A Utah jury has found Gwyneth Paltrow not liable in a 2016 ski collision case. Terry Sanderson, a retired optometrist, sued Paltrow, an Oscar-winning actor and the founder and CEO of Goop, over lasting injuries he said he sustained when the two collided at the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah more than seven years ago. #CNN #News #shorts
Watch as jury reads verdict in Gwyneth Paltrow ski collision trial

He should be paying her costs.
That was being claimed by her along with the $1 she asked for. She will get it
He is… $1 plus legal fees
She should sue him for her court costs.
For all those posting in here that she’s getting legal costs, that has yet to be decided. If you listened to the motions, the defense lawyers had indicated that is something they want to pursue, but the plaintiff’s lawyers argued against it. Whether this is pursued and whether the case can be made will be decided later or the defense attorneys may drop the claim; we don’t know yet how this will proceed.
@Yaash No, court fees were not included in this part of the trial. That is something that may be taken up later, if you listened to the motion against and the judge’s ruling.
@Ch No, court fees were not included in this part of the trial. That is something that may be taken up later, if you listened to the motion against and the judge’s ruling. Currently, Sanderson only has to pay $1. Seems you were the one not paying attention.😉
@Phil O’Connor The court costs get paid to the court, not to Paltrows legal team.
@HoneyBadger They all play like it’s going to be on TV.
He should have to pay her lawyer fees
Oh he does
How in the world did this ever go to trial? This was obviously a money grab.
Because they can make some money off of it or so they thought because of her name
It went to trial because she rightly refused to pay the ransom.
Good for her. What a greedy jerk!
Bravo! Thank God the jury could see through this scammer and fraudster.
Sue Capela,
Even, Stevie Wonder could see this was a fraud. Imagine going skiing the next day where everyone saw him, how stupid of him and his lawyer.
He now has to Pay for her attorney fees because she won the counter suit if 1 dollar.
All skiers applaud the decision. Good verdict !
You gotta hope that this helps reduce future frivolous lawsuits.
Lol . Good one
All lawyers would need to suddenly vanish for that to happen.
When trying to get paid goes wrong!! 😂😂
Justice was properly served. It’s a shame Gwyneth had to endure this, but good for her for sticking to her principles…..much respect.
Gwyneth has True Grit. Even though it inconvenienced her greatly she made sure this man’s unscrupulous nature was exposed to the world and protected the rest of us from him.
News reporting is usually very poor in the US. If the plaintiff wanted to make his case, he really needed to provide some kind of corroborating evidence. If he was injured, how did he get down the slope? If he skied, that would tend not support his story. If he called for help, got a rescue team to bring him down, and then went to the hospital by ambulance, that would be pretty good evidence. But no reports these kinds of details. Sigh.
Shes not inconvenienced. Good lord shes a multimillionaire with assistants. She’ll be fine
@Bill Green Well, there you have it.
The fact that Ms. Paltrow didn’t counter sue for legal fees and time but rather a token sum of 1 dollar is a testament to what a good person she is.
I swear it was $1 plus legal fees at one point.
@Carlos E It still is last time i checked!!
He has to pay her legal fees too!!
He pays her legal fees and $1.00
She prob just don’t want the stress wants it over and done with.
That’s greed at it’s best. Congratulations to Gwyneth Paltrow 👏 !!!
Classy lady ! $1 dollar in damages was all she wanted !!
I guess justice have been serve…this was an accident that should be treated like that,not in a court trying to get money,,,she didn’t smile ,she breath alleviating that at least this is over. The fact that she counter sued for a dollar just tells you how good person she is..at the end his lawyer pat his shoulders like “you can’t always win but I always collect”
I’m glad Gwyenth won since she wanted her name cleared & the amount she ask for was only $1.00. She skiing into him & causing all the damage he listed would be impossible due to her size & the event happened on the “bunny slope.” But the fact that he continued to be very active thereafter means he could not have suffered severe injuries. Especially since one of the activities included white water rafting that is a dangerous sport.
Damn can the lady read?? Spit it out
Right! Yes some of the wording was awkwardly phrased, but maybe run through it once before reading? Or … get someone else to read it?!
Thought the same thing!
Ok, good to know I’m not the only one. 😂😂😂🙄🤦🏻
The male Karen at the ski resort 😅