How The Coronavirus Is Impacting U.S. Families | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Mika Brzezinski discusses reports of how the coronavirus is impacting families across the country. Aired on 08/04/2020.
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How The Coronavirus Is Impacting U.S. Families | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Having no place to isolate CV victims, other than at home, leaves American families with death sentences, especially poor families in crowded conditions.

    1. So call the doctor and he gives you a prescription for hydroxychloroquine + azythromycin + zinc. The whole treatment costs $20.

    2. @Jesus Name Above All Names That’s right. Democrats are prohibiting patients from taking the cocktail because they don’t want Trump to look good. Democrats want dead bodies to make Trump look bad.

    3. @Jesus Name Above All Names It is that simple in red states. In democrat states they are prohibiting this treatment so as not to let Trump look good. I hope you don’t die.

  2. Any human being would resign instead of blaming everyone else. He has been called a sociopath,, he isn’t capable of empathy. He cares about ratings. He’s a bleeping psychopath.

    1. K K who do you support? Those who speak out of both sides of their mouth!?? The ones happy to support killing babies? Those who believe abortion clinics are essential? having ppl arrested for praying outside those buildings? All while they claim to pray for our President?? Ohhh nooooo… my sanity, education and knowledge are spot on! facts are facts.. not pc “opinions or feelings “

  3. I worry about victims of domestic violence in a time like this. Economic pain and no where else to go, are not a good combination.
    Please be safe.

    1. @dB FRESH It has been widely reported from several European countries. higher home consumption of alcohol, being blamed. Not a reason to think Americans are much different, save for well, they have more guns in addition to alcohol!

    2. @marugmad …those are the people who believe in prayer ought to be praying for. A lot of innocent people are being destroyed by this wanna-be-god.

    3. Trouble is trying to stay safe around an abuser is impossible because the abuser abuses at their own whim fabricating in their heads “a reason to go off on” their perceived victim.

  4. ever station is speaking and saying the same thing, I need to no why Federal Dept spent tax payer money on the drug president keep pushing on national TV station

    1. Plaquenil is so CHEAP ( 30 cents a tablet ) that nobody makes any money on it and that’s why nobody ever tested it on other applications. Since money is not the motivation, the only other motivation is that people say it works.

    1. @David’s Citygarden Haven’t you heard the virus in the US came from Europe not China New York Times today. Trumps Virus is different than China’s Virus.

    2. David 👍🏼 doesn’t bother me in the least either… ridiculous! look at who the labels are coming from. just words. These ppl are weak. crying..”my feelings are hurt..” facts speak volumes..ive lost my patience for ignorance.

    3. @dizzie337 I hear ya bro. I think the time for being sensitive and thin skinned is over. In God I trust but men not so much and very few.

  5. While President Open Sewer intentionally misinformed public, invested in malaria drugs which he touts, ignored the storm warnings of pandemic, squandered precious time and resources. Governor Cuomo and Governor Newsom have been honest, straight forward with public and took steps to mitigate the disaster. Crush Covid Profiteering Republican Party 2020! Coumo/Newsom 2020!

    1. Why would anybody invest in a product people are giving away for free? The online price is only 37 cents.

    2. @VideZoniX ! How do you make money on drug that sells for 37 cents and your competitors give it away for free?

  6. People are dropping dead As Trump worries about the economy and how much he’s losing each day.

    1. Do you know how many people would drop dead because of an economic collapse? Some of you people are heartless.

    2. The destruction of families and businesses will take many more lives that corona virus. A democrat can never see what she can’t see. An economist is trained to see what he can’t see.

  7. Was laid off cause of virus
    Within 7 days received letter from insurance cancelled
    This could be everyone
    That’s why we need m4a

    1. Same, was laid off as well because of virus
      Need food supplies, to pay my bills, etc
      Same with other people
      We for sure need permanent UBI
      For this situation and for future situations that will come by
      Everyone should get the money regarding whether they are rich or poor
      If the rich don’t need it, they can donate the money to others in need

    2. Jeff Gibson I was a temp and was trying to get a full time offer after the temp contract was done

  8. With the last vestiges of Obama having been destroyed by Trump,

    1. Hundreds of thousands of criminals have been turned loose on the streets by Obama acolytes still in government. Obama’s destruction won’t be cleaned out for thirty years.

  9. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones as well as to the incredibly courageous people manning the frontlines.

  10. Zip up and Just Do It like South Koreans and save lives now and be FREE like South Korea asap

  11. The thing is i went to fox new tonight and they were complaining that their rights have been violated and when were we gonna stop infringing on their rights and let them all congregate in groups. I’m dead serious this is what they were saying……I’m blown away at that i almost want to tell them it’s voluntary you all go meet up in one stadium and hug shake hands all you want. Go a head i mean i dont want to talk like that but this is madness and hatred they spew sick sick sick

  12. Social security can now be tampered with, seeing the incompetent …. Is making sure the elderly is gone before time to line their pockets. The VETS are paying a price as well as the current active service men and women, who is constantly abandoned. CHEETO once you’re are out office the dead will visit you nightly and your mirror will lie to you each morning in a ORANGE jumper.

  13. This is so sad that people cannot be around their closest ones when they’re passing away, cannot bring them support, show them they’re not alone, and you cannot even take back the bodies of your beloved ones to lay them to rest with all respect and love…

  14. It happened to my family. Hospital couldn’t find my mother for five days, that’s when I found out she was dead. I’m heart broken.

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