CNN's Bianna Golodryga speaks with Ekaterina Kotrikadze and Tikhon Dzyadko, the news director and editor-in-chief of exiled Russian news outlet TV Rain, about where the war in Ukraine stands with exiled Russians a year after the invasion and how they fight against Russian propaganda. For more from TV Rain, visit: . #CNN #News
Exiled Russian journalists share how some Russians feel a year after Ukraine invasion

God bless the people of Ukraine, you are the bravest in the world.
@Muddy Water a lutin lover like you … probably should be in UKRAINE battlefields with those wagners to feel American taxpayers steel!!!! Keep strong Ukraine 🇺🇦🇵🇹🇺🇲🇬🇧🇵🇱💚🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺💪🏼
What a selfish sentiment!
@Skylee Ramsey not a big Biden fan, but at least he did not illegally attempt to overturn an election and fuel an Insurrection against the United States like Putin’s sock puppet Trump.
@S B would you like to give the homeless people the weapons USA is giving Ukraine? Would that solve the problems?
i stand with Russia, and the heroic soldiers who are fighting the cowardly ukronazis. standing with ukraine is fascism.
I’m happy to hear that Russians can still get YouTube. I can’t believe what Putin has been doing to the media there. After the fall of the Soviet Union there was so much joy among the people about their newfound freedom, and we traveled there several times to visit with family and attend funerals. It was glorious! Now rootin tootin Pootin is ruining everything and no way would we feel comfortable about going back to visit again.
@Alex Ivanov or puts them in jail on bogus charges, poisons them, has them shot
Rootin tootin Putin is awesome!👍👍👍
@PIRATEANON Pirate Oregon
I remember as a child in the 90s accidentally overhearing Russians mocking the Ukrainian language and talking between themselves how much they hated Ukrainians. It was then that I realized that they were still capable of committing the genocide (about the horrors of which I had heard from my grandparents). I don’t believe these two liars. They are as sneaky as the rest of their tribe: nice and civilised to your face, and absolutely evil behind your back.
This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in recent times – that Russians don’t know or understand something. Russians are not stupid, YouTube is not blocked and has never been blocked, YouTube is the main source of information in Russia, and the most popular site, and half of the media in Ukraine broadcast in Russian, the reason is not insufficient information, but in the imperial fascism, which is carried by the majority of Russians. These journalists from Russia are trying to hide the fascism of Russians, and convince everyone of the lie – that Russians are stupid. The later and less weapons are delivered to Ukraine, the more tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will die resisting evil.
Thank you for inviting our journalists on the air. If you’d like to see more of what we do, subscribe to our new English language channel. Thank you again ❤
from MAINE USA 👍
@asdf asdf
Trump has been banned;
Joe Biden was elected in a state of apparent dementia;
No one voted for Rishi Sunak, but he headed the state;
The Nord Stream was blown up by the Americans…
And these people are trying to teach us democracy and rules
You should try harder posing as a liberal Russian opposition cause you are not fooling anyone, “Rain”.
@Hamster Lv Because there are enough Russians living there, and they got it banned. There was a segment about it on TVP or DW, don’t remember which, maybe both. When you have that many Russians in your country, a “referendum” is always a possibility.
@Геннадий Шуплецов Not true; Not true; Not true; Not true; And these people are trying to convince us to believe their low grade kremlin propaganda.
Feel sorry for the Russian people, trapped within putins grasp
Putin iz a good person he treats his people better than Biden does!
@Larz Kruber Yup, great channel. There are also a fair amount that RABIDLY support the war, and want Ukraine and Ukrainians wiped off of the face of the Earth. What blows my mind almost every segment is how damned dumb several of them are. They make statement after statement showing Russia to be superior, and virtually all of them are wrong, when you look them up.
@PIRATEANON Pirate Hehehehe…HEHEHEHE! LOL!! Good one.
@Larz Kruber yeah those interviews on that channel made any sympathy I had for the Russian people in general evaporate. A lot of delusional people in Russia.
i feel sorry for americans who are under a far worse president, joe binladen
The exiled Russians need to be applauded and supported. These people are and will make a difference.
@Croco Lagerfelden Exactly, not sure who pay CNN to bring Putin propaganda into my living room.
@Croco Lagerfelden there is no such thing as good russians, and if there were they are irrelevant and wont make a difference. 20 years of ethnic cleansing+70 years of propaganda have rotten their society
@Croco Lagerfelden Latvia and Riga are the same Russian lands as Latvian lands for Latvians. You don’t know the history.
They’ll probably just be murdered by black people.
