‘We didn’t have a choice’: Ukrainians only way to flee Mariupol was through Russia

Ukrainians face the difficult decision of staying in devastated in Mariupol or fleeing. The only way to seek safe passage is through Russia. CNN's Scott McLean has more. #CNN #News


    1. @Max Kar жители крыма по собственной воли захотели вступить в состав России. Их никто не заставлял. Это случилось после государственного переворота в 2014, которые устроила США и к власти пришли неонацистские партии. За что можно осуждать Крым или Россию. С учетом того что в Крыме основное население- русские.И Крым всегда был русским.
      Вот что последние 8 лет происходит на Донбассе.
      Но весь западное СМИ закрывает на это глаза. Нужно быть объективным и освещать события с обеих сторон.

  1. Resilience, bravery and unity of the people of Ukraine are second to none. Glory to Ukraine..👍👋

  2. citizens around the world will always stand with eachother, no matter what country! same can not be said from our goverments who we placed in power.

    1. Unfortunately once word gets out on who helped whom, those helpers are the ones being put at risk, they too would need to flee the country.

      Putin can use an excuse to execute “traitors that sheltered terrorists” for example.

  3. As a Russian citizen I really glad they made it and I wish them all of the best. Ordinary Russian citizens will help (I hope most of us if we can) and we realize why Ukrainians go to Western Europe, Canada, USA and not staying in Russia if they can. After all we are still humans and understand human’s needs for food, shelter and safety.

    1. Thank you for humanity. I hope you share their stories and the murderous atrocities Putin is inflicting on Ukraine

  4. I am so glad they made it to safety. Thank you to the kind Russians who helped them once they arrived, and provided shelter and a route to other countries. Your kindness means so much in this time. I hope others get a chance to get to freedom, even if through the Russian Federation lands.

  5. I’m glad at least some people who went into Russia voluntarily or involuntarily is able to get out.

  6. Thank you for reporting on the kindness they experienced in Russia. I lived in Russia and have many friends there. My husband is Russian. It’s important to remember that Putin does not represent the majority of Russians. There are good people in Russia.

  7. 1k+ comments, did anyone ask the the question why the young man was not fighting for his country or helping Ukrainian Forces ? 🤔

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