Mt. Washington Observatory in New Hampshire is used to extreme weather. But the 6,288 foot summit broke new US records for wind chill after the northeastern U.S. was hit with a dangerous cold snap. #CNN #News #shorts
See what happens when wind chill hits -108 degrees on Mt. Washington

No wonder hikers die up there.
Far too many foolish people come here.
This is why I went in the summer…lol
Ouch that’s cold
And people want to colonize Mars that has a constant average temperature of -80°!😅
On top of Nope Mountain…🥶
All covered with death
Live in a cold area expect cold temperatures
You know it’s bad when we are officially colder then the north pole.
Very cold
It’s just going to get worse. Keep telling yourselves it’s a “once in a generation” thing.
Only the strong survive.
Now that ain’t melting in a hurry 🥳🥳🥳
Wow,a bit surreal but hard to imagine the reality of being there for sure 😊
I think I can stand out there bare chested for 60 seconds!
You could do it forever. Stand by the tower and be a statue. Human Frozen.
I’ve experienced -72 below zero working in Remote Gold Mine Camps in Northern Canada. Take one breath and it feels like your lungs are freezing together but this forget it they can keep it
Never Ask a Woman her weight,
A Man his Salary,
And Never mess with Mario’s Hat 💀
Well…that explains why the bumper stickers don’t say “this car climbed Mt.Washington in Winter”🥶
I live in the county. It was horrid outside that day. Literally the worst cold I’ve ever experienced before. Surreal
Isn’t such a freezing temperature instant death for a person . -108 F which is around -150 celcius don’t quote me on that which is the temperature on the surface of some of saturns moons ??
Please hold the phone horizontal when making videos.
Francis either wanted this assignment really badly, or he really pissed somebody off.
I’m freezing just watching this clip