Yeah by getting shot or prison. Honestly those fake saints need to go esle where or die for the glory of Russia
I’m glad to finally hear these journalist have been gettn the real truth to some Russians , I figure many many of them don’t want this an want to be as free as possible, I pray for them an ukranie at the same time , glory to Ukraine in full support or Ukraine
Katya told you that such propaganda is available in Russia. It is very unpopular because it comes from the enemies of our country. Russia is a much freer place than you can imagine.
If you wrote glory to Ukraine, then write the continuation of this chant – glory to the heroes. And the Ukrainian heroes are those Nazis from the groups of fascist Germany Ss Galicia.
Russians know the truth. The aim of this channel is to fool Americans
Thank you for your kind words and support
What these journalists are saying is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in recent times – that Russians don’t know or understand something. Russians are not stupid, YouTube is not blocked and has never been blocked, YouTube is the main source of information in Russia, and the most popular site, and half of the media in Ukraine broadcast in Russian, the reason is not insufficient information, but in the imperial fascism, which is carried by the majority of Russians. These journalists from Russia are trying to hide the fascism of Russians, and convince everyone of the lie – that Russians are stupid. The later and less weapons are delivered to Ukraine, the more tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will die resisting evil.
Thank you. I appreciate you keeping us informed. I’m really impressed. I will always appreciate Randall
. Our government has no idea how much people are struggling right now. Your truthful advice on mental health, homelessness, gun violence, mass killings, elementary schools, hunger, lack of access to healthcare, racial tensions, hatred, fentanyl overdoses, gang violence, police brutality, violations of human rights, mass illegal immigration, the collapse of the financial system, the extreme economic downturn, record-high inflation, and the Great Depression has been very helpful to me and helped keep this story alive. It has been a true blessing. Can it really get any better than that? You are brilliant
You HaveJoe Biden to thank for all of that.
Are you likely to get 15 years for speaking out or can you just leave your country
We made a huge mistake in the mid 1990’s when we did not strip Russia of its nuclear weapons.
Now Ukraine is in the unfortunate position of having to capture an entire Russian Army in order to “win” this chapter of the war. And, that may only be a truce.
My condolences to all the families and thanks to each and everyone who has contributed in any form to help the refugees.
@Bar I see – you do not know Russian literature. But Silver Rain Chanel guys know the phrase in French: “Je ne mange pas depuis six jours” — catchphrase said by Kisa Vorobyaninov in “12 Chairs”. Used for temporary financial insolvency that these journalists in exile and @doctor7496 have fallen into.
This is the fate of many Russian emigrants.
@Bar 🤣
@Геннадий Шуплецов the fate of Russians that stayed will be much worse, as Putin is turning your country into N. Korea 2.0
@Ronza bot 🤖
@doc. ‘Independent’ reporters have found Russian voices against Putin !! This is good stuff. Looks like Russia is done for now. Troop morale is low / poorly equipped/ out of munitions / poorly led and trained /.the economy is now destroyed / hundreds of thousands of military deaths in Ukraine. Congrats all. We won !!!! ( can I join up here ? )
0:42 That particular ballet was aired on Soviet TV every time something major, typically disastrous, happened.
Каждый раз? Но его показывали единожды в 91 году. Хватит уже врать
@Виталий Да разве кремлебляди перестанут врать то? Прекратите.
Thank you Brianna for breath of fresh air and seemingly keeping it fairly real (as real as it can get on major media) on this commonly watched public media channel.
Why are you brainwashed and suffering from cognitive dissonance!!
this fake Brianna couldnt meet Brianna Joys left toe. Baby killer US propaganda.
@Tore Eliasson <---- Please @CNN , I ask of you to actually display these sorts of negative propaganda, hostile type antagonistic comments? If only to document the true injustices today clearly being perpetrated by mass-scale, pro-totalitarian rule, pro-fas'cist rule trolls and agent bots alike ? Whereas, this particular social media antagonist commenting here in opposition, would itself sadly be hauled from it's apartment in the middle of the night and harshly tortured, if commenting like this in say: Minsk, Mosk'va , Tehran , Myanmar , yes, sadly in Beijing itself... Dear God, bless provide comfort and loving kindness and reason for common life in face of our poverty on Earth today. Peace and prosperity to all . Thanks
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Record:-
You are in a war and are the invader and you act surprised and upset when the other side fights back? Imagine that
@antisupernaturalist Syria, just *one* of the countries in which Obama/Biden funded ISIS and al-Qaeda to overthrow a secular government protecting the lives of religious minorities from NATO terrorists.
