Young Millennial Love Dominic Mitchell & Ashley Reid | TVJ Smile Jamaica

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One comment

  1. There is only one God. “Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” God is the creator of everything and is Sovereign over everything. God has appointed his only Son to judge the living and the dead. We have all sinned and broken God’s law, such as lying, stealing, lusting, anger, pride, etc. God is Holy, Just, and impartial. That is why when God judges he cannot let even one sin from anyone go unpunished and that punishment is eternal hell. We can’t work our way into heaven and our good deeds can’t save us from our sin. The bible says all our righteous acts are like filthy rags. We would perish if we died and faced God with our own righteousness.

    The Good news is that God sent his only Son to save his people from their sin. Jesus who is fully God and fully human, lived a perfect life and never sinned. He willingly went to the cross where the Father took the wrath that was meant for his people and put it on Jesus. Jesus paid the price for their sin and died on the cross. He was buried and on the third day God raised him from the dead. God commands all people everywhere to repent of their sins and to put their trust in Jesus. Biblical repentance is a change of mind about Sin. It’s an attitude of the heart, genuinely turning from sin to God. Everyone who repents and puts their trust in Jesus, will have their sins credited to Jesus, and Jesus’s righteousness will be credited to them. Their sins will be forgiven, and they will be given eternal life. When it’s time to face God, he will welcome them into heaven because of Jesus’s perfect righteousness.

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