1. He is such a brave person. Sadly, there will have to be countless other Russians willing to suffer in order for things to improve.

  2. How revealing is it that when asked how Kara-Murza is, Sara Sidner’s reply amounts to, “As far as we know he is still alive”?

    1. @Tymo Murakas I found it inappropriate too. Just like that CNN+ commercial right after that interview. Makes it obvious that, for them, it’s just about them and their ratings.

    2. @Tymo Murakas I agree. Totally inappropriate and I am an American. She is my least favorite reporter on CNN and she does not belong at an international network. She is smiling because she thinks she got a big story now that he was arrested instead of treating this like a life or death manner.

    3. @David Force these reporters have no respect for their job. They interviewed him and should show some respect. Disgraceful

  3. Didn’t Trump literally say he wanted to do the same to any and all reporters, tv comedians, and TV critics? I believe he may have mentioned these people should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo, I wonder where he got the idea from?

  4. He’s such a brave young man! I pray he’s careful out there & well. Russia needs many brave people like him!

  5. Congratulations Sarah on your exceptional reporting over the span of years. And your new show on Sunday mornings. 😎👏👏👏🌴💯

    1. The Smiles at the Beginning of the Interview very non sensitive and sickening to the specific Topic.

  6. In my opinion, any Russian citizen that is willing to stand up and speak the truth about this conflict, and not just spread the same fake propaganda that Putin is telling is a very brave individual and shouldn’t be punished for that.

    1. In my opinion, any Russian like Mr. Kara-Muza willing to speak out against war criminal Putin not only should not be punished they should be praised and celebrated .

  7. Brave man. He had to know that this was almost inevitable, and yet he spoke out anyway. He’s taken his life into his hands for the humanity of his people. Good luck to him.

    1. He is totally a brave man but it was also irresponsible and not smart to do a public interview while he is in Russia as a top 5 target for Putin. Yes, we love outspoken ppl who stand up for what is right but we should also want their safety as well. We need ppl like him around as long as possible. They ate pivotal to our entire world. They are the good. We should always protect that.

    2. @everyday tenor If there was our propaganda, then you would believe me, and so propaganda is in the hands of America and Europe, and you are blind and deaf😂

    3. @Андрей Варнаев no one you know, it does mean you aren’t hanging out with the right persons !

    1. Yes, he is not even in Russia, he broadcasts in another country, how strong he is.He will say whatever he is told for America’s money😂

    2. @Terah Ndlovu What are you talking about? He and his spokesman from the State Department named Jake Sullivan is on tv almost daily.

  8. This gentleman is spot on about the current situation envisioning the most optimistic future for Russia.

  9. I heard this horrific news yesterday. I’ve always had massive respect for Mr. Kara-Murza. I seek out his opinions and have watched so much of his content over the years. He’s correct in that he’s spoken about this for a long time. He’s a champion of freedom for his people. Please Lord, surround this man with your army of angels. Godspeed friend.

    1. @Michelle Mullins Fair comment & reply … and why many offer “thoughts & prayers” to be more inclusive. Tho I’m not religious, your post strikes me as genuine in contrast to the prior phrase.

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  10. Truly a brave man to stand up after already having attempts on his life multiple times. I truly hope he’ll be ok.

    1. @Christopher G critical n hate opinions on another country’s media about their own country is equal to sell out…u don’t do that nonsense… he just want attention n he got it right?

    2. @Terah Ndlovu If you had something worth saying, you would take time to actually say it properly.
      So you got nothing.

  11. The Western media should loudly vocalize their demand for the release of this brave man, mr Vladimir Kara-Murza!!!

  12. I am a person who holds, and respects all the great freedoms my Country endorses for us to flourish. This man is a Hero, all he did was speak the truth, this is the sad result. All respect to him and wish him and his family safety.

    1. @Dave H no Truth there this man is just power hungry unfortunately no Russian gives a damn abt his marijuana views,some views u just need to keep to yourself before they turn u into a joke

    2. @David Force that’s his truth n nobody cares about it except Americans,,,wisdom?what kind of wisdom that lands u in jail…dude should have just kept quiet or look for better ways to solve a problem

  13. I have few heroes and Vladimir Kara Murza is one of them. My heart is broken for him and his family. May he stay safe and untouched by the war criminal Putin. God look after him and his family. 🙏🏽

    1. Yes he is a hero. Anyone brave enough to speak out against war criminal putin deserves a medal.

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