CIA Director William Burns says the agency's assessment is that the next six months will be crucial in the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
CIA chief says Putin ‘thinking he can grind down Ukrainians’

CIA Director William Burns says the agency's assessment is that the next six months will be crucial in the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
@dan dansen Biden doesn’t understand your comment, he’s still busy figuring out how many states make up the US:
CNN is the one making people believe absurdities…
What does that make you?
“We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys should do for themselves”
Lyndon Baines Johnson Oct. 21 1964
Those who say stupid things can get you to believe in stupid things.
Everyone who supports Ukraine (NATO) is complicit in committing war atrocities. 250,000 dead Ukrainians will attest to that.
Joe Biden once said “Brutality will never grind down the will to be free,Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia,for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness” 🇺🇦 ❤️
Trump said, can I have a hotel in moscow
The fact that you are quoting a demented geriatric like Joe Biden tells me that you are a Ukrainian bot. Even Biden supporters are too embarrassed to quote Joe Biden.
@Prentis Holmes better a Ukrainian bot than a Russian collaborator
@Anna for the same reason that the US gave 180 billion dollar worth of weaponry to Stalin in 1941-1945.
Oh wait, you are a fascist and wanted Hitler to win that one, and now that russia has turned fascist you want them to win. Ok, got it.
“I just wanted peace… A little piece of Moldova, a big piece of Ukraine, a piece of Georgia, a piece of Estonia….” – Vladimir Pootin
That’s the Israeli piece process.
@Louis Saifer
Wrong, the US was in Vietnam because the communist Nort encourage by Russia invaded the South and was murdering the people
The US was in Iraq because Saddam invaded Kuwait and after he was kicked out, developed chemical weapons and murdered tens of thousands of innocent Kurds.
Why are you crying Russian bot?
Are you mad because UKRAINE has mobilsed it’s people to defend against the Orcs, Russia has over half a million or more men in Ukraine as we speak, and endless equipment, yet still getting their asses kicked
jonathan Durand. I’d give you a pass if you were even mildly funny. But you’re not. You’re just embarrassing.
The U.S. should supply Ukraine secretly, enough of these announcements
Burns is spot on. As for Vindman mentioning Crimea, that Kerch Bridge is a major supply route, and umbilical chord to Russia, so it needs to be completely destroyed ASAP, and we must give Ukraine whatever it needs to get this job done quickly.
Maybe if ukraine would have thought before they ran their mouths they wouldnt be getting their asses stomped. I just left ukraine and after spending the last 4 months there i can say they deserve it. Let them fight their own battles. But of course a liberal would support scum like that.
@clifford rickmar plain crazy we are supporting this Ukrainian government that openly gloried nazis. Makes me sick to think my tax dollars are spend to support that scum.
@Nazihater Welcome to YouTube, 10 month old vodka bot account. Shouldn’t you be ironing your brown shirt?
You guys have no idea that if they are going to attack Crimea, then it will quickly escalate to the nuclear war or World War III. It’s not going to be tanks and artillery anymore, and they won’t hesitate to do that because no super power country would accept defeat from the smaller country no matter what it takes…
@Nazihater you mean the Ruzzian Nazis defeated themselves
Bravo ! For someone finally coming out and saying this !
what they say is *absolute rubbish*
@Elbib Wen, aww Troll what makes you say that. Putin is a failure for a leader of 140 million people who can’t even defeat a nation of 45 million people.
Finally, someone who served said it.
Tired of the “well if you think ukraine needs X, why don’t you go serve” people. Like bruh, even people who have say the same thing
Wise words. Time to act and to pick up the pace is NOW!
Flame throwers, mounted on Bradley’s, need phycological effect to deture human wave assault
@David Ferlazzo fantasy
Yes, it is time for Putin to make his play, he clearly wants to take all of Donetsk and this is his last chance to do it.
So pick up your beanie and get a one way ticket to Kiev.
This tactic is what my uncle endured with Chinese during Korean war, wave of assault, stay focused, and just fire when you see the white of there eyes, Slava Ukraine
I just hope Ukrainian army will be able to withstand this last desperate push of the Russians.
Nice to mention that violation of the 1989 treaty “precipitated”Putin’s aggression.
You could also say “goaded”
One of the things I learned from the pandemic was the difference between being proactive and reactive. It’s a Pity the government didn’t learn this lesson.
@Trump Forever, and how would they afford them?? They have the same GDP as ITALY, the US spends over 80 BILLION a year taking care of our nukes, about the same amount of money that Russia spends on their ENTIRE military, nukes included.
Oh, and we’ve verified their nuke numbers, hell, we helped pay for Russia to de-mil their nukes and clean up old bio weapon facilities in the 90s!
Russia is a 3rd World country, a gas station with nukes, where a large portion of people no longer even have running water. Not to mention their terrible drug problem, sky high abortion rate, (they use it as birth control since abortions are free), the legendary alcholism, the highest rate of HIV in the developed world, oh and lets not forget the insane amount of corruption!
