just said they did, and approximately 70 million believe this liar.

    1. @Ez-8


      Don’t be daft son. Pence is far too shrewd and dignified to get involved in a public slanging match.

      You should leave that sort of demeaning nonsense to Trump.

      In fact we’re going to hear a great deal more nonsense from Trump in the not too distant future … when he is cross examined in your Courts, reference election fraud and the rest of it.

      I will predict a lot of bluff and bluster on his part when asked direct questions. He will up against some very unsmiling Attorney types, who have prepared far, far that he.

      From your Forbes news platform the law authorities are spoilt for choice on charges they can press.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if the Authorities are obliged to draw up a sort of rota to see who charges him next.

      We’ll soon see how many Republican Grandees get behind him.

      As before he’s already under the bus.

      Three years for the Republican voters to learn exactly what he’s been up to … and then wonder why they voted him into Office in the first place.

      Happy to be corrected tho’.

    2. @Ross Kneebone Don’t be daft son, people with firing brain cells already know all this.
      It those weak minded fools who are finally smelling the bull brick the discount orange mini mussolini of mar-o-lago has been feeding them from day one.

    1. @Shlep Messing


      Hardly, we hear that nonsense all the time … you flip burgers into a greasy bag of a night shift and that’s about it.

      Get over yourself.

  1. Pence waited over a year to state the obvious, I’ve seen jellyfish with better spines than the former vice poodle.

    1. He wanted to but was waiting for mother’s permission. He won’t have time to get rid of the stench he inherit from pairing with some orange trash by the next election. Worse than getting sprayed by a skunk 🦨

    2. I agree; however, the man had rightwing lunatics threatening his very life, so I cut him a little slack. These days “Rightwing Lunatics” is a bit of an oxy-moron I suppose!! Peace

    3. In some way I agree, but Pence did _did_ oversee the election certification, so it’s not like he did nothing for democracy in 2020

    4. The same goes for McConnell, why wait a year to tell the truth? Because they want to run again. Both are weak men that needed a backbone a year ago.

  2. Mike was the most obedient Vice President ever
    He went along with everything Trump said and did
    Just tell the truth and go away from politics all together
    You couldn’t stand up to Trump for us
    You can’t possibly think we want you to do anything else now
    Just try to keep telling us the truth

    1. How was the former Vice President, Pence, influenced to get on the news and tell so many lies? Maybe he wants the Presidency, maybe he was blackmailed, maybe he was paid a sum of money or other favors? Who is Pence trying to please? The mistake that Trump made was choosing a treasonous person to run with him. The Clergy now look at Pence like “Judas Iscariot”, but I am sure Trump did not know this at the time and further why-oh-why did Pence not complain about Trump while he was in office? Perhaps he lacks integrity? Pence has absolutely no proof, so again this is relegated to the political fabricated gossip, “evidence” and slander toilet. SWAMP matrix!

    1. He wanted to incarcerate women if they had a miscarriage and didn’t report it. He doesn’t know how a woman’s body works, but he wants control over all of us.
      He also wants to be in charge of everyone’s sex life to mimic his style with “Mother”. You know he has a secret dungeon anyway.

    2. Its all political, to him it was not the right time to speak out against the discount orange mini mussolini of mar-o-lago.

  3. He needs to be investigated like most all of his buddies that once held power. He cares only for himself and his political ambitions and that goes without saying. Think of all the those American brothers and sisters that are no longer. Hey Mike, do you sleep at night?

  4. His choice to follow the law may have saved our nation from a precipitous slide into autocracy, but if enough voters continue to abandon reason and rule of law in favor of what makes them feel good now…well, we will find ourselves in an autocracy sooner or later. That is the danger of trumpism.

    1. @Peter Dragon That’s another way of saying it – and even more succinctly than mine. (see towards the top)

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