Prosecutors for special counsel Jack Smith have been asking questions in recent weeks about the handling of surveillance footage from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort after the Trump Organization received a subpoena last summer for the footage, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. CNN’s Anderson Cooper discusses this further with CNN reporter Katelyn Polantz and Former Assistant US Attorney Elie Honig. #CNN #News
Special counsel probing Trump Organization’s handling of Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage

“morons had a king in trump” – joe rogan
It still amazes me how many people that are willing to put their freedom and finances on the line for trump after seeing what others have gone through doing it and he always walks away unscathed.
@PIPE DOWN As he should.
@Dirty Red Move Around. @Dirty Bum
Of course it was tampered with. 😂😂😂😂
I’d like to thank the judge for tossing Donnie’s lawsuit against the NY Times and ordering him to pay all legal fees 😆
@Fletcher Reed 😅😅😅😅😅
@The Rock Sure looks like it. Catering to this criminal.
@Darnell Jackson 😅😅😅😅😅😅
@Robert Eriksen 👍👍
@Chonq Monk 😅😅😅😅
If I were an employee of DT, I’d be updating my resume right about now.
@LA “Better off mentally now”, thank you for proving everyone’s point. Take your Seroquel!
@Dirty Red that’s all you got? If you were in health care you’d know better.
@LA why don’t you just tell us what happened that makes you better off financially now ? I don’t even want you to attempt to explain your new mental status lol. But financially, we’d love to hear it. Don’t make a claim if you know you’re lying, we’re calling you out as a liar and it should be a cinch for you to prove us wrong. Waiting
Hahaha liar
The Calamaris have got their tentacles all over this!!! 🦑🦑🦑
@Randy Watson LOL wat?
Deep fried calamari is my favorite.
Trump is out of the country, for God’s sake, BUILD THE WALL!
@Farriba Habibi 👈🏻 7 month old bot account.
@Chonq Monk Thank you.
He must be held accountable! Otherwise he will play the victim, the Martyrium, the political refugee and continue to spew hate, lies and fear from the outside!
The father and son team looks like mobsters.
Maybe the Feds can snag a twofer, i.e. both the Trumpy crime family and some mobsters. 😂
There’s a lot of mobster like characters tangled in the Don’s “family web” of close associates, advisors and instigators.
@J LA … “The OrangeFather” …
Italian Mobs!🙄
They’re all Trump surrounds himself with down to his lawyers!😂
more like Jersey Shore TV show knucks.
This is probably also about how to lay the foundation to introduce the footage into evidence.
Weren’t there video of boxes being loaded from Fla going somewhere else via a plane or helicopter??
There was & he landed at his golf course where his ex-wife is buried …. wouldn’t surprise me poor Ivana has some papers buried with her …. Zoe , Canada
@Stephen Hatt Thanks— I thought so— I hope more comes out about those boxes—— Trump never had any intention of giving anything back —- I agree about the grave
It was footage of boxes loaded onto a plane headed for Bedminster with Trump on board.
@PolarisAb What foreign visitor exchanges did PAB45 have at Bedminster on that visit?
Once Trump’s done telling me what to do, he’s going to tell you what to do. Surprises me how many don’t get that part of having a Dictator.
A dictator ? You clearly went to school to eat your free food.
If he was a dictator you wouldn’t be writing nonsense like this 😂
LOLOL. These Matthew Calamaris looked EXACTLY how I imagined they’d look. Dopes!
Jersey Shore TV show rejects.
“Take the cannolis, leave the gun”.
i’m sure they tried to withhold video of the boxes being moved and documents being moved.
They need to subpoena his membership and visitors records for mar a logo for the years he’s been out of office..If they get the video footage they should look at the days that there was activity at those storage lockers and what members and visitors were there around that time and who trump was meeting with, I’m sure his security team has them in their files to.
Let’s hope the FBI & Jack have also seized the laptops & other computers that might have been used to edit those recordings.
#amen 🙏
I’d think they would. But they have to finish going through hunters laptop first and that’s gonna take a while
I want him jailed. 😫
They need to dig up that coffin on his golf course. It’s full of more documents. It’s huge and took 10 men to carry when normally there are only six pall bearers.
Ivanka was cremated, and her ashes only weighed between five and seven pounds.
They had been divorced for decades and there was no affection between them. Why would he even put a coffin on his golf course to begin with?
Dig it up, Jack…
Hahaha of course! You’re onto him! If they look hard enough maybe they can find Jimmy Hoffa
Ivana. Ivanka is the daughter.
@PolarisAb The one he dated, same type of relationship as the mother.
That Calamari guy with the mustache and the glasses looks like someone straight from the cast of The Sopranos. Getting major mafia vibes. I have a feeling there’s some missing footage from that Surveillance tape at Mar-a-Lardo.
Continuity is the key. The surveillance video has been obviously poorly edited.
Just imagine how many info and details Jack Smith’s team is sifting through and how much hasn’t seen the light of day YET….
A crook, a conman and a traitor walk into a Courtroom. The Judge asks “How do you plead Mr Trump?”