Logistics startup Zipline unveiled its newest drone, Platform 2, and aims for precise delivery with the help of a small, tethered "droid." #CNN #businessnews #dronedelivery #shorts
Zipline’s new delivery drone comes with cute ‘droid’ for precise delivery

Just make sure it detaches its droid if it gets caught on something or someone tries to yank the drone out of the sky!
The zipline and droid is for safety so there are no dangerous high speed blades near people or pets
Bonus: The noise stays above
This is good for food and pharmacy delivery … can’t see it being used for mail packages
It can be used for anything that fits inside the cargo hold.
How many employments in 1 delivery does this eliminate?
I was just thinking this. They are attacking delivery drivers now. Like door dash and Uber eats.
Wow and 10 dollar burger will cost you only $29.95
Squidward: FUTUREEEEEE 🤣💀
*”Limited Locations: May not be available in your neighborhood if the home prices aren’t at or above $1 million”. 😂
Maybe you are right,,, are you old enough to remember the rollout of color TV, or of VCR’s / microwaves? Learn history…
What does the FAA have to say about these? Drones sharing airspace with private and commercial aircraft over a populated area. There are going to be vast no-fly zones over these drones’ preferred operating areas, populated cities. This concept was beaten to death several years ago by Amazon and they couldn’t make a go of it.
It says they are only 300 feet high, would that really affect the air space?
@Danielle Swafford NO
This is less safe than a driver leaving the package on the doorstep because the drone has to be further away from buildings or trees or power lines. How will this prevent or discourage theft?
I need my weed delivered like this 😂
So there won’t be blades spinning, possibly chopping my hands off. Probably good thinking. Those tech bros aren’t always the most practical when it comes to their inventions.
Damn. They are taking away the delivery driver jobs now lol. I wonder how they will eliminate Uber and Lyft.
autonomous vehicles
@Joseph Trueman only an idiot gets in a car with no real person driving it.
@Debra Curry
Back in the day when people rode horses they would say the same thing about car… everything evolves and you have to adapt.
People will steal the drop box for sure
Well folks just wait till they start falling from the sky and hits properties. I can see the lawsuits coming.
If a dog sees that, he’ll go after it.
I for see the gangs shooting these down and taking the merchandise. Nothing more reliable than a delivery person.
Then some fool who has been driving around watching these drones will pull up outside the house and run up and steal your stuff before you get out to get it. I live 1/2 mile from an airbase. There’s an airspace buffer around the base.No way these things will be allowed deliveries in my area.