Additional 3.8M More Workers File For Unemployment, Total Now Exceeds 30M | Morning Joe | MSNBC

An additional 3.8 million more new workers filed for jobless claims due to the coronavirus pandemic, bringing the total number to over 30 million people unemployed. Aired on 4/30/2020.
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Additional 3.8M More Workers File For Unemployment, Total Now Exceeds 30M | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Jack Stand Yes more winning.
      Winner of the worlds worst leader.
      Winner of the Covid19 worst response award.
      Winner of the most fights with news reporters during a pandemic briefing.
      Winner of the most times “Fake News” was said ever.
      Winner of the most insane theories ever.
      I could go on and on, but I’m bored now.

  1. And nations debt is equal to GDP which means we owe more than we earn as a nation TRUMP THE KING OF DEBT

    1. The conservatives didn’t earn their names. This is the most fiscally irresponsible president ever.

    2. @Mainely Unfortunately a lot of his business empire’s debt is Chinese owned, as well as some of his personal debt.
      I’m thinking he may have a conflict of interests when the CCP is found to be responsible for trying to cover up the Covid19 outbreak.

  2. *Coronavirus or not, Non-Deplorable America is going to turn out in DROVES to vote Traitor Trump (R – Impeached) out of office. Count on it.*

  3. _”The United States is reporting more than 61,000 coronavirus deaths (and still rising), _*_more than any other country”_*
    *WOO-HOO!!! USA! USA! More winning thanks to The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached)!*

  4. The Orange Clorox clown promised to run America like a business.

    America is now BANKRUPT, just like his past bankrupt businesses.

    1. So true. This is what happens when people believe a conman and a liar. I hope they don’t make the same mistake this November.

    2. @SuCKeRPunCH187 He suggested that bankruptcy thing only for take away pensions from state workers …. that would really get economy booming .

    3. You sounds REALLY stupid, Trump is the one that wants to open the ecnomy, democrats want to keep it closed, stop making everythign political. also, washington post, nytimes, usa today all did articles in early may saying how covid is no big deal now there saying trump is not doing enough lol

  5. And that is just the number who have actually FILED. How many others haven’t filed? And how many others CAN’T file due to the over-loaded system?


    2. @Bob Winters They can get a job over here, we have a shortage of healthcare workers in the North East, we even have some transplants working here already.

    3. @00 CIA AGENT 007 nice try.
      But any self respecting Mexican , would never vote trump.
      He called you all rapists, thieves and drug addicts/dealers.
      Although you could just be a Mexican with no self respect I guess.

    1. Unfortunately, a new sequel of the horror/thriller SAW, where we all seem to have starring roles.

  6. Mexico is happy its got a wall, built for free lol. ‘All these American’s, coming to Mexico, stealing Mexican jobs’ haha. MAGA – Mexico Against Grifting Americans

    1. I though trump say Mexico gonna pay for it? Why USA people so easy on him. He take no responsibility for anything. And whats going about the trade war with China. Should be a easy win he said

  7. 18 million unemployed without proper unemployment insurance and soon without health insurance. That’s the real trouble… and this is just the beginning…

    1. Maybe all level 4 labs need shut down unless we are going to create pandemic insurance.

  8. Jared Kushner AKA evil cucaracha says the handling of the coronavirus is a “great success story” I guess in his eyes Hitler is a success story as well…..

    1. Emiliano Zapata Kushner wasn’t born when Hitler made news so its most likely he never heard of him,Kushner seems not to high on the scale in the IQ department.

    1. Trump responds: What’s that dash sign ‘-‘ mean?? Never saw that before! Is it related to Morse code?

    2. he’s the one that wants the economy open, im not for trump, but your comment sounds politcally motivated emtional aginst trump rather than facts

    3. @cory smith Who cares what his little delusional mind wants? He wants people to believe he’s 6’4″, 239lbs and a stable genius. He’s doing nothing useful to help reopen the economy safely. Lies and wishful thinking aren’t helping.
      I stated nothing but facts.
      Fact, he claimed his tax cut would produce 4, 5 or even 6% growth.
      Fact, GDP declined by 4.8% in Q1’20.
      Fact, it’s projected to decline by 30% in Q2’20.
      Fact, not 4, 5 or 6%.
      BTW Obama wanted not to inherit a recession in his 1st term too. The president takes the good and the bad, that’s the job.

    4. @Suomy Nona He didnt create the Coronovirus, Any president would have a worse economy under the cornovirus, he ants to open it up but the powers at be and the mainstream leftwing media wants it to stay closed for longer, its the republican states and trump that want sit open, just because they prevent him from doing doesnt tmena you blame him for them preventing him from opening the economy, aside from FOX all the mainstream media is left and they say it quaretine should stay so how can you blame trump and not them when he wants the opposite doesnt make sense

    1. @tanattecnocraft I have thought the same many times.
      Doesnt the house always win?
      Pretty sure the mafia didnt build casinos because they were a risky venture 😂

    2. How do you run a casino into the ground? Beside the FED it’s as close as a business can come to printing money.

    3. Really ? Trump wanted to open the country back early April.. but you blame him for this you Democratic Deep state agent

  9. Trump : ” We have only 15 cases and within couple of days it will be Zero”.

    Two months later : 1 million CoronaVirus cases, 60 k deaths and 30 million Jobless.

    Moral : Do not Elect a Bullshitter and ConMan as President.

    1. @Hi Desertian please educate your self rather than watching politicized media sources. The problem is people are living in a bubble of false perseption, where they think the whole world thinks the same way they do because they live in a small eco chamber.

    2. F G What do you suggest? Right wing media? I’d rather be uneducated then to listen to rabid, foaming at the mouth, talking heads.

    3. @Hi Desertian wow your crazy, I never said right wing media. That’s was your suggestion. And this is the rough of problems for Americans they deal they only have 2 media sources right and left. Truly living in a bubble. I don’t live I. The USA I am in Mexico and see things from an outer perspective. I hope you guys get your minds right because you are being manipulated in to a false naritive of fear and anxiety by your so called trusted media sources.

    1. @Mount Kailash well it is there fault they sent out miss information to the world not just the usa

  10. Lying for 3 years about how he’s created the greatest economy which he didn’t. Expert Economists will tell you cannot come back from a recession in 3 years. Especially without enacting any economic policies to push the Economy. But Trump and Republicans push this lie that a “Tax Cut” to the top 1% magically brought the Economy back. And their supporters not surprisingly believe it. But lying and unfortunate circumstances with this virus has shown people who already knew how truly incompetent this President is. And by not acting the Economy has tanked and a record 30 million have filed for unemployment. Which shows Karma has a way of bringing out the truth in incompetent narcissistic people. Vote Blue in November

  11. This is why governors are opening up. They don’t want to pay unemployment. Sacrifice the chattel!

    1. @Young Leaper And Wyoming, Dakotas, Iowa, Montana, Idaho and such places have what population?

    2. @Jessica H Most people make less income on unemployment than their regular salaries. The amounted collected is base on the amount of a person paid check. For simplicity reason let’s use 5%. If you made 600 from unemployment it would be 30 taxe. If your normal salary is 1000 it would be 50. That 20 dollar different. That less money collected. Remember their taxing their own collected funds from tax payers. They’re state with sale tax only, meaning they collect their money through purchases. People aren’t buying items, which those state are experiencing shortages. I wish people would just spend sometime researching to build well rounded understanding of our situation.

  12. “I’ve seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.” – Michelle Obama

    1. @Bob Solo
      Ur not, Solo on that ! She’s a National Treasure! She tried with all her being to WARN AMERICA!!

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