CNN's Anderson Cooper challenges Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson on her views about antidepressants and mental health. #CNN #News
Cooper presses Williamson on her mental health views

CNN's Anderson Cooper challenges Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson on her views about antidepressants and mental health. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper: “Stop criticizing my drug use!”
@Mike Wagner
Me thinks A.C. is on those meds.
@Mockery Channel brb off to my local elementary school to infect CHILDREN with the HOMOSEXUAL MENTAL DISORDER. I’ve been secretly working with THE COVEN OF QUEERS to advance THE GAY AGENDA and soon we will all be having BDSM bacchanalias in the white house NO STRAIGHTS ALLOWED
@Mockery Channel seems like you would benefit from some anti psychotic meds you lunatic
22many I’m sure he does cocaine like his friend Andy cohen.
Cooper spends this whole interview telling her what her position is, and demonizing it….instead of asking her what her position actually is.
castanza128 she is a kook. God save America. I like him calling her out about Scientology.
Castanza you are so right..and that was what frustrates the hell out of me…I lost so much respect for Anderson…
@jaydel3 Jill Stein is not anti vaccines!
This is a travesty! It’s only okay when he treats Republicans this way! Wtf!
Wow Anderson loves to do journalism when it’s against a non establishment person. Never done so much nuance for any other guest.
@3rd bomb Bernie has been very honest about the tax increases that would be required, which would be offset by the lack of premiums, co-pays, and deductibles.
Anderson Pooper won’t STFU when he doesn’t like someone.
John S Williamson is a kook. She is a danger to America.
Ser, would have been nice to have let her finish her first thought… or her second… or her third… or her fourth… or her fifth… etc
….and never watch him.
You always make good sense ser.
@It’s Meekers Or it could be because his mother just died and his brother committed suicide and it hits home to him when someone is trying to ‘numb’ depression. I like Marianne Williamson. I do think the deeper issue of why Anderson is more pointed is due to his brother.
Why not press Biden or Kamala the same way CNN??
CNN is not a real news channel anymore
CNN Bought and paid by sorros… This is how socialism works, do you really think I want these idiots running our healthcare system.
@ClayDog And, Fox new is? Fox news is the liars. They cover-up and sugarcoat everything about tRuMp. I do think they have too many news anchors who are only 12-years-old. If I want to hear the news: no matter what network, I want them to have some age and experience. And, to be dressed with integrity. When I see a woman news anchor with her bosom showing, their IQ drops. And, to be honest, when tRuMp is out of office, many anchors will lose their jobs. Right now, with all the stupid things tRuMp is saying & doing, they need news anchors to tell the ridiculous things he’s doing. One has to admit, never has any president ever caused such an uproar.
Because Cooper knows they’d depress anyone that watched Biden and Kamala on this channel.
@Mandy Last..Mainstream media only tell the public what the advertisers want them to hear. Boycott cable.
CNN takes so much big pharma advertising its ridiculous.
@Goodcat007 You know, we’re all noticing here on the REAL left how much you corporate democrats keep avoiding the truth by attacking the messenger. It’s really pathetic.
70% Of News Advertising Now Belongs to Big Pharma
@Time2RiseUp 2019 if she had been allowed to actually answer any of the questions fully, perhaps she would have answered you
Ripvanwinklesdream There have been trump ads too, that is fair don’t you think?
Can CNN question Kamala or Joe this intensely?
CNN: Nah
Let alone Biden, their favorite, since waaaayyyy before he even declared to be running! So rigged!
They have. And they will again.
The DNC is going to make sure we vote for whomever they decide to run against Trump.
She makes great points. I’m glad people are taking her seriously
Switch that around buddy
Lmfao imagine being this big of a clown to think this looney toon is being taken seriously..
I don’t think many are taking her seriously but she does make a fair point about too many people being thrown on anti-depressants when there could be other options first (like experiencing the pain and letting go). We ARE absolutely over-prescribed these days. I don’t think it’s wrong or unreasonable for her to make a point of that. Cooper didn’t wanna let go of that bone he’s picking with her though.
