1. @Alexander L The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not There is no opposition in politics, if Zellnskyy wins the war, he will keep the European countries under his control, Zellnskyy is kneeling and getting weapons today, he is a danger to the European countries in the future.even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

    2. @Wieslaw Maciag The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not There is no opposition in politics, if Zellnskyy wins the war, he will keep the European countries under his control, Zellnskyy is kneeling and getting weapons today, he is a danger to the European countries in the future.even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

    3. @Eduardo Oliveira The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not There is no opposition in politics, if Zellnskyy wins the war, he will keep the European countries under his control, Zellnskyy is kneeling and getting weapons today, he is a danger to the European countries in the future.even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

    4. @Dìoghaltas Fòirneartach Sure. It’s not possible that an American could disagree with
      a CNN analyst, right?

  1. “Because you can’t intervene everywhere, you don’t conclude you can’t intervene anywhere.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski

    1. @wo bu The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not There is no opposition in politics, if Zellnskyy wins the war, he will keep the European countries under his control, Zellnskyy is kneeling and getting weapons today, he is a danger to the European countries in the future.even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

    2. Where was BBC & other News outlets when Western Ukraine was bombing Eastern Ukraine citizens for 8 years since the CIA COUP in 2014? The pictures then of the Donbas area and other areas of Eastern Ukraine between 2014 & 2022 are little different from these from Western Ukraine bombing their own Russian Speaking citizens. Western Ukraine has lost their right to govern Eastern Ukraine. Seek Peace. Grant Independent Country Status to Eastern Ukraine States protected by Russia until they are fully established countries.

    3. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.
      Donald Rumsfeld

    4. The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined. Biden will visit Ukraine but do not visit Ohio. While Ukraine get over $160 billion, Ohio victims gets nothing. Biden’s first responsibility is to protect Americans and he is failing at that.This is outcome of such misguided policies.

    1. Values ???? WAR AND DOLLARS ???

    1. @Doug Vegan Paradise Builder Hitler rounded up over 6 million jews, and initiated a global world war. Vladimir Putin hasn’t done that. Get your head out of the sand, kid.

    2. This is not a war, this is called special military operation AKA Russian Aggression.
      An example of war is two or more countries fighting each other by bringing their army into each other’s land territory. Ukraine is not taking its army to Moscow or invade Moscow.
      WW II was a war because Germany brought their Army to other territories and fight England, France and others then US brought their Army to Germany and Japan, and Japan to Pearl Harbor. That’s why it was called a “war”.
      I called this a Land Grabbing through military force by invasion.
      Ukraine is simply defending a territory and is not declaring war against Russia.
      A boxing match is like a war because two opponents agreed on a fight. A burglary or rape is like an invasion. Consensual f*ucking is sex.
      Again, this is not a war.

    3. @Ett Too nice word salad, but the fact is that it is a war by dictionary definition: “War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias.”

      Let’s take it a step further, the American legal defintion according to 18 USC 2331(4): “(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of— (A) declared war; (B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or (C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin;”

      Ukraine officially recognizes it as a war against their people, but hey continue on spreading misinformation that is straight from the mouth of putler’s propagandists.

    4. @Doug Vegan Paradise Builder well said..,absolute blubber from a man living in the past waiting for the future so he can blubber again

    5. His professor title cuts no ice with me! I thought he was vucking awful!! Glad you tipped me off CNN! Thanks!

  2. Very interesting, thanks CNN! ❤But please have a longer Interview with Prof Goemans (4 minutes is a bit short for such an important question). Praying for the people in Ukraine 🇺🇦

    1. @Backup_al meknassi you don’t realize you try to preach about inequality of attention while disregarding the original commenter is hypocritical

    2. ​@Michael A look at Gulliver’s travels where the little people were at war over which end of an egg you should break open. Then think about God and what both people’s believe was God’s/Allah’s promise to them.

    3. ​@Backup_al meknassi The gentleman studies wars and is well aquatinted with the matter. So he was invited to give his opinion on the subject of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. If you want to,why don’t YOU invite him on a platform to talk about the Israel and Palestine situation.

  3. Russia’s worthiness of respect has been down graded to a record low recently because of Putin’s egotistical needs.

    1. Countries should keep a distance between them. If they get too close to each other…… war may arise for the defense of their country’s areas

    2. @Stefan Albu The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not There is no opposition in politics, if Zellnskyy wins the war, he will keep the European countries under his control, Zellnskyy is kneeling and getting weapons today, he is a danger to the European countries in the future.even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

  4. Just wish peace for Ukraine, freedom and democracy not only for Ukraine but around the globe. Victory be with Ukraine 🇺🇦

    1. A majority of US citizens don’t support the war in Ukraine yet our own evil dictator sends them over a hundred billion dollars… And precious weapon systems we cannot replace in the short term that we need right now as a deterrent but they’re going to stupid Ukraine…

    2. Many, many have died in bed of old age; Mao, Ghengis Kahn, Kaiser Wilhelm, Ayatollah Khomeini, Reza Pahlavi, Napoleon, Porfirio Diaz, Ivan the terrible, and, of course Stalin, already mentioned.

    3. Our dictator in the 60’s-80’s was overthrown by a “people power revolution”; yet, today, his son and namesake is our current president and the that infamous regime has its talons back in place. The unjustified lavish lifestyle of those in power is in full swing (even the Jeopardy final question a few days ago made reference to it) and the rest of my country languishes in extreme poverty – that vicious cycle that is a result of that family’s corrupt regime.

    1. @Harold, the Ambitious Sheep he mentioned a few. You just want a simple, definitive answer. The real world isn’t one of your Bible fantasy storied pal.

