Former CIA officer Ronald Marks joins CNN’s Amara Walker to discuss the CIA’s attempt to recruit Russian spies with new video. #CNN #News
CIA tries to recruit Russian spies with dramatic new video

Former CIA officer Ronald Marks joins CNN’s Amara Walker to discuss the CIA’s attempt to recruit Russian spies with new video. #CNN #News
Lord save the earth
I’m going to recommend this video to everyone I know✨
Yes show all
Both people will be ecstatic
Goes to show who’s winning this doesn’t it.
My family fled Russia years ago. And we have never looked back.
And we never look at you too.. 😅
@crushnev nikita
Awesome!!! Outstanding!!! 👍🤣
Many have fled Commiefornia and never looked back as well.
🤣🤣 that’s something worthy of Hollywood. But hey! I guess whatever works these days. I do understand the sentiment though.
Thanks for continues updates👍I’d rather trade the Crypto market as its more profitable. I make an average of $18,000 per week even though I barely trade myself
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Same here, I earn $32,670 a week. God bless Mrs. Bates she’s such a blessing to me especially in this current dip
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True strength comes from within. The first step is always the scariest.
In the international poker game, this was open hand slap to the face, show them hope even while being frightened, that there doesn’t need to be defector protection, it says you made a choice in the early 2000’s you can co-sign or pitch the bum out, the fact it’s on telegram creates problems for the Russian regime, problems that are like a block of Swiss cheese. Why do I say this? Because they have been in that man’s head every single step of the way…and it’s no different now.
Russia alone opposes the entire NATO bloc, alone. And at the same time, it is fighting with a limited military continent. Any other country in Europe would have given up long ago. The West has never failed to defeat Russia. We Slavs do not give up at the sight of danger. Unlike Europe, which, like a corrupt girl, lay down in front of Napoleon, Hitler. And in war there are always defeats and victories. Glory to the Russian weapons, glory to the guys from Wagner and the Russian armed forces.
The sheer amount of approving and cheering comments by ordinary Russians under videos about the atrocities committed against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine were no less shocking to Ukrainians than the war itself.
We somehow got used to the war, but the realization of who we have been living next to all this time without even knowing it is still terrifying.
Those barbarians called themselves our brothers.
Imagine what they would do to you, who they call their enemies, if you let them.
Not supplying weapons to Ukraine under the pretext of achieving an early peace is like allowing a violator to violate his victim in order to end the violence as soon as possible.
And реасе without a fuІІ victory for Ukraine is nothing but a short truce.
One of the atrocities: A parrot was raped with a teaspoon and a doghouse was stolen 😂😂😂
@Alexander Chirin troll
I am unemployed political scientist.
2:40 – she is a sharp one.
15 years of Russian prison if you are Russian governmental employee and authorities will prove that you was contacting with CIA.
An American officer reported that during the assault on the flanks of Bakhmut on May 12, the AFU lost 1,725 fighters from Azov.
On May 12, Ukrainian militants tried to attack the positions of Russian troops and suffered losses of an entire regiment.
Several mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine came under fire from artillery and tanks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Russian troops withdrew from their positions, while Ukrainian troops occupied them on the contrary, but were covered by long-range artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
By attacking the flanks of the AFU, they tried to reduce the pressure on foreign mercenaries in Bakhmut itself. Despite the withdrawal from several positions, the grip of the “musicians” does not weaken, but on the contrary only tightens more.
Рост радиации зафиксирован в Польше после уничтожения боеприпасов с обедненным ураном на Украине, заявил Патрушев.
Радиоактивное облако движется в сторону Европы, отметил он
Армия России штурмует Артёмовск и уничтожает врага по всему фронту, — сводка
▪️На Донецком направлении штурмовые отряды вели бои в западной части Артемовска. Подразделения «Южной» группировки войск сдерживали врага, прикрывая фланги штурмовых отрядов. В результате активных действий подразделений, ударов авиации и артиллерии ЮВО уничтожено до 130 боевиков, 10 автомобилей, 1 буксируемая гаубица L118 из Британии.
▪️На Купянском направлении ударами авиации и артиллерии «Западной» группировки войск поражены силы ВСУ в районах н.п. Двуречная, Новомлынск, Кисловка и Берестовое Харьковской области. В районах н.п. Тимковка, Синьковка Харьковской области и Розовка ЛНР пресечены действия 3 украинских ДРГ. Потери врага составили до 65 боевиков, 2 автомобиля, САУ «Гвоздика».
▪️На Красно-Лиманском направлении авиацией, артиллерией и ТОС “Солнцепек” группировки войск «Центр» нанесено поражение ВСУ в районах н.п. Невское, Червоная Диброва ЛНР и Григоровка ДНР. Уничтожено до 85 боевиков, 3 боевые машины, САУ «Гвоздика», гаубицы «Мста-Б» и Д-30.
▪️На Южно-Донецком и Запорожском направлениях ударами авиации и артиллерии группировки войск «Восток» нанесено поражение ВСУ в районах н.п. Шевченко и Новоселка ДНР, Малая Токмачка и Новоданиловка Запорожской области. Уничтожено до 120 боевиков, 3 боевые машины, 2 гаубицы Д-30.
▪️На Херсонском направлении потери врага составили до 30 боевиков, 3 автомобиля, гаубица Д-20.
Один “Кинджал” переиграл тридцать две ракеты Patriot — Military Watch Magazine.
“Patriot во время недавней атаки выпустила 32 ракеты в попытке сбить российский «Кинжал», но все они промахнулись. Только этот залп стоил примерно 96 миллионов долларов. А потом дорогостоящий ЗРК был поражен российской ракетой”.
Один залп был дороже, чем стоит вся Украина
Russian border guards from the territory of the Belgorod region with an accurate shot from the ATGM “Fagot” destroyed the observation tower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Ryasnoye, Sumy region. The destroyed facility also housed electronic warfare systems.
God is with Russia 🤲🤲🤲🤲🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Which god
Benny Hill considered funnier than Monty Python by two TV stations–WOR and WLVI.
I’m old enough to remember when we thought the Cold War was over. HAHAHAHA
Expect many FSB double agent guys to sign up for CIA’s Offer, Whose great idea is this???
This is pretty hilarious 😂the message is everyone in Russia can be a CIA agent now. Best psyop I’ve seen
Well that oughta make Vladdy boy extremely nervous😂😂😂😂
Goes to show who’s winning this doesn’t it. very useful information
Thanks for continues updatesI’d rather trade the Crypto market as its more profitable. I make an average of $18,000 per week even though I barely trade myself very useful information
Do you have to be Russian?
People from other countries can also ‘get inside the head of the leadership’ very useful information