@Dustin Smith they’re taking her more seriously then, say, Richard Ojeda. Ojeda was amazing; it’s a shame that he couldnt get his campaign to break through the media.
“We’ll be right back after this commercial about anti depressants”
Ali can I despunk you ?
Ali Roohparvar If you put despunk in the YouTube search section THE FIRST video has a very good description about what I’m referring to ❤️🏆
Ali Roohparvar I’ll even throw some teabagging in there man! Just let me know.
Johnny Parker Thirsty thot.
Mr, Cooper very very bad interview!! WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO TO HER!!! her views are breath of fresh air!!
Cooper is doing what the DNC tells him to do.
Seriously, Anderson, if you ask the question, let her answer it. This is some gotcha-journalism on a profound level and exposes the corporatist underbelly of CNN.
Williamson is a deep thinker with nuanced views. She discusses issues with COMPLEXITY. Taking a single word from her statements will *always* result in mischaracterization and does us all much more harm than good. We need more people like Williamson on the air, to inject the public consciousness with some of the nuance that has been lost — as a direct result of business models like CNN and “journalists” like Anderson Cooper.
An absolute hit job. Why is the media so afraid of this long-shot candidate? Maybe because she is resonating despite their attempts to laugh her off. The media doesn’t hold the power anymore, the people do.
First they ridicule, then they attack…..
Anderson is so annoying and obnoxious.
And faggy
@ronnie massart wow 😂
David Ralphs I love him.
Cooper said he doesn’t care how many predatory pharmaceutical companies peddle their drugs on his show. Nice.
I don’t care. I want to see the high pitched ~brIAN STELter~ and her view on this matter
Anderson absolutely knows better, to be able to so succinctly attempt to railroad Marianne and the holistic view of healing. And yes, CNN is now doing the DNC’s bidding, it seems. So unbelievably biased and manipulative.
They don’t call it corporate news network for nothing.
Anderson the behavior displayed here is disgusting, treat biden and Kamala the same way
The DNC tells CNN what to do. Don’t blame CNN.
Ezequiel H They will eventually. It’s just too early is all.
Uhh, Anderson, big pharma got to you?
No, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing. Evil!
Is this surprising? Anyone in Coopers position is controlled. Just like every other news personality
No. The suicide of his brother did!
I love her voice. She should start a YouTube channel for sleeping and meditation when she drops out of the race.
She’ll be doing a lot of talking as President. You can thank us later.
JB Williams I really like her that’s why I want Bernie to give her a position on his administration. Bernie2020
@JB Williams Good luck making her go from less than 1% to more than Biden
If you seriously think she has a chance then you don’t understand the world around you. It doesn’t work that way, it just doesn’t. You think everybody loves her but we’re on videos about her so obviously it’s mostly her fans in here. Doesn’t mean she has a chance
@Felis Silvestris You have all the answers to life.
She sounds like she’s talking with an ice cube in her mouth
Everything she said was correct. AC why have you never questioned the establishment candidates this hard? And interrupting every time she talks. It’s a good thing she is Intelligent and sharp and above all speaks the truth.
I like her twice as much now, you go Marianne Williamson.
Before this segment aired there were 3 pharmaceutical commercials during the commercial break. Coincidence?
@Carol CHC he knows, CNN is full of liars.
Carol CHC YES YES YES!!! Say it louder!! Come on people why doesn’t everyone see this!!
That’s a normal commercial break nowadays
WarlanderTV if you dont know it. If you watch TV, the commercial you see can be different from the commercial another person sees.
CNN has already picked a candidate and Ms Williamson is not it….. That’s the Crux of the issue
You’re so right, Ander Ander!
The fact that we see this with both Marianne, and to certain degrees Trump, makes the problem with our elections very clear. This biased media has become a threat to true democracy in this country.
CNN (and MSNBC) are the mouthpieces of the DNC.