The White House announced that President Joe Biden ordered the military to down what it described as a “high-altitude object” hovering over Alaska. National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby said the high-altitude object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and “posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight.” #CNN #News
US military downed a ‘high-altitude object’ over Alaska, White House says

I like John Kirby’s delivery and mannerism and I hope to see more of him
@Royal Emu he’s the best man for any job that they can throw at him
@Andrew “WindMind” Dutton-Topper amen to that and he is a very intelligent man
@Andrew “WindMind” Dutton-Topper 😂
@Thomas Holt Old Smokey’s really going to have his work cut out for him now that China knows where our nuclear missile silos are.
@Andrew “WindMind” Dutton-Topper I can only imagine the hard work and sacrifices.
It is really important to know what that object was in order to form an opinion
Its not just a Chinese balloon 🎈 this time. Its Sadam WMD object🤡
@Mark Warren What are you talking about?
@Mark Warren With the job to keep us safe. Therefore if they blab every detail publicaly then the enemy hears that info as well. That, may put us at risk. Geez!!!
@it’s ok, i’m ok Get lost buddy.
@Candle Bright cool 👌 still have no clue what your point was. Or what you’re trying to argue 👍
Flight paths vary depending on its height within the jet stream. 60k feet vs 40k.
It was a drone.
@Lawn Man balloon gate is going to be Biden’s down fall
@Lawn Man You seem like the only person in the comments not going completely insane telling everyone it’s aliens
Airline cruising altitude is generaly 30 -40k feet
True. However, the atmosphere in the Arctic is much thinner than at the equator due to centrifugal force.
Do these reporters seem to be asking already answered questions, or questions that he already stated he didn’t have answers.
@James Ryan gosh sakes and heck 😂
@James Ryan “woman reporter”😅 they are called bae porties… don’t be sexist ya pro medicae westy 😮
@/AA Americans aren’t Hungary. Dey thursty 😂
Trump Laptop Suprise
They’re idiots who like to hear themselves speak
Heard it was the size of a small car. My conclusion is it likely was a car. So, now the question is: Who parked it up there, and why?
@Marilyn Roach no putin is using it to go to jack in the box burgers
@Michael McLeod yeah it was putins car
@Jerry Parks Take an unserious pill.
@Thomas Holt I think you might have nailed it. Lada fired from a cannon = Russian cruise missile.
🚗 🚘 🚔 🏎
I’m sure it’s another Chinese object who’s trying to test the capability of the US Air Force how and where they can pebetrate into US airspace.
Fortunately Capt George Santos was flying his F35 right where it came into our airspace
Pretty easy really. All they’d have to do is walk over through Mexico. Their fentanyl comes through daily. No need to waste so much money on flying objects.
im happy as long as anyone contain the tyranny of the US, they laid waste to dozens of countries, killed millions and ruined the life of tens more. all that only since 2000.
absolute power corrupts absolutely.
@Jack Sure buddy, whatever you say, LOL
It seems like they’re testing our defenses and response time.
This time they test Americun defense with Sadam WMD flying 🚗 🚘 . 😆😅🤣
Yup. Not good!
Please send the libtards to fight because the “voted” for it
Testing defense at the same time shooting unknown car object while fire a Nuclear missiles capability from California toward Marshall Island. Reporteder didn’t ask how that Nuclear missiles going? Did those Nuclear missiles hit their target? Why don’t fire that missile toward Alaska take down that unknown car object instead toward Marshall Island?
They shot down thier own balloon for what test?to test people’s knowledge?
Direct, coherent, informative, and calmly delivered answers. Somebody get this guy a political party that he can lead!
how about the STFU shill party
Rehearsed & lied
He’s better than these other liberal press secretaries, I’ll say that.
lol… he is a shill for years been the same shill……
You like the handsome liar in the nice suit… I get it
on the other side of the world, in Chinese: OK, that was too big. Make next one smaller or fly higher…
Sounds like someone is testing our capabilities.
The Covid Empire
The further away we make an official acknowledgement that we see it, or the earlier we shoot it down, the better idea they have of where our capability boundaries are. The Chinese stopped transmitting from the first one as soon as we called it out, so any data it collected from its transit was lost when it was shot down over the Atlantic. Plus, it couldn’t detect any radio that a satellite wouldn’t already grab, though it would have longer exposure with its maneuverability. Tarps on our buildings, avoid using radio when it’s overhead, and just account for its known/expected flight path make it just a waste of Chinese money. I just hope it costs more than the missile and fuel we used shooting it down.
🚘 🚗🚘 🚗 🚘
That does not take much doing
@Reggie Shark Arcade bruh haha
I love how hard he’s trying not to say “unidentified flying object” LOL
It was a classic UAP! Now the military has more exotic material evidence of extra terrestrial UAP,to keep from the public. Don’t forget they call that area the Alaska triangle.
@Simon Multiverse Your an idiot. They’re gray,not green.
@Richard Park 51,not 52
I have the video of the UFo before it was shot down on my channel
Can such an object be detected by all civilian airliners? Wouldn’t a collision be fatal for a civilian airliner?
Probably not depending on the object’s construction. A balloon this size would not reflect radar well enough for detection. This object was in class A airspace which requires air traffic control communications. Without ATC communications, this object poses a risk to airline safety. Good question. Reporters should have asked this.
yes, it would be fatal. And the only tools they have are 4 Mark1 eyeballs
It poses danger or could be fatal for civilian airliners, so it makes sense to shoot it down immediately.
The fighter aircraft guys must be excited to finally get to have action. A UFO, a big drone
China will eat up all US missiles by sending cheap balloons over here
They launched it!
@B N I’ll bet it will end up being from China.
So, what symbol do you paint on the nose of the jet that did the shoot down? A flying saucer with a line through it inside a circle? Half a saucer angled out of a horizontal line, or a saucer with a bullet hole through it. These are important questions.
Some of these reporters seem to want to hear themselves asking questions.
🎭 that’s METH UP 👆
@Kirsty Black for real you are correct
@David Eby all administration’s are great for sure
Keep the boss happy they asked a stupid repeated question promotion coming.
Some.. ?? LOL
Was this Flying Object identified or Unidentified ?
Didn’t you hear him? They don’t know wtf it is yet. I hope it wasn’t a tic-tac 🛸 or we’re in for it.
@sad romantic Interstellar War time.
@sad romantic I hope it is lol that’d be great
Are these reporters for real?! He’s already explained these things they’re asking about. I suppose they were multitasking and not paying attention. ? 🤔
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Record:-
One reason to wait before shooting down the spy balloon is that the U.S. wanted to see what questions China was trying to answer. There are things to be learned from knowing what China doesn’t know or what they want to know more about. This was explained by YouTuber “Combat Veteran Reacts”.
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Record:-
Lol what a lie
Wake up it’s a us made game to invoke a war against China ,the world is going crazy thanks god for everything
That’s possibly the dumbest response I’ve heard. I will not be visiting that YouTube page
@Tio Swift Course not…. “Let’s see what they want to know” – pretty typical in the intelligence game. I’ve even used that tactic in certain social situations
How fast was it moving? That would be a determining factor.
Russia might be interested in whether we are able to detect flying objects entering N. America across Alaska. It sounds from news reports we didn’t even know the Chinese balloon was over Alaska when it entered U.S. airspace.
Since China and Russia are sort of allies now, they could try to test the limit of the US by taking turns sending flying objects over, just to confuse us. They are communicating with each other, so this could be a likely scenario. I do hope the source of the second flying object can be identified soon.
I love the long way this guy explains “shoot first ask questions later”
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Record:-