1. @Isaias SanabriaThank the demoRat that let this man out in 2019 after having a felony. Had they convicted him he would have been in prison until 2024. 🤡

    2. @Me Myself and I do you believe in aliens, bigfoot or ghosts? If you answer yes to any of the aforementioned, then your life is completely fictional as well.

    3. @Troll-5.0 no bud, that’s actually you people…. something tells me you actually don’t know…all vitriol and opposition aside for just a bit, you should actually look this up. During the January 6 terr or ist attack, your friends actually smeared 💩 on the walls of the Capitol and urine in offices and hallways…. Newsmax and OAN must not have covered that….why do you people love 💩 so much?

    4. @Troll-5.0  Seriously? ROFL!! I’m very well aware