Holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Fine talks about how she diagnoses animals and how they can teach us about our mortality. #CNN #News
Veterinarian on what pets can teach us about mortality

Holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Fine talks about how she diagnoses animals and how they can teach us about our mortality. #CNN #News
Oh no. I couldn’t live without my animal,friends
Spent the past 2 weeks sleeping on the floor of my den bc my dog had surgery for torn acl and can’t go upstairs for a few weeks or run jump or play. It sucks but I love my little guy.
link to the clip they finally released it
Awww I love your heartfelt dedication. I wish ppl felt like that for ALL animals not just cats and dogs. We will hava better world.
Jesus said “So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
Dogs and cats (all animals for that matter) have a great advantage on all of us humans as they have no idea how old they are, subsequently they don’t know where they are on the “timeline of life”, they don’t worry about their age because it is meaningless to them. Every morning when a dog opens it’s eyes it’s the same old dog… it has all it’s dog things to do and it does them, it doesn’t say to itself “I’m too old a dog to do that” because it doesn’t know how old it is, it doesn’t know what numbers are, it never went to school. Sometimes being smarter isn’t always better.
Ignorance is bliss
The people who laugh when someone is grieving the loss of a beloved pet have no soul.
It’s just a matter of understanding.
I would be talking to the walls if I didn’t have my furbabies.
oops forgot to mention the carbon footprint, guess that wont help sell her books
I have six dogs and i love them even they destroy my stuff 😅😅😅
Now we have a population decrease because of the pets lovers
As a philosophy researcher interested in mortality, I think the doctor is wrong. It is interesting to hear that non-human animals accept their death because they “perceive” their body as telling them it is the right time, but the crucial difference with a human being is that we are self-conscious, and aware of the absurdity of disappearing into nothingness. A cat does not have (for better or worse) the cognitive abilities to picture its own life AS A LIFE: we do, and we understand that our projects and whatever we value will disappear for us.
I bought a My Pillow set of pillows and sheets from Mike Lindell on one of his late night Info Commercials of his on tv. Soon as I laid them out on my bed my chihuahua, Chica proceeded to urinate, defecate and tear them up to shreds. I figured she was telling me something and I’ve never bought another set of My Pillows and bedding again.
I lost my beautiful and precious girl, Latte, a Chihuahua, Feb 2nd. I miss her so. A lot of times I felt like she was the only person that truly loved me. I told her to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
I’m sorry for your loss. She will wait until the end of time for you. Love never dies.
Treating with animals with Chinese medicine is a long established practice.
And absolutely animals do not have the fear of death that so many humans do
So in short be ready for it prepare for it and accept it calmly
DAISY MAY 2003-2019 😘🐕💜🌠🌈
Dr. Karen is fine!😍
The unthinkable. Love my dogs more than words can convey🐕🐩🐕🦺🐾❤❤❤❤
With a face like that ,I believe it.
3 things that matter to humans:
1. Coming into existence.
2. Living life.
3. Ceasing to exist.
(This last one is tough for many humans, and other species at times too, to accept, if they even ever do).
Nothing has ever hurt me more than the loss of a pet 💔
Yep, just this week we lost our cat, Biggie. Our hearts are broken.