1. @Gangster 404 I don’t see a candidate on the list the gop wouldn’t be excited about honestly.

    1. Her party doesn’t like Porter, including Pelosi kicked her out of the House Financial Services Committee

    2. @Marc Meadows White house is a KAREN and even dumber than Biden (Jimmy Carter) but please nominate them both and make the GOP’s job even easier! LOL

    1. I came here to say the same. Either way, I’m voting straight Blue💙💙💙. Time for these grifting, delusional, right wingers go the hell on.

    2. @Donald J Trump 2024 …. Time for y’all to pick someone else, too. Little Donnie Dictator won’t be able to run.

  1. Am I crazy or does nobody remember in the 2020 election that Biden mentioned he was planning on being a one term president?

    1. @Monie sadly, I don’t think all the crazy trumpers would ever support someone as intelligent as she is and would call her extreme. 😔

    2. @Monie Oh yeah, I’d love to see her in the mix, but I also don’t want to lose the things she’s working on right now.

  2. I’m sick of these old codgers who won’t give the younger generatıon a chance. Their ideas are dull and unfit for a changing world. Biden has had his chance, he waited in the wings long enough, but he should be gracious in his old age and let someone else lead the way.

  3. Can you try and choose someone with at least part of his brain working?! The West is becoming embarrassing… The naval attache of the US Embassy in Moscow, Captain First Rank Dale Samuel, regularly drives around the city in a car with diplomatic plates and shows everyone his middle finger. The question arises: does he have problems with his finger, or with his head? By the way, lately, many Western public figures were doing everything so that the Russians treat them as mentally ill and do not take them seriously. Is this some kind of conscious strategy?

  4. Please don’t run for election again,save the world.You’ll be doing all of us a favor and the world.Youll never bring Russia to it’s knees.

  5. God no! However I’d vote for Bernie Sanders who has a mind of a 50 year old! Amy Loserchoir, and others made Bernie lose. I sure did not forget!!

  6. Donald Trump: “I hope [Biden] has recovered, because as you know, he fell off his bicycle. No, I’m serious. I hope he’s okay. Fell off a bicycle. I make this pledge to you today – I will never, ever ride a bicycle.”

    1. @M Hall Maybe bicycling, ice cream cones really aren’t the problem! The problem is people & their attitudes. From your comments, you show that when you cannot listen, you cannot learn. Unfortunately, it means you become anything but…HUMBLE! And being arrogant & obnoxious is not a strength. Instead, it’s, a mistake I believe you have just made.

    2. @Judy Feeney . I like Biden he is a decent man, but the man is old as hell, if he were younger he should stay and work hard to improve the lives of the American people, Biden is slowing down.

  7. Bernie Sanders? I know a lot of people like him but wouldn’t he hate actually being POTUS?

  8. I think Chris Murphy would do very well. Buttigieg doesn’t have the black vote. Dem voters aren’t crazy about everyone you mentioned that ran in 2020 against Biden.

  9. An Australian here; regarding the ages of both public and elected officials, you folk in the US have no limits! You’ve had geriatrics on your Supreme Court! Maybe time for reform? Age limits generally?! Term limits, would be even smarter re public officials! I say this with kindness, recognising the challenges and struggles the United States is having maintaining the long term viability of its democracy AND, though different, it appears the Australian democracy and its federal system of government’s initial design has stood the test of time extremely well (oh, with the exception of November 11, 1972 … though that’sanother story)!

  10. As a Proud Hillary Clinton Supporter, I hope and pray that Bernie Sanders runs for president,so I can return the favor of not supporting Bernie and stay home on election day.

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