CNN's expert panel discusses what we know about the “high-altitude object” that was shot down in Alaska, and what they believe to be different from the suspected Chinese spy balloon. #CNN #News
Expert panel discusses what the ‘high-altitude object’ in Alaska could be

Maybe it was an alien spacecraft in an accidental time warp that appeared in our dimension from the string theory?
Yes. It was due to a timeline divergence.
Stop taking meth 😂
✋ A L I E N S ✋ 👽
Well their timing really sucks.
Today: US Military shoots down unknown object for fears of it being another chinese spy device
Tomorrow: Aliens invade earth for showing aggression towards their probe
The US starting the policy of “Shoot first and ask questions later” is how the interplanetary war began.
Here is the recommended clip that say it : !!
That America way shoot first no question ask explain why after. Warmonger Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Need to ask why so many mass shooting murder in US?
This issue is ballooning out of control.
Balloon lives matter
@Wumao 50cents Chang That’s ridiculous! Jets don’t fly fast enough to intercept missiles.
@Wargasm644 Indeed. And there’s people trying to blow it up.
Simply because of some dumb China Spokeswoman retaliations, now everything the US military found are classified? 🤷♂️
@Jovi Mathews in to words… let’s go BRANDON
This seems very suspicious but if true good for US air force
Could it be the new EV car that can fly, made by one of the Chinese car companies? It will be too costly to hit them down each time, but the US could send balloons and small car-size objects to China too. That will guarantee to bother them to no end too!
the range on those EV cars is. about 100 miles iirc.
they look great, but the ones i see i’m pretty sure don’t get up to 40k high
Only naive citizens would be bothered by a balloon 🎈
@jjjkk shen “Only naive citizens would be bothered by a balloon”
except for the evil Killer Balloons.
beware the skies!!!!
@V for Wombat laundry powder can be MDW, balloon can also be nuclear carrier
There were a lot of experts not really answering the most important questions because they just don’y know the answers.
Too soon to know. Give the military time to find the pieces and analyze it. Speculation now
Could Americans just stop wasting their ammunition for nothing ???
@小肉肉 Well I guess if American spy balloons were sailing over China it would be a grand opportunity for the Chinese to waste their ammunition for nothing wouldn’t it ?
Exactly – all speculation – worthless speculation – but hey thats Cnn!
i had to watch this video just to see why the fck they would even post it.
a bunch of ppl sitting around saying ‘we don’t know sht.’
and then criticizing Biden for how he handled the balloon.
and ppl say the media is easy on Biden.
CNN on the first balloon: “why did you take so long to shoot it down”
Second balloon: “why did you shoot it down so quickly”
The rest of the world….why do they keep attacking windmills🤣🤣🤣
CNN is always in the negative
Lies and propaganda. Obiden took a hyuge PR hit when he allowed the first few Chinese Spy balloons to spy on our military bases. Now he wants it to appear strong and capable, as if he’s defending America. This is nothing but more lies from Obama’s puppet.
My guess….
An impression of one republican at a news-conference.
Simply because of some dumb China Spokeswoman retaliations, now everything the US military found are classified? 🤷♂️
We’re going to be in deep sh*t with the galactic federation if this thing turns out to be a uap full of alien touroids.
That was a Bad joke please apologise
E.T. phone home: These earthlings shot us down. Release the space kraken!
Lies and propaganda. Obiden took a hyuge PR hit when he allowed the first few Chinese Spy balloons to spy on our military bases. Now he wants it to appear strong and capable, as if he’s defending America. This is nothing but more lies from Obama’s puppet.
Simply because of some dumb China Spokeswoman retaliations, now everything the US military found are classified? 😂
Imagen 😮
So, did anyone catch the part where I’m pretty sure they said it had no propulsion system? Did I hear that right? Did it use the jet stream to move? Is that possible? One of two possibilities. It’s human made, or it’s not. Occams Razor says it’s human made, but…..well time will tell. Peace
It has been up there since yesterday ?