    2. @Sceptkl 1 My, my, my…. aren’t we the bitter, hate filled little person all chock full of assumptions and insecurities? My you don’t be sticking your toes into any swimming pools there Sunshine, lest they become vats of battery acid.

    1. @Navam Sinna as a European who knows Ukrainians, I fully support them, as a Scot, I support them further, we know what it’s like to be attacked by a much larger, tyrannical power. Ukraine is far from perfect, but blowing up women and children isn’t going to solve anything, joining a secure and stable union will. This is why the EU is so important, especially for Ukraine. These things I don’t expect you to understand

  5. All this assumes Putin is actually still in power when a settlement takes place. Putin is a 70 year old human being. There’s any number of ways he could simply no longer be in charge at some point in the not distant future, at which point his personal dislike of a settlement whereby Russia doesn’t gain territory would be irrelevant.

  6. This is the kind of guy I prefer to listen to for over an hour rather than four minutes. I know that’s not realistic on CNN, but even in a short period of time, the professor made a very sound case.

  7. Something important to know, for all who are interested in history and/or support Ukraine:

    Rus’ ought not to be confused with modern “Russia”, which derives its name from the Rus’ but historically is a completely different state, which almost all its existence was at war with the Rus’.

    Just like the Holy Roman Empire was actually Germany, “Russia” is actually Muscovy, despite their best attempts to convince everybody otherwise.

    Its name “Russia” received only around 1721, when Peter I simply changed Muscovy’s name into the “All Russian Empire” (Russia originates from Rosia, name used by the Greek Orthodox Clergy in regards to Rus’)
    Under the reign of Cathrine II Muscovites where even punished for continuing to identify as Muscovites, and were forced to call themselves Russian.

    Lands that Russia (Muscovy) claims were part of the original Rus’, but actually weren’t, are Novgorod, Suzdal, and Ryazan, since in historical texts of XI-XII centuries they are mentioned as separate entities from Rus’. They can be considered parts of extended Rus’, although their culture was distinct from main Rus’.

    In 1493, Muscovite duke Ivan III appointed himself to be the Great Ruler of All Rus’. No other kings acknowledged that. From that point on Muscovy started to make false claims on Rus’ ownership.

    “Russia” is an offshoot of Ukraine and not the other way round, despite what Soviet and Russian (Muscovite) historians have been trying to say for years. A Slavicised Finnic, then later, Mongolized offshoot. Kyiv was a developed cultured capital when Moscow was just another swamp village.

    Germany used to call itself the Holy Roman Empire, that didn’t mean they became the Romans, and all of a sudden had a right to claim whole of Italy and its history, but yet, that’s exactly what Russia (Muscovy) did in regards to Rus’–Ukraine, which is a horrible injustice!

  8. I love listening to professors talk about the possibility of Pootin being thrown out of a window. It’s my favorite thing.

  9. Excellent and concise insight!
    It would be a very risky move to go for Moldova with a regular military offensive, because they know Romania will intervene, Moldova was Romanian territory until 1940 when Hitler and Stalin agreed to ‘denazify’ Moldova and the two countries have a stronger bond than Russia and Ukraine did 30 years ago (the fact that they share the same language speaks volumes).
    Russia is already trying a hybrid war in Moldova, but that is expected.

    1. Ukraine and Russia don’t actually share the same language. However, they are two similar languages (as are French, Spanish, and Italian) both of which are currently spoken in Ukraine.

      And Ukraine and Russia only have a so-called “stronger bond” because Ukraine has been subjected to Russian rule since Catherine the Great. But the fact that they have tried breaking away several times shows that the so-called “bond” between the two countries is more in Russia’s mind than an actual fact.

    2. As far as I know, it is not Russia that is trying to unleash a hybrid war in Moldova, but Moldova and Ukraine are trying to unleash a war in Transnistria. This war between Moldova and Ukraine against Transnistria may have two goals. The first goal is to open a second front for Russia, and the second goal is to accuse Russia of attacking Moldova, just as Russia is now accused of attacking Ukraine, that is, inflating the opinion in Europe about Russia as the most terrible aggressor on planet Earth and about Putin as the most terrible tyrant among all tyrants in the history of the world. In addition, Moldova has its own reason, or rather, Maria Sandu, who in her election program promised to resolve the Transnistrian conflict. Half of Maria Sandu’s presidential term has passed, and the Transnistrian conflict has not been resolved. Therefore, in order to be elected for a second presidential term, Maria Sandu must hurry. Apparently, she does not know any other way to resolve the Transnistrian conflict, except by military means, because in order to resolve the Transnistrian conflict in a peaceful way, Maria Sandu should have started negotiations with Transnistria immediately after taking the presidency, but she did not. I do not know the reason for the lack of negotiations. But it is very convenient, probably, to start hostilities against Transnistria and blame Putin for this. Rather, first blame, and then say – you see, I told you, and I had to bring in troops. The participation of Romania in the hostilities against Transnistria without the participation of Russia means a NATO war against the independent republic of Transnistria, albeit an unrecognized republic, such as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But there are Russian peacekeeping military units in Transnistria, and Romania’s war against Russian troops means NATO’s war against Russia. Whether NATO will be able to start a war against Russia in Transnistria and blame Putin for this, I do not know.

    3. @Sonomacats Actually I was referring to Moldova and Romania having the same language, but my sentence was not clearly formulated.
      French actually is quite quirky and doesn’t resemble the other latin languages (including Romanian) because it is not phonetic and isn’t pro drop, but I digress.

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