She uncovered more than 100 secret overseas Chinese ‘police stations’ – including in the USA

According to a recent report from Safeguard Defenders, there are more than 100 Chinese government-backed overseas “police stations” operating in more than 50 sovereign nations right now. In this episode of Reality Check with John Avlon, Safeguard Defenders Campaign Director Laura Harth describes the intimidation tactics being used, including alleged kidnapping. #CNN #News


  1. Kinda old news at this point but at least it’s getting talked about. China has been doing this for a while now and it’s incredibly concerning.

    1. @Geoffrey K I think pklk (I can’t do the inverted k on this keyboard lol) was getting at more how we’ve continued to meddle in other nations. Primary example being our Middle East crusades. I’m more with you on it all, but I do think our CIA/FBI do definitely overstep often. I just think Pklk wanted to get a jab in without fully understanding how our structures of power work. We can go back to the red scare days as well for examples but again, it’s a bit different than authoritarian cells being planted internationally without warning. This issue has been growing since last year and the US hasn’t often been that covert. We tend to run and gun our campaigns when it comes to foreign “enforcement” for lack of better phrasing.

    2. @KGS _71, Yes, in some ways this is a proxy war, but not exactly. Yes, the global defense industry is profiting off of this war, but profits could be much more significant if that was NATO’s primary objective. Otherwise, your comment is false.

    3. @Антон Антонов I guess you don’t even know what your own genocidal government is actually doing. Say good bye to the friends and family that will be mobilized cannon fodder. Thank god for them. someone has to fertilize Ukraine for the spring.

  2. Avlon was one of the first with enough courage to push back against the insanity 5 or so years ago. He led by example, inspiring others to find their courage and speak out against the big lie. If America survives the next 10 years, he should get a medal of freedom or something.

  3. They should be given a notice. That’s illegal a sovereign state have their own rules and regulations except if you’re invading another state and implement your own rules and regulations

    1. ​​@Антон Антонов i think sir both sides have nuclear weapon to melt the world if US have nuclear weapon. Think about france UK they can melt the world to with nuclear weapons

    2. @Антон Антонов posting the same comment over and over again just makes you and your side desperate and makes the “information” you are trying to spread super suspicious…you all are trying to hard…

  4. Russia has done the same thing, it’s not just China. My father escaped East Germany after the war from a Russian run prison and had no contact with his family for nearly 40 years until the wall came down in 89 and we were able to find his family. My parents fled West Germany to Canada because they feared the Russian secret police would kidnap him and take him back, my mom was pregnant at the time. What makes me sick over this all … we in the west, because of corporate greed, actually choose to do business with these countries under the guise that somehow we’ll encourage them to “improve”. Sorry, but the old saying, “you become what you hang around”, STILL APPLIES! We need to have an international agreement amoungst ALL democratic nations to NEVER do business with communist dictatorships.

    1. Crazy that Nazis groups can operate here also!!! Screw freedom of speech for them!!! Sorry…we need to draw a line at some groups!!!

    2. I’ve been to Russia during its Soviet Union era and saw how terrified it’s people were. It’s not changed a bit and the people are still mistreated according to the videos coming out of it with the invasion of Ukraine. I wouldn’t trust their government back then nor now. It’s terrible that your grandfather had to go through his ordeal for so many years. God Bless you and your family & God Bless Ukraine and help them defeat Russia dear Heavenly Father God. Amen. 🇺🇸🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🌈😊🇺🇦

    3. yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. period. so those who committed economic crimes in China should become the apple of my eye.😁😁😁

  5. We in the so called free world have to accept that we have to get more cauties and protective for our democracies….

  6. Every American should advice people they know especially the young about what the ccp and their followers living among us are a threat to our way of life. And show them what the ccp and it’s people are capable of doing to not only to their own citizens and what could happen in the future

    1. We can all fight back by looking for the, Made in label. If over 200 million Americans did not purchase items made in China that would be a huge negative impact on the Chinese communist economy.

  7. Glad CNN is finally covering this. Although this has been going on for decades. At least it’s now getting brought out into the public forum. I guess better late than never, eh?

    1. @Upsideround Haha, no that they didn’t do. The US has however kidnapped quite a few people from other countries, even invaded a lot (often applauded thanks to great marketing). And the fact that any criticism makes me Mao Trash, is pathetic. I’m as much against China’s policies and those of the US, who are such hypocrites about it. Do you know that the USA has with 4% of the global population 22% of the global prison population. You can call it legal, I wonder if it’s modern slavery? Many work inside for large corporations. It seems all large empires are bullies.

    2. @fanatamon I think many wars would be ended peacefully if both sides openly would persecute their own war criminals much harder, and skip all bonuses for military industries.

    3. @KootFloris That’s called “what aboutism” and an utter false equivalency. To equate Chinese actions to anything the US does is not even remotely intellectually honest. Do you know what China does to it’s prisoners?? Google “Wu Mao.”Are you from some country that thinks they are without fault? From asia to africa to North America we can all be terrible but the US owns it now and has done far better than any superpower thus far. Africa is still killing albino children while the whole of eastern Europe is a corrupt hell hole. Where do you want to live?

    4. @KootFloris for sure all the leaders who want to fight so much should all fight each other and leave the rest of us alone.

  8. I say use this opportunity to install an international western police force in China. Unblock the internet for them and educate them so they can confront their government.

  9. This woman is incredible to unearth this; she deserves a commendation. All those “police dept.s” need to be shut down and those involved immediately deported with NO chance to ever return!

    1. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. period. so those who committed economic crimes and corruption in China should become the apple of my eye.😁

    2. They just send another who is unknown. The only way to stop them is to put out information to the Chinese people who are asking for asylum. They should be given information and way to contact police if they are approached by someone.

  10. “Without proper coordination?” In what world does a country allow another country’s law enforcement to come in and set up shop????

    1. South Africa and the Italians actually welcome this kind of thing and deny any wrong doing on the part of China. The better part of Africa is all for China setting up shop. Any country that is corrupt enough will take chinese money and they don’t care about immigrants in their countries.

  11. A young man I went to school with his mother suffered immensely from this constant threat of fear.

  12. CHINESE professors in American Universities always give U.S. taxpayer-funded scholarships to Chinese students who came straight from China, whose parents and grandparents live in China and have never paid taxes to the IRS. These Chinese students attend American universities and graduate for free. U.S. scholarships should only be given to students who are U.S. citizens.

  13. Been a known problem
    for years. Started years ago late 2013, and continues. EVERY politicians ignored the China problem, times are changing an China won’t like it.

  14. When China’s police operate in a country against that country’s will, it’s getting pretty darn close to being a military or special forces operation in that country. Treat the “officers’ as enemy soldiers, I say.

  15. Why are these people not ALL being arrested ?!? They must not be allowed to operate outside consulates or embassies. They should also be trailed by FBI.
    These people should also be reporting harassment or anything else.

  16. Avlon was one of the first with enough courage to push back against the insanity 5 or so years ago. He led by example, inspiring others to find their courage and speak out against the big lie. If America survives the next 10 years, he should get a medal of freedom or something. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  17. Not unexpected, but great that she has managed to uncover evidence. Hopefully she keeps it secret as to how she did it otherwise these “police stations” may learn from their mistakes and go deeper undercover or double down on their intimidation tactics.

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