@Trump Forever Disagree on several points. First, NATO outspends Russia on nukes eight to one, perhaps ten to one. Second, Russia is a one-center country: the government, the largest population, majority economics, majority
military are all in one place, Moscow. Third, the Russians thought that the war would be over in a few days. We know this, because the paratroopers who tried to take Hostomel on 24 February 2022 told civilians that they would overthrow Kiev in three days, because the tank column that crossed from Sikivka into Ukraine on 24 February 2022 had trucks carrying hundreds of victory flags and other parade paraphernalia, captured Russian documents showed planning did not extend beyond ten days, and so on. And, fourth and most tellingly, the whole world has seen how crappy the Russian military is, how poor the maintenance has been and there is no reason to think that the corruption that stole much of the Russian military budget did not also steal monies for the nukes.
@Donny Paul Yup.
@Trump Forever I have one question for the Putin Lovers ( that includes you ) . Why would a leader of a country continuously threaten to blow other nuclear powers up with Nuclear weapons ? Isn’t that an insane desire that is suicidal in nature? I still cannot figure out way anyone , including a crazed dictator like Putin … would wish to commit suicide and have all its population destroyed ??? It is not possible for PUtin to immediately destroy all the nuclear submarines hidden under the oceans of the world and the north pole. So tell me …. is he truly totally insane living in some type of strange tsar-world ?? Oh wait .. or is this a matter of the Russian State preventing real information from seeping in? Perhaps putin actually thinks that he can nuke the world and not get nuked the F back. really strange stuff going on that little Putin’s dictator mind.
I’m guessing you’re one of the 1% who still thinks vaccinations saved us from the pandemic.
Agreed, these new capabilities will not last long without an efficient logistics chain. When we were in Afghanistan and our equipment broke, parts from home were prioritized over the repair of the equipment at home. I am not a logistics specialist but from the maintainers PoV, it is difficult to tell the operators that they cannot be out there keeping their buddies safe because we have no parts.
On what basis or rules did US invade Afghanistan!?
Oh wait , US can invade any nation on earth , in name of democracy, regime change, terrorism etc.. what ever the reasons they tell , on any part of world without any consequences.. but Russia can’t invade Ukranie to cleanse Nazis..
How are US reasons valid when it’s happening at its borders , when it invades nations far away from US mainland..!? But Russia can’t do anything when US wants to send it’s weapons within 300km from Moscow !?
This is not rules based order , this is Nazi US(US vetoed against Nazi resolution in UN) against free world.
The arrogance, the military industrial complex, the dollar power making US to think , the world will bow down it’s rule..
The world has changed , the non white world is here to show middle finger to US rules based order.
@Random Guy When America invades countries thousands of miles away it’s good! Duh! When Russia has a border skirmish it’s the most *EVIL* thing ever! Seriously, duh!
Hey Vets, why don’t You, send an email to the White House and share Your insights with President Biden & his Team ? Also share this with Your Senator & Congress Rep. too? It could only serve to help & not hinder things. By the way, many Thanks for Your service! —- Psalm 91.
Kevin Fidler. You are so wise. If only we could promote you to Pentagon war planning department.
Logistics support is vital to keep the military equipment in the Ukrainian army operational. The side which can organize its logistics operations best will gain the upper hand in this conflict.
yes yes. you are so wise.
And Putin may well end up with some form of “victory “ if we don’t do more for Ukraine. We praise their valour and resilience, but, each day there are fewer Ukrainians, and fewer buildings in which they can shelter. We have to act faster, and do more.
I agree with Vindman
We should have been more proactive in training Ukrainian forces on more advanced systems, even when we were hemming and hawing about giving them such things as tanks and air craft
The only way that this is going to end is if the Ukrainians can go on the offensive and push the Russians out of their territory
However, it seems like we continue to prolong the war in hopes that some internal change will happen in Russia to remove Putin and end the war
All the talk of not wanting to escalate is silly
Putin is constantly escalating and we are reacting to his escalations and that is costing people their lives on both sides
I do feel bad for the Russian conscripts who did not have the means to flee the country during mobilization and are now being used as cannon fodder to try and exhaust Ukrainian munitions, just as I feel bad for all the Ukrainian soldiers who have lost their lives trying to defend their home
Finally an analyst that knows what he is talking about
Ummm. Did you think Putin was amassing troops to wear them down? 🤔 No, he’s doing it to unleash an onslaught. This isn’t going to be about a little push here and there to wear them down. This is gonna be a merciless slaughter. Tanks won’t save them. Half the country will be lost before they even hit the field. When Russia launches the attack they will go all in. You won’t see baby steps this time around. Watch and see
@BosFav Yeah the payback goes back and forth all the way to the Korean War. Everytime the opportunity arises nobody can contain themselves 🤷 Ukriane had it coming tho. They owe people like me 100K bodies as compensation for what they did to us. Their polish genocide hasn’t been forgotten.
I find it very telling that this guy right here had to write a book to remind everybody, that in the government of the United States of America Right matters.
Funny he said “it will be the end of his regime”. Just me clarify- the end of his regime will when Russians decide that.
These are 2 very good, and credible 2:47 guests, even though the exact outcome of many wars is hard to calculate