1. “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”

  2. Now, is the time for Veterans and the VA to start calling out names of Senators who are not supporting our Troops and Veterans to We the People so we can vote them out of office. There is no reason what so ever that the USA have homeless veterans and their families. The VA need to become more aggressive at giving out list of Congress Members who don’t support policies that will benefit all USA Troops and Veterans. Let We the People see who in Congress really love and support our Troops and Veterans.

    1. Seems like you drank the kool-aid too. The group that runs the show ( all are one) can careless for other groups unless it helps them stay in control. Can’t walk around seeing with eyes wide closed my friend.

    2. @diveunder What she ment to say was that after sacrificing you priceless life with your service you mean nothing but a liability to the system you protected. Such a sad joke on that population.

    3. @Briana G my uncle was also bitten by that technicality. Part of it revolves around the fact that it was never declared a “war” and remained a “conflict”.

    4. @gacj2010 BS! You haven’t read it. My husband is a Vietnam Vet and he has read it, and he wants it.

    1. Untill the next one does the same thing..hahahaha Talk about a sad joke upon the affected. Wish it was different, your life is priceless and yet it was put on the line and here is the appreciation.

  3. It’s sickening how Republicans play petty politics with veterans lives and their supporters intelligence.

    1. @Emily Feagin pretty sure they aren’t the ones attacking judges, politicians, defunding police, trafficking fentanyl etc. But you are.

    2. @WE THE PEOPLE πŸ™Œ pretty certain you are no veteran. My husband is a Vietnam Vet and he needs this bill! You should be calling yourself, WE THE PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.

    1. @neb people like you are the reasons why I laugh so hard about the US 4 years ago πŸ˜‚. I hope Trump win so he can make the USA a great circus again while Biden make this country BORING

    2. Toomey is retiring
      His seat is being contested
      Running to replace him are
      John Fetterman of the Pitrsburgh area
      And Dr Oz of New Jersey

    1. @Mr Rey You keep telling yourself that. That type of thing happens with every single law that’s created. Sad that the jokes on our vet population. Thank you for your service and keep hope alive..

    2. @Romcoles OMG dude, I linked both versions and it actually explains the differences. you are just making up your own version. I see now why our country is so fk’d. I definitely has cemented the thoughts on what I must do in the voting booth these next few years…….

    3. @neb No Sir. Nothing was added to the bill. One sentence concerning a tax provision was deleted – a technical correction. Otherwise the same bill.

  4. The GOP are full of it! Spending gimmick? What about Trump’s tax bill which they passed without even a debate! The GOP are full of it period!!!

    1. @K Hill Not necessarily. Reducing taxes could balloon the deficit, spending is GUARANTEED to balloon the deficit.
      Lower taxes can encourage more people to be active in the market which results in more taxable transactions so while you would collect less per individual transaction you would see more overall revenue.

    2. @Chris Bammer Bro, we have 40 years of data showing that doesn’t work – how many more do we need?

    3. @Chris Bammer Trained-but-no-longer-practicing economist here — there has never been a case where a tax reduction aimed primarily at the most wealthy has not directly resulted in a recessionary tack to the economy. It’s like clockwork, and a running joke among some economists that the passage of the style of tax reduction Republicans favor can be used to predict the point at which velocity of money slows to such a degree that it has a deflationary and then recessionary effect to within a few weeks. Also, the deficit is largely irrelevant to how the economy is doing overall. It’s at most, 5% of the equation, being generous.

  5. Pat Toomey’s full of it. There is no budget gimmick. It’s β€œmandatory spending” because it has to be spent as part of a budget, just like every other government budget bill.

  6. Democrats need to stop being nice he should have just sad that toomey was lying that it .. we all know that toomey and the other republicans are lying .

    1. And you believe that because you read the bill and found out that it doesn’t provide spending on issues other than veterans health care?

    2. @Mark Lutz you didnt read it if you are asking that. i have read it, it explicitly says the money is to be spent on veterans healthcare

    3. @Mark Lutz Do you believe that the majority of Americans will vote for a Republican after this?

    4. @Rubeen what i see is 1 side putting forth bills that will actually help american people and another party standing in the way of them every single time.

  7. Democrats HAVE to own messaging.

    If this is truly the same bill that Republicans helped pass in June, then they have to live on the airways demanding the GOP state what change they didn’t like in the bill.

    Hold their feet to the fire.

    1. @Mr Rey it is the same bill that was voted on in June. There was one sentence that had to be removed based on the recommendation of the Senate Parliamentarian.

    2. @IHC Terra and guess who decides discretionary spending….anyone? Look it up…their excuse is bs.

    3. @Margaret Think about when 9/11 happened. The funds to support the first responders when they would start to get cancer and other debilitating diseases was also set up as a discretionary funding bill. Several years ago the funding dried up and it took a long time to get it reinstated while first responders were actually getting cancer and other diseases.

    4. Every new bill is passed this way. Funny that this time around that was the issue. There’s the textbook way of how government should be run, and then there is the actual way. Open your eyes

  8. if they can vote against our veterans in front of everyone, then just imagine what they do when nobody is watching

    1. @sweet pea A good illustration of we got the power you fools. All that was missing was the dance. Hope this causes more eye opening to our youth.

  9. Stewart is not a pseudo celebrity he is a popular talk show host and decades long activist for health care for first responders and veterans. The gop stooges who flipped their vote deserve ridicule

  10. These republican senators should read the bill instead of following Mitch McConnells lead. McConnell doesn’t need to lead Republicans if his demeanor is get even by punishing men who have served there country and were ordered to go to these countries and fight.

  11. The veterans should wake up that GOP Senators and House members are not for them.
    When they refuse to make it mandatory, the can shift the moto somewhere else.

  12. Shouldn’t even be a bill! Our veterans should be taken care of no matter what! Stop playing with peoples lives!!!😠

    1. @brian g. Really? So what is the blue book value of a veteran’s life? How much are they worth?

  13. If that was the case, why all the fist bumping?
    It doesn’t matter because it’s already been proven that Toomey is lying.

    1. @Sean McCartney Awwwwwww sweetie, I feel your pain trumpie. But, I love the trumpie whine, it’s music to my ears and brings a smile to my face, please don’t stop whining cupcake.

  14. I was deployed to Iraq twice and while I don’t usually agree with Mr. Stewart on many issues. I have to say I have so much respect for his passion and drive to help vets!!

    1. You should listen to what John says. He is far more informed than most politicians. He isn’t always right, but he does have a better gasp of the issues than most people.

  15. The GOP is showing you who they are, best to believe them. Watch what they do just as much as what they say.

    1. You mean the ruling group as they are one. People need to be calling it for what it is. It’s the same as when they call Trump “The President ” on the news yet no correction. So are we to call my ex wife the wife? How about your former employer The Boss.

  16. When the GOP say they “support our military” they only mean the arms industry in which they have stakes, not the people.

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