Mississippi Struggling To Fill Vaccine Appointments | MSNBC

Mississippi is having trouble getting its population vaccinated. MSNBC's Gary Grumbach reports from Jackson, Mississippi on what the state is trying to do for better outreach.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Mississippi Struggling To Fill Vaccine Appointments | MSNBC


  1. Mississippi: Science? What’s that? Progress? What’s that? Dating outside the family? What’s that? 😅

    1. Hey please tell me what’s in the vaccine exactly like what’s it made out of because it seems you people are just injected things in you with out knowing what it is I mean if your a Heroin attic and it don’t matter

  2. “Fortune makes stupid him who she wishes to destroy.” [in Latin: ‘Stultum facit Fortuna quem vult perdere.’ – Publilius Syrus in ‘Senteniae 612 written in the 1st century BC. ]

    1. @Jeffrey Cheng
      No, you get your “reality” from people stupid enough to think a vaccine is “poison.” The TV would be an improvement.

    2. @CShield that’s rich calling someone coward when you won’t ever run your mouth face to face. You leftists make me laugh. All talk and zero action

    3. @Hogan Slipstream Lmfao…you’re triggered and projecting. That’s adorable. You have no idea what I would or wouldn’t do, princess.

  3. I live in Mississippi:
    People aren’t getting vaccinated not because of trust but because –
    -They do not have a way to get there
    -They do NOT know it’s free
    -They think they are not eligible/do not understand why the government would want to help them

    1. @Julian Benson But they won’t, and that’s a result of the Republican party – they absolutely will do NOTHING to help people. (two glaringly obvious cases in point: Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump – and there many, many more)

    2. @Demetria Karnavas My federal, congressional rep actually sent out emails and letters, early on, to every registered constituent (ALL of them – Republican and Democrat), explaining everything we need to know about getting the vaccine. And our rep sends out regular emails keeping us updated. That’s a Democrat rep, by the way. It’s really not that difficult to do. But the representative has to care about and be an actual REPRESENTATIVE of the local people.

    3. @Demetria Karnavas There does. It’s absurd that there’s not. It’s not that difficult. Mention it to your rep – email them, write them an actual letter, go to their local state office and talk with them. They are YOUR rep, they need to be listening and working for their constituents (which includes you).

  4. New $1 trillion lawsuit against Trump for covid related deaths. There are now 75 plaintiffs and growing

    1. @Dennie Saunders Well, first of all, it’s not fake, and that shows (clearly) that you are either a troll or a dumbshit, most likely both. But it was Donald’s job to mitigate and reduce the tragedy within the United States. He did not. He idly stood by and stood back, and he ignored, downplayed, and neglected the danger inherent in this virus. Donald did it all knowingly and willfully. Donald is directly responsible for politicizing and thwarting public health guidelines – he is an inhuman monster. The lawsuit will go nowhere (unfortunately), but it needed to be brought forward.

    2. @Dale B Wouldn’t it be great to see over 500,000 people (maybe even a million!) join this lawsuit? It would be HUGE!

  5. I just got my mom a vaccine appointment for her first shot at RiteAid, she’s in the over 50+ category. I’m in the over 16+ category, CA just opened it, and I’m struggling to book an appointment for my first shot.

    1. that’s why these states need to send vaccinations back to the federal government because there are people who desperately want and need it in other states! keep searching, I got mine at NYU, I don’t know if you can register at a hospital near you or try calling around to doctors offices.

    1. @Bianca Culpo they states that are not sheep’s right the ones who don’t trust a evil government right the same government who won’t tell you what’s in the vaccine how many people died from the vaccine again that’s right they don’t talk about that

    2. @Augustus Caesar I never said it was punishing them. Their loss should they reject the vaccine and get the virus.

  6. If old people won’t sign up for shots while they have priority, simply lower the age where people can sign up for shots and keep vaccinating until you run out of volunteers. Once the age restrictions are gone and everyone who wanted a shot got one, thoughts and prayers to those who opted out.

    1. Definitely need community services but saying the people who won’t be vaccinated can be ignored is another example of still not understanding contagious, highly infectious, easily transmitted. This is an actual case of where we go one we go all. A single person won’t make much difference, but each time the virus infects a new person it has a chance to mutate.

    2. @Maria G. You can worry about the people who refuse to get it once you are about to run out of people who want it.

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  7. Then they should lose them and send them to states that need them. Oh and maybe close those states off from the rest of us.

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      !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`’守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1


    1. @Phil Groves maybe to a little 🐈 who has no control over their feel feels….

    2. @YT cant handle Spicy comments Yeah, we are. Funny how YOU just started your account (troll account) 2 weeks ago – and can’t even be brave enough to use your real name. Trollish, orange coward. Is that you, Donny? Hahahahahahahaha!!

    3. @Phil Groves hmm,, there is one similarity, you all assume..
      I dont give a 💩 what your name is, y do you care about mine???
      And you use Trump as an insult, as if referring to me as someone who I can say for sure without knowing who you are is more successful than you or anyone in your family wishes to be, is an insult… thankyou I guess,,, come on now dip💩 you wanna keep proving my point….

    1. Lack of transportation? Lack of info on where to go/ who’s eligible? Lots of people who refuse for political reasons? Some for reasons of historical distrust? Probably all of the above.

  8. I see this in my red state as well. Twice there has been an announcement from the in-store pharmacy they have available covid vaccines.

    1. @Paul Wilson Goooooo MAGA… Manipulated American Gullible Arses are the problem makers & shakers… They despise FACTS… Facts Always Confuse Trump Supporters… Bless their hearts

    2. @jlo just when I think folks can not become any more stupid….you come along…..stupidity is not an Olympic sport but if it was you would medal for-sure.

    1. @Sue Howie I agree 💯 we will just sit back and watch the thinning of the herd, if you are dumb enough to take the shot you deserve what ever becomes of you.

    2. @Aaron Yayo You can’t force anyone to do anything, it is just that elderly people are prone to die from the virus. Between you and I, it is my personal wish that every person who refuses to get the vaccine would just die a horrible death.👍👍

    3. What about the people who have the T-cell in their blood to make them naturally immune to covid, why take the risk of a vaccine with unknown long term effects?

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