CNN's Nic Robertson gets a closer look at military training exercises by NATO forces in Estonia. #CNN #News
CNN gets access to NATO exercise mimicking war with Russia

CNN's Nic Robertson gets a closer look at military training exercises by NATO forces in Estonia. #CNN #News
Whoever’s reading this, i pray that whatever you’re going’s through gets better and whatever you’re struggling with or worrying bout is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
stop dictator putin and russia war genocide against ukriane help hero zelensky and Ukraine soldiers send more weapons and bombs to stop russia invasion.
Thanks 🙏 I needed This dude.
Amen 🙏 ❤️
Is Don Lemon going to continue shouting at his female co-hosts until they cry? 🤣
The brave and courageous Ukrainian forces already show determination to protect their people. Being trained will make them stronger against the invasion of their country
@David You got it wrong. in 2014 when Russia started its aggression with Ukraine, Ukraine had not been talking about joining NATO. It was only after Russia started sending troops into the Donbas trying to spark a civil war. Then Ukraine started talking about joining NATO to protect them. Russia has always been the aggressor.
@Andrey Bogunov Actually Andrey you are saving the world, the entire intelligent world is thankfull to you and your country as you are the people that are putting your life on the line to stop the Russian Nazi’s. Hang there and as you need more weapons they will come, just make sure you stay safe.
@David Ukraine are free to chose Nato if they want too as are other nations in the region. Russia is proving to Ukraine that they need Nato.
@David Russia was going to attack somewhere, it’s what they have been doing in recent decades. Putin has to attack countries because he is to incompent to do anything else for his people.
@Monumental Travel Thank you for warm words. We hold on, we have support and help from 54 countries of the world and we will win. For our common victory, we need weapons, especially missiles with a range of at least 300 kilometers, F 16 aircraft and more sanctions against Russia so that they would kill their resource-based economy. Thanks again America, how many times you have saved this world from global wars, saved freedom and democracy from dictators behind whom the ears of Russian barbarians have always stuck out, now it’s our time to stop them with God and your help.
So, did they give the guys playing the Russians enough vodka to mirror reality? : )
An entire engine and a gearbox swap within an hour. Now that’s impressive 👍
The journalist just forgot to mention that the tank must be towed to a specialised facility before doing 1 hour engine replacement …
@Pranas Baliuka No, all you need is an M88 and the standard tank tools. Did that on an M60 more than a few times in the 80’s. They are designed like that.
@jd190d if one can perform major fix on the open air – amazing engineering!
@Khalif Green Thats good but by time Ukraine receive the Abrams this war maybe over ?
We are months behind. Those tanks and many more should be at the front line now.
I’m starting to wonder if western aid to Ukraine is purposively just enough to barely beat Russians. I wish we’d given them these tanks and others earlier, why drag this out?
So u want ww3 su ready to be drafted
May you should be in the front line right now????
Be thankful
@Vera Mae Not everyone waits to see who the winner will be before choosing a side.
I find the message here as it is directed to the Ukraine more than a bit condescending. Yes, it will take some time to learn the ins and outs of the new tanks, but the tank crews and the tank companies who have been fighting together for months could probably teach a lot of the participants a thing or two about tactics not to mention adapting those tactics to a quickly changing battlefield.
@Mark Hepworth Yes, having “the” there is something that can potentially be viewed as an insult by Ukrainians.
I agree with these are very effective combat proven soldiers who absolutely can teach our soldiers more than a thing or two. These are not uneducated Russian conscripts and would make toothpicks an effective combat weapon if they had to. The Russian ba$tards are going to be be filling even more body bags.
That’s the thing about changing the crews from the T series tanks to the Leopards, etc. They just have to learn the particulars of the tank and basic maintenance, they already know the tactics and maneuver. It is a 2-3 week period to learn those particulars. There are also simulators so the drivers, TC’s and gunners can train on those after learning the maintenance on the vehicles.
@nigh really? thanks gayboy.
The Ukraine
The Ukraine
The Ukraine
The Ukraine
The Ghost Of Kiev
@Incident Report go away child
its so crazy to see a war on tv
And those civilians who see it live in the field ,even more crazy
Whoever has supported this war should be on the front line. You know, Live up to your beliefs.
I have to say that Leopards look absolutely cool and amazing.
They will blow up pretty cool in Ukraine 😂
The military in Switzerland had open house for civilians when i lived there. I got to ride in a Leopard and was amazed at the speed and agility. I once got to drive a ponderous private British Chieftain and saw an M1A in Germany that was like a bus in comparison to the Leopard. It was so heavy it wound up stuck in the mud sunk to its turret like a target. The M1 can hardly leave a highway for two or three seasons a year in Europe because it was designed to attack third-world desert nations for oil. They will soon be replaced by far more effective unmanned drones but the Leopard is the Porsche of tanks.
@Lotso Huggin Bear Nancy retired with amazing compliments from Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and others who had to fight her. She is such a devout Christian she even prays for the demon Traitor Trump. She is no longer serving her country and is now enjoying her family. Move on and get a life. I bet hers is a lot nicer because
former house speaker and senate majority leader Nancy Pelosi doesn’t hate anyone, not even you.
@smyers820gm …and them thar 25,000+ mph Hypersonic Russian and Chinese ICBMs too! The Pentagon says them thangs are only 9,000+ mph faster than our our best and can only carry twice the payload.
@Jay YouTube oh so your far smarter then us military intel. why dont you tell us why we havent invaded them then?
More tanks please, some F class fighter jets also..just more of everything offensive!
Can NATO even procure enough Vodka to realistically simulate a war with Russia?
Hey. Drink the Sterno from your MRE box and pretend you’re Spetsnaz.
NATO should air drop cases of Vodka to the Ruzzian alcoholic army it will stop them in their tracks.
Ukrainians already know how to use tanks in formation and on the battlefield just not leopards. Logistics is a problem but solvable.
The blurb about the refueling was weird. It’s not like the T-72s run on air and love.
Ukraine needs anti-missile defence system and fighter aircraft and airdefence system and tanks
They’ve got them. Patriot is already in Ukraine and has already shot down Russian planes carrying missiles. That’s why you don’t see any more reports of missile attacks 😬.
Changing out a tank’s engine: One hour
Replacing my Ford Focus’s Clutch: 6 weeks
Well, you could just replace the Ford. That’s still cheaper than replacing that tank engine. 😉
6 week it takeea few days and that be only put a few hours a day but it probly take me 4 hours of nonestop work. But they have the system were there a team of good bit of people just like in the 60s the Americans could pit a jeep form the frame up in less then a hour
Good report. We need to be training Ukrainian pilots and soldiers for the next weapons they will receive NOW. Hopefully, somewhere Ukrainian pilots are already training on F-16s.
I hope this very unjusted war can be over soon and let the country rebuild. 😢
Me as ukrainian soldier say all free countries great THANK YOU for supporting us in this terrible war with barbarian ruzzia!
God bless Ukraine to protect home land for peace and sovereignty
It is terrifying and astonishing to witness history in the making
Especially if you hear it from CNN…… It’s like getting history from tabloid news LOL 😂
In the making is an understatement!! This is all by design to profit the Industrial War Complex!
“Because of our own arrogance and struggle to save democracy in Ukraine, which is not a member of NATO, Russia, which is under severe sanctions, proves to the world that it does not need the American dollar or friendship for trade and prosperity,” said Marjorie Taylor Green.