See how each senator voted on witnesses at Trump’s trial

The Senate voted to block any witnesses from being called in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, a move that will mark the beginning of the end of the third Senate trial for a president in US history. The Senate voted 51-49 to defeat a motion to allow subpoenas for witnesses and documents, with two Republicans, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah, joining Democrats to back extending the trial.
#CNN #News


    1. FPS MASTER We have term limits. We call them elections.

      Seriously. For all the call for “democracy”, you people sure like to take away the will of the people.

      If someone is doing a good enough job to convince their electorate to keep them, who are we to take that right away from them?

      Believe me, there are a lot of Leftist morons I’d like to run off a political cliff. But I’m not going to deny their constituents the right to vote for them.

      The key is to EDUCATE the electorate to vote the Leftists out of office.

    2. @The Big Picture They also work great for the American public who don’t care to have a job and contribute to society.

    1. ; ;
      So troo — Any moment Trump will send in the Russian stormtroopers to haul us away to gulags. That’s why we need to move to Wuhan China – rent is cheap and they have an ideological government that we democrats yearn for!

    1. @Sensible 92 meshugene goyishe shvarze shikse there’s always SHITHOLE LIBERIA as an option…

      Great day for DEMOCRACY

    1. @Laura Walker I don’t know what is your definition of corruption. How is trump corrupt? He asked the president of Ukraine to look at alleged corruption by the Bidens. I ve heard his critics saying , he wanted to investigate his political opponent . So how do you explain the democrats trying and investigating trump on connections with Russia, his tax returns and others. What is good for the goose is good for the gander!!!Please what I want to say to you is you don’t have like or hate someone to be fair, It should be the basis of your judgement as a human being.

    1. They are not archaic, they are traitors. They have broken their oath to office by doing this. America now resembles a authoritative dictatorship. It is funny how Donald Trump cozies up with the communist country leaders like Kim and Vlady. All the “great” people that surround are probably great for his position of power, until of course, they’re usefulness or loyalty used up and left for the trash.

    2. @Graydon Ramsey It’s a fucking joke. Sarcasm and snarkiness, but if it did happen to become a huge outbreak and got rid of all the old folk that vote for the GOP, I wouldn’t shed a year. BTW, China is covering up how bad the epidemic is. They have been arresting journalists and citizens who tried to spread the actual truth. Also why would they rush to build a big hospital in 6 days, cause the numbers China is Wuhan they can easily support them in the hospitals already there, it’s a city of 52million people.

    1. Jonathan Hall nobody wants communism Bernie will destroy everything he will turn America in Venezuela and when he try’s taking the firearms civil war starts

    1. @Jay Scraggs So funny. You don’t have a clue as to what you are saying. But, maybe you just don’t love America. You may love Donald Trump; but, you do not love America as she has stood. It’s dead now. Forget everything you have known. It’s over.

    2. JustAMan holy safe space relax and hug a kitten its going to be fine , you act like he gave billions of dollars to Wall Street while people were losing their homes left and right , calm your tits the world will keep turning 🇺🇸

    1. Exactly yet the sheep kept holding on to CNN’s balls thinking they telling them the truth.
      No cnn never tells the truth about much if anything.
      They have one goal lie and get trump hated and out.ok maybe thats 3 things

    2. @autumn rain
      what did you do Autumn? Couch? I have a family to support sorry I didn’t take off to hold card signs in the street

    3. Hobbes You’ve got it exactly backwards. The adults in the room prevented a tantrum from the petulant children in the room from setting a horrendously destructive precedent. Our Framers debates long and hard over the power of impeachment, and put in specific protections to keep this overstuffed closeness car circus from happens in. But, once again, the Left crated a workaround to circumvent our Framers’ brilliance.

    1. @Urmy Sunn Sunnrrff russia has nothing to do with anything in America except all of there lobbyists that give millions of $$$ to our congressmen and women to do things for them inside our government.
      So dont be thinking your Democrats are innocent because the lifers like Schumer Pelosi nadler and shifty are at the top of the list that take money for what they want from them.theyve gotten rich off of it.the quarter million we pay them to do the job we sent them to is pocket change to them.
      Its disgusting what there getting away with and its not just them theres many many of them doing this same thing.

    1. @Jayden Cho Do you actually think pressure to vote party lines is any different either side if the isle?

    2. @Meme Notyou actually the only representative who is labeled a independent did indeed support the articles of impeachment.

  1. I’d learn how understanding my bank is if I were to go into debt and say “hey, debt is normal and really doesn’t mean anything”
    I’d see how long my job would last if I were to go to a competing company looking for dirt against my supervisor
    I’d experience a jail cell if I refused a subpoena
    But with this Admin if you’re government then you get protected and rewarded for doing these things everyone else has to pay a punishment for.

    1. BluSky
      I stand by my analogy. Even if the partner company was corrupt. I would want to keep that corruption out of my company. Does it bother you at all that so much of the corruption in Ukraine was actually US corruption? Does it bother you that Hillary Clinton’s campaign did receive dirt on Paul Manafort which resulted in his removal from the Trump campaign and his eventual conviction? Two Ukrainian government officials were found guilty in Ukraine for meddling in our elections for giving that information to the campaign. Does it bother you that the Clinton campaign also paid for a false dossier on Trump that eventually lead to the Mueller investigation? Your outrage seems a bit selective

    2. BluSky
      🙋‍♀️🇳🇿 Lol excuse you? dunno if you realize this but Civilized Nations AREN’T owned by putin unlike U.S fake president.. we can actually sit wherever the hell we want ✊😁👌

    3. Dude stop whining.he did nothing he wasnt mandated to do by the same Democrats that tried to remove him.
      The crooked people are on the left that cant take that he beat there candidate hillary over 3 yrs ago.
      I could say its time to get iver it but that time past 3 yrs ago.
      Its a shame that the left has lied and got half the country believing there lies and in doing so they divided us and caused alot of future problems some very serious.

    4. 🙋‍♀️ok by cult45 logic.. my Nation can help who ever the hell we want steal your U.S. elections…….. right? see.. now thats fu#king crazy 🤦‍♀️🇳🇿🌏

  2. 1984. Still satisfied with our “Democracy”? Who’d like this in their Court appearance? Any wonder if our systems are broken?

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