Yes…so like…a balloon
It wasn’t the protocol that was changed, it was the changes at Norad’s instruments ordered in monitoring that allowed them to see this one sooner.
@Tobias Birmingham National defense is deadly serious stuff. When China tested their first H-bomb (1964), the Taiwanese offered to assist the USA by providing the pilots and bases for U-2 operations over mainland China. The Black Cats flew those missions, and a number of those guys died. China is not a party to START II , and Lloyd Austin’s call to his Chinese counterpart just got blown off. Fingers crossed for some mutual diplomacy about now.
Lies and propaganda. Obiden took a hyuge PR hit when he allowed the first few Chinese Spy balloons to spy on our military bases. Now he wants it to appear strong and capable, as if he’s defending America. This is nothing but more lies from Obama’s puppet.
@Tobias Birmingham Almost a $900 Billion Dollar Military Budget. That 500k missile is the equivalent to a .50 cal bullet in my gun.
They were tracking the first one all the way from Japan.
@ursaltydog I’m not talking about this object. I’m talking about the last one. It w also first spotted off Alaska.
Whatever it WAS, it was. They blew it up. Mad if they do it quickly, mad if they do it slowly. They can’t win.😵
@Chase Smith Biden waited because we usually don’t even bother with overflights.
they don’t matter, they aren’t a threat, they aren’t a security threat, they are harmless.
the only reason we shot the balloon down was because ppl saw it and got upset.
i suspect the reason w shot this one down was either because we weren’t sure who it came from, or because ppl were griping about the last one,
@A S p
Who cares what the other side thinks, politically and at a national level 👍👉
Lies and propaganda. Obiden took a hyuge PR hit when he allowed the first few Chinese Spy balloons to spy on our military bases. Now he wants it to appear strong and capable, as if he’s defending America. This is nothing but more lies from Obama’s puppet.
Lies and propaganda. Obiden took a hyuge PR hit when he allowed the first few Chinese Spy balloons to spy on our military bases. Now he wants it to appear strong and capable, as if he’s defending America. This is nothing but more lies from Obama’s puppet.
Warming us up for UFO disclosure
Nah.It’s just a mylar balloon launched by the Alaska Department of Tourism in a cynical effort to syphon off a little of Roswell, New Mexico’s tourist bucks. Jim Rogan will take a look at this comment and say it’s the first evidence of a government cover up, even though I don’t now, and never have, worked for the government. I’m having surgery in a few days, and I’m a high risk patient, and if I die on the operating table, they’ll say I was murdered to make sure that I didn’t rat them out. They will, of course, leave this last part out. I’m tellin’ ya. It has real legs, unlike mine.
Today: US Military shoots down unknown object for fears of it being another chinese spy device
Tomorrow: Aliens invade earth for showing aggression towards their probe
Not possible. It may be interesting to see if it correlates with the man-made high-tech UAVs spotted off of California and Virginia for years.
100% a UAP
When I was a kid, we were expecting fights on the moon by now. Nope, stealth aircraft taking out balloons.
It seems that the international treaty on weather balloons says you have to inform other countries if one may overfly their lands.
They must ask permission, and if its a no, the responsibility lies with the owner / sender..
Strange how it was not reported as a balloon. That should have been the most obvious thing about it.
Wow those people sure are experts at being on a panel. Too bad they didn’t know what they were talking about.
Perfect example of , shoot first , ask questions later.
Oren seemed to forget the first balloon was at 60,000 feet it was not in the 45,000 and below air traffic zone…. So no need to shoot it down to fall INTO that zone or on bystanders.
This particular object was too close to the 45,000 and could be shot down safely.
He answered his own question.
The question is…what benefits do they have for all of a sudden wanting to talk about all these events which I’m sure have been happening for a while. I’m also positive the US is also violating other countries air space and monitoring them.
It’s a balloon to test the response time of the U S Air Force.