House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) joins CNN's Jake Tapper after US fighter jets shot down a third flying object in just over a week. #CNN #News
‘Trigger-happy’: GOP lawmaker on Biden’s response to third flying object

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) joins CNN's Jake Tapper after US fighter jets shot down a third flying object in just over a week. #CNN #News
GOP: you aren’t doing anything
GOP: You are doing to much
@Kiss My Axe Trump lost and the election was wasn’t stolen. Get over it!
@alex tierney They did go over the country though. And Trump either knew they existed and is lying, has forgotten because of his dementia, was such a massive incompetent idiot that his own intelligence and military agencies kept him in the dark, or was asleep at the wheel ignoring their briefings in a stunning act of dereliction of duty.
You can pick how you think he fucked up, but it’s undeniable that he fucked up.
@Trump is going to prison oh where 1 goes we all go? Like how RINOs we’re all for trump right? Hmmmmm 🤔
@alex tierney next time try making sense.
So you still trust this guy? Democrats claim to be the Woke Party. When are you gonna wake up?
I don’t quite get the logic . At first they were taking too long to shoot down the object and now it’s too early ? Which is it?
It’s the exact same logic from 2 weeks ago…”oh, it looks like a spy balloon…let it fly across the whole continent”.
@steviemercado2 When did he play the blame game? 2:29 He said he perfered the administration to be trigger happy. The more I read the comments. The more I think everyone didn’t watch the video.
@Franklin maybe you should read the comment again ” everyone has a habit of blaming the sitting president for everything that happens regardless of involvement in the matter.” This implies that I’m talking generally.
Its the opposite of whatever the GOP disagreed with last time…
Republicans and logic do not go together.
Republicans: Upset when you don’t shoot the balloon. Upset when you shoot the balloon.
Oh, and also upset that they can’t marry literal children
Republicans aren’t the ones who are grooming little kids sicko.
@Smy 825 Republican lawmakers charged/convicted of grooming, abusing, luring and illegal images of little kids says otherwise. Do the actual research instead of lying to yourself and encouraging the harming of kids. Heck, you still can’t even grapple with the fact that the people you rely on for religious advice have been the most prevalent abusers of kids in history (Herp a durrrr Jesusssssss).
The most disturbing part. Is not one Republican has argued we shouldn’t shoot it down. But I’ve probably read 200 comments by propagandist claiming Republicans didn’t want him to shoot it down. Even though at 2:29 he agreed we should have and can’t let our airspace be violated.
@Franklin The most disturbing part is the fact that Republicans have a concerning tendency to be attracted to little kids, while yelling that everyone else is attracted to little kids. Now in regards to your statement, the concern is using wording that infers the other party is reckless and dangerous (“Trigger Happy”), while agreeing with what they did, causing unnecessary anger and infighting within our country.
Also, 3,127 comments on this channel alone? Sweet Russian Orthodox Jesus, get a new job bud.
I’m just wondering why the Republicans didn’t offer any “thoughts and prayers” to the poor balloons.
They were shot after all, and the Republicans like to see things shot.
A right winger calling ANYONE else “trigger happy.” That’s rich! 😂
Yo, Custer, you go now!
Traitor Joe is going to get us in a war and it is YOUR fault.
The assholes need a story to sell. Which ones? All of ’em.
@artao5 so you say.
@David Eby Yes, I command the universe. Didn’t you know that.🥺
*First he’s weak for not shooting the first balloon now he’s “trigger happy.” GOP flip flops more than a fish..*
Well their defacto leader used to be a pro choice, Hillary supporting Democrat.
They’re the Magikarp of politicians.
Dude is spinning faster than a shot-down cylindrical object.
Brother you got a set of big ones If the president hesitate is wrong and now trigger happy You are doing his election more easy Keep the good work
Every House member on gun legislation should be quoting Mike Turner (R-OH). “Mike Turner is right. America is trigger-happy.” … “Mike Turner said it best….” … “I would like thank Mike Turner for speaking truth to power…”
Mr high and mighty Mike Turner has a legislative office staff of 25-30 and probably just as many staff for his Intelligence Committee. If the FBI were to search the premises of all those people, How many classified documents do you think they would find?
Too many! And people like Maggot Traitor Goon are very likely sharing all of that information with Trump and anyone else they can.
The GOP really ought to wait more than 10 days before completely flip flopping on their stance. Their voter base isn’t too bright, but I’d wager even they’ll catch onto this inconsistent blame game soon if it keeps at this pace
” their voter base isn’t too bright”
Says the one who believes that men can get pregnant 🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂
No they won’t. Republican MAGA Extremist Base will just deny the fact’s even when it’s all neatly laid out for them. These people and their Congressional Representatives are delusional and they hate America so very much!
@Smy I thought that was Marco Rubio.
@smy5607 tell me where I said that 😳
Why? Flip flopping has worked just great for them for the last six or so years!
Mike Turner as the head of the Intelligence Committee is an oxymoron.
@Mohamed Karim reported
He is just a moron.
Agreed … More Moron than Oxy …..
My thoughts exactly! LOL
Wish I could give you multiple thumbs up on this one!!
First balloon: should’ve shot it down sooner over Alaska
Second object shot down over Alaska: you’re trigger happy…wtf
Like teenagers
Mike Turner seems upset that America is making the right decision, unhappy that the guy that played golf is not making the calls.
Of course! First the President is “negligent”, and then he’s “trigger-happy” in identical incidents. GOP, you’re so beyond credible, I’d be embarrassed to waste the time to record this clown!
They’re the goofiest collection of people alive.
Stupid is what Stupid does!
Hello, today’s GOP
So what’s trumps space force doing these days? You’d think this would be right up they’re alley.
Imagine the nerve of Biden and Trudeau acting to protect the airspace of North America, as quickly and safely as possible, and not consulting with Turner or Green.
**fainted on a couch**
“The defense industries, that, when combined, were the biggest donors to my last campaign, need more taxpayer dollars.” -Rep. Mike Turner
What?!? Is it me or did everything Turner say sound like gibberish? These reporters are so patient with these troubled people. ❤
Mike Turner and Intelligence together is an oxymoron.