1. Of course she would be laid to rest at Graceland…that is a given. . As Graceland was always hers anyways! And now, it will belong to her daughters! #LisaMariePresley#PresleyFamily

    2. @MotoSota RC you don’t even know if she got vaccinated so quit saying that. My parents are 85 years old and got jabbed 4 times and they are fine. Everyone I know is fine after getting jabbed.

  1. Her death reminds me of her father, who she so looked like. But the death of her son must have been a crushing weight. My father met Elvis a few times, through his work in show business with film distribution. Yet he had lunch with Elvis a few times and said that he was the most gentlemanly, gracious person that he ever met in the Hollywood film world. The dichotomy of grace in a cutthroat world of fame and hustle must have a fast clock for surviving.

    1. I don’t understand people simultaneously grieving then trying to console themselves with some imaginary ridiculous fantasy scenario regarding Life 2.0, people reinitiating with other dead people. THIS IS IT, folks. Wake up! I’d love to have consolation, but I have nothing.

    2. @RA28 she got out of that a long time ago. She was an atheist. She’s I’m the ground like we all will end

  2. Yes as being a huge Elvis collector and fan I followed her for years it was very sad to see people taking advantage of her and she was surrounded by many deaths in the family it did it’s toll on her at still a young age I just wished she found true happiness in her life and took a step back and took more care of herself

    1. @Gracie G thank you for saying that, Elvis was not in my generation,but I loved his music ,all his music,gospel,blues, country,rock.
      I saw him as a generous man,who gave his friends presents ,he wasn’t a stupid hick . I’m sure he knew there were people using him,but he didn’t care,or he would have said enough . Lisa Marie lost her only son,and she was still grieving ,I’m not sure of their addiction,or their history,of drug ,abuse except from the media ,so I take it with a grain of salt .

    2. @Gracie G You are a very twisted person to say what you have . There’s no proof that vaccinated people dropping from Cardic arrest .Grow up and get educated!°

    3. Another unexpected cardiac arrest of unknown cause? The CDC finally admitted today that there are risks with MRNA vaccines for stroke (See Wion CDC). This after censorship of doctors who raised that suspicion over the past 2 years.

    4. @Ellen Faulkner well it’s been reported that she went to rehab four times. That’s where she met her first husband. I think it’s been such a emotional struggle from the beginning.

    5. @Val Kimura her father and grandmother died of heart problems.
      She looked great when she was at Graceland,but looked sick durning the awards, most of us saw she wasn’t well,she complained of stomach pains earlier .

  3. Prayers for her family especially her mom and daughters. It’s sad that in every photograph I’ve seen of her, with her son and her daughters they look like the most depressed family in the world. What’s heartbreaking is to imply she had it worse than others. Everyone loses family and friends and alot go thru divorce and have money issues. Unfortunately this all she will be remembered for. I’m sure people tried to help her over the years but she made her own choices. And she knew her family history and still made those choices. You have to accept people as they are and love them for as long as possible and offer help when helping someone won’t destroy yourself. You can’t help people who don’t want help. But you can pray.

    1. True, we all lose loved ones and suffer in life. Lisa Maree went through this in front of the whole world. Grieving in the spotlight, which I’m sure was exceptionally tough. At least when we suffer loss, we are able to grieve privately.

  4. I’ve been a huge fan of her father’s since I was a teenager. I have followed Lisa and truly wanted her to find happiness. She seemed like such a wonderful mom and sweet person. My heart goes out to the family. RIP 🙏❤

    1. Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    2. @Roger Dread not true, most of Elvis’ music was written by white composers but he did record black song writers like Ivory Joe Hunter, which made Ivory Joe a lot of money.

    3. @Roger Dread You are so wrong…Elvis covered songs that black artist sung..but were written by white composers…Stop saying Elvis stole black artist music..Biggest lie ever.

  5. This is such a sad loss. Lisa Marie never had a chance to be happy with all she lost. I believe that losing her son broke her heart deeply. Rest in peace sweet Lisa with your son Benjamin and you Dad. You’ll be missed 🕊🙏🕊

  6. Everyone was rooting for her to be happy NOT because her father gave us happiness but because she’s a human being and she had to grow up with Difficult situations that most of us couldn’t even begin to dream of. Her own son killed himself from the pressure of being Elvis Presley’s grandson. That’s a hellava thing that she had to live with. RIP Now Lisa. We will all be praying for your family that they can overcome what has happened, live normal lives and be happy.

    1. she herself put a lot of pressure on herself and her son when she mentioned how much he resembled elvis.

    2. @melisa GALVALIZI That’s not what happened at all. He killed himself because he wanted to be in music and was but he felt he could not walk in the Shadow of his grandfather and even do him justice. His suicide had nothing to do with his appearance.

  7. My heart aches for her three daughters. To lose a Mother at such a young age is heartbreaking and will never have their Mother’s guidance, strength and wisdom. Hope Priscilla steps up to provide the guidance all young women need.

    1. I have heard that Priscilla already took over as caregiver for both LisaMarie and the daughters… whatever the circumstances of her marriage to Elvis, I think she’s a great mom. LisaMarie learned being a wonderful mom from her own mother.

    2. @Indrani DasGupta Priscilla also has great business sense. She is a very smart woman who deserves a lot of credit for having turned her ex-husband’s estate around to benefit Lisa. For all the naysayers out there, Elvis did love Priscilla and would never allow anybody to tear her down. Other than his mother Gladys, Priscilla was his great love.

  8. Losing Benjamin was the toughest challenge . Its a true shame for any parent to see their child pass away . RIP Little Lisa – Your at a better place with Dad and Grandparents and Ben

  9. I’m the same age as Lisa Marie Presley, and it is so sad that she passed away. The losses were so sad, but the fact that this woman has also been the sole heir to Elvis’ estate while he passed away when she was 9 had to be so emotionally draining and trying at times. God bless her and her children. She was truly a strong individual.❤️🙏🏻

    1. I don’t “idolize” anyone. This person was NINE when her dad died. You are having problems with a NINE year old who loses their father? AND she is left with his estate, which is a HUGE responsibility! I don’;t know these people, and I was never a big Elvis fan – or a Michael Jackson one, for that matter. If “MJ” thought she was so bad, why did he marry her? You really lack empathy and have issues.

    2. Why is it “so sad” when people pass away? I, mean, we know that we are going to die someone day. And if we don’t die, we will eventually run out of space… overpopulation, in other words. Why can’t people look at death in a positive way?

    3. @Tyran Mathurin Yes, death is part of our life cycle….cherish the memories of our loved ones as much as we celebrate the birth of a child.

    4. @Wanda badgerow
      Exactly. And guess what? If we don’t die, eventually there will be no occasion to “celebrate the birth of a child.” Because, as stated in my previous post, we will run into the problem of overpopulation. And in some ways, someone saying that he/she does not want to die, is just being selfish. Because, that’s like the individual saying he/she don’t really care for others to come into being/existence and enjoy the same experience (life).

  10. This was a compassionately led discussion to listen to, while honoring this family and accurately expressing the collective grief for this family’s recent loss but also past tragic losses /hardships paired with fame ..Rest in peace ☮️💕

  11. My friend worked at Graceland- no matter what you think of the Presleys, they lifted up a lot of people through music and embodied the best of American life.

    1. That’s such an interesting comment. It’s so true and yet even though they embodied the best of our American Life, they didn’t necessarily manage to experience or attain it to the full themselves with the amount of tragedy they incurred. It’s almost selfless what they have given us.

  12. I never kept up with the events of her life or career, but Lisa Marie Presley’s passing at so young an age really hits me hard. I’m almost surprised at how troubled I am by the news. Prayers for her family and especially her Mom, Priscilla.
    R.I.P., Lisa Marie

    1. Losing her son was surely the hardest thing that she had to go through in her entire life. As a mother myself I am sure but she would have been willing to give up everything that she had if she could have her son back. But now they are together in heaven. R i p Lisa Marie. We will miss your presence on this Earth but we will never forget you. Rip Lisa Marie

    2. @Bonnie Julien Agree with you, but poor her other 3 kids, now lost their mama 😔 The youngest kids are twins & they are only 12 years! 💔

  13. As a 54yr old Elvis fan since age 8, I am absolutely devastated, shocked & heartbroken. I’m 22 days younger than Lisa Marie & I lost my Daddy in March 1977 & he also died of a heart attack in the bathroom at work. I definitely understand her pain of losing him. When I heard Elvis died, I bawled for my daddy, me, Elvis & esp for her bc I knew how bad she was hurting. Losing a son was incredibly hard on her & I can’t imagine how difficult that was. My heart breaks for Pricilla, Riley, Harper, & Finley & I am praying for them all. The only bit of peace I get is the small happiness that after 45yrs shes finally w her Daddy & she’s also w her son. It was a devastating loss to us on Earth, but you can bet there was an incredible reunion in heaven. RIP LISA MARIE 🙏💔😥😭🌹

    1. @MotoSota RC never mind that there is a family history of heart disease, documented alcohol and drug abuse, and the toll of grief over the suicide of her son. Show a little respect and take your antivax agenda elsewhere.


  14. SHE WAS A SOLDIER. Literally felt more pain on some days then some people experience their entire life. Yes, she was young. However she’s been hurting since she was 9 years old. I feel a sense of relief for her because she is truly at peace now.

    1. @Kiekko 67 It’s sad for the children she left behind, and life is AMAZING. How terribly blessed we are to be alive and healthy when so many are not

    2. It was tragic about her son but many people lose their parents (sometimes both) at an early age.
      And millions of people in grinding poverty or in war-torn countries have lost their entire families.

      And you have no authority whatsoever to say “she’s at peace now”.
      The Bible is the only authority and proclaims authority. And the only ones at peace after death are thosed saved and at peace after putting their trust in Jesus during THIS life.
      Because peace in the heart no matter what the circumstances is a supernatural gift from God: part of the “fruit of the Holy Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23).

      I have experienced it myself and it’s supernatural. When I was young and unsaved, I imagined I would be distraught when my mother eventually died but thank God I was saved and I had this amazing indescribable peace when it happened because that Holy Spirit peace transcends circumstances.

      It’s sad L-M died (and sad for her kids especially) but the idolatry of celebrities, especially in the US, is absurd. Millions of people are living and have lived much more tragic lives than her. Fact.

    3. @Kiekko 67 What makes you say with authority she’s “at peace”???

      The Bible is the only authority and the supernatural Holy Spirit peace (Galatians 5:22-23, Philippians 4:6) those of us who have put their trust in Jesus experience now continues for eternity after we physically die.

      Nobody else can claim that as true!

  15. I feel she was targeted by many business people just to take advantage of her kindness and vulnerability. I couldn’t imagine the pain she endured losing one of her children. I didn’t know her at all but I know what pain, sadness, and sorrow looks like. I hope she’s finally able to rest, peacefully.

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