@No Fux Yes, Syria. The country where Russia has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians
@No Fux What on earth are you on about?
@Arcon You’re saying you’re completely unaware of any of this? You know nothing about Syria? You know US tax dollars were sent to al-Qaeda and ISIS? Obama had the surplus weapons sent to al-Qaeda in Libya. It’s wild that people still don’t know about this.
If you’re cheering for any side in Ukraine you are accepting the surface-level narrative political media is putting out. Ukraine is not important to the US outside of being a convenient place to put US weapons. I don’t understand how you don’t understand that would be a problem for Russia. NATO aren’t the heroes you think they are.
@No Fux what about the Nazis in Russia though? 🤔
That was a brilliant interview! Bianna Golodryga just might be the best, most professional, most intelligent TV interviewer anywhere in the world today. She let her guests talk without interruption but kept control and subtly kept them from rambling after they had already made their point. She pronounced their names flawlessly, which I thought was an especially nice touch since almost all Western journalists butcher pronouncing the names of Russian people, cities, and pretty much everything else in Russian. And her expression and whole demeanor just looked so attentive and focused and in-tune with their feelings, without the patronizing “oh, you poor thing” emotional content that so many interviewers seem to indulge in. I will definitely watch more of her interviews.
hmmm and from my point of view I think she let them ramble too much.
But the guest is useless.. he doesn’t represent Russia and Russians don’t care about him .. he sounds like a Navalni partisan .. honestly I don’t care about his opinion.. we all know why Russia had to go in these 2 autonomous republics
She is Moldovan so she probably speaks Russian well.
@Me So No, sorry, but I don’t know. Why did Russia have to go? None of the Ukrainians I know, and still keep in touch with, ever expected Russia to invade. They still don’t why all this is happening. Nothing the Kremlin says, or has said, about this war makes any sense to anyone who’s not in love with Putin. Ukraine is about the same size as Texas. Imagine if Biden decided to call Gov Abbott and the Texas state government in Austin a bunch of Nazis, and send troops to replace them with more Washington-friendly puppets…and then level entire Texas cities and commit atrocities on Texas civilians because the state decided to resist. Would everyone agree with this (hypothetical) president’s reason for doing such a thing?
@Me So How are things in the Kremlin, idiot.
God bless these Russian journalists.
It’s sad that nobody in Russia has the courage to stop little Putin.
Do you have courage to stop western colonism ,biden ‘ s corrupt administration , who blow nord stream…? Now its revealed..ukraine war was total reflection of Western intelligences since 2014. Everyone knows how west drag russia in to this war except brainwashed western media fans
What a gross mischaracterization. I suppose Putin’s challengers who are poisoned or thrown out of windows didn’t have any courage? The vast majority of people are powerless to a dictator unless they rise up and revolt in large numbers. We nearly had an unelected autocrat in America.
its sad that NPCs like you can be programmed by joe burden to hate Russia for defending itself. fascist pig
Too bad there isn’t a Texas School Book Depository and a grassy knoll in Moscow. Some Russian guy could be a real hero and actually save his country
There was a time when Russia was known for her beautiful culture, her music, her poetry, her literature, her ballet…it has never been quite the same since the rise of the Bolsheviks. They crushed artistic expression and focused on militarism instead of the development of the economy and infrastructure, and Putin is a Soviet through and through, he has the same authoritarian mindset as a Soviet premier like Lenin or Stalin. Russian birth rates were dramatically reduced when the Bolsheviks came to power and they remain low to this day, in fact they face a terrible demographic collapse in the not too distant future. Putin may not have nationalized any industries or done anything particularly socialist and he doesn’t call himself a Marxist or whatever but he is still governing like a communist dictator in practice.
The only way forward for Russia is to become smaller and become democratic. I am sure this will happen, but what I am not sure of is how long this will take. It might take decades, but I hope it will happen much more quickly.
Putin reminds me of a school bully who threatened everyone with a kicking if they didnt join his gang, he would get a cheap kick out of being top dog but, as I recall with this particular bully one of his victims got so frustrated at the bullying he struck the bully with so much force that the bully was knocked out, when the bewildered bully regained consciousness he asked what happened? And the victim replied, you asked for it therefore you got it! Simple.
No matter what war no one really likes it. It’s brutal, it’s hell, you try not going deaf and in time it doesn’t surprise you what another man can do to another.
The sentiments shared by Russian citizens are no different than those expressed by the Peoples of any nation which commits their young men and women to conflict; that they become canon fodder for those whom by their assumed position of power flagrantly waste their short lives, and to what real gain other than to give excuse for Remembrance Memorials to the fallen and injured!