1. The same party that cannot define a woman now claims to be fighting for women’s rights

    1. They strongly believe that women have the right to be destroyed by confused men in skirts should they try to compete in sporting events.

    1. @Savage That is why it is called faith. We are made in his image, not to be worse than animals. Ever notice out of all of the creatures on Earth, only one has knowledge of good and evil?

    2. That’s not true lol. Read the actual stat and how it’s broken down. Go back to Reddit.

    3. @The Memo 15%. That’s how many think that all cases abortion should be legal. The other majority think it should only in specific cases you liar.

  2. Hero worship. 🙏🙏🙏🙏⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️🙌🙌🙌🙌🌎🌎🌎👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 brave man.

  3. Women’s rights, except when it comes to vaccine mandates and men competing against them in sports, so why is the majority of babies being aborted ethnic, And why are the clinics always an ethnic poor neighborhoods

  4. Must Watch: CNN: Why this former anti-abortion activist regrets the movement he helped build

  5. To all the people how thank abortion is wrong now that woman can not get a abortion are you going to step up with your money and time ??? And are YOU going to ADOPT that child / unwanted child not the State but YOU and if you can not say yes to your money and time and yes to Adoption than you can not tell a woman what to do .

    1. @Watchman oh and a woman is an adult human female. So at least you’ll get 2 right on your boards.

  6. My doctor told me I would need surgery in order to correct my body so I could give birth.. Why the f*** would I do that when I don’t want a kid to begin with?

  7. I hope he finds a compassionate and stellar replacement soon, women deserve the right to body autonomy, and he certainly deserves a wonderful retirement. Thank you Doctor!

    1. @Scott Staggs Would you Christian conservative Americans consider the Chinese society and cultural norm is totally immoral?

    2. @Scott Staggs We Chinese do not have the Christian commandments. So ladys can do it as long as they want, and usualy no one would judge the lady if she is an adult.

    3. @Johnson Manamohan We Chinese do not have the Christian commandments. So ladys can do it as long as they want, and usualy no one would judge the lady if she is an adult.

  8. How dare conservatives try to stop the “cattle cars” from getting to “Choice Camps”!😡

    1. 1 Evolution Is The Flying Spaghetti Monster Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCia8JwD-qU

      Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
      5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠

      Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
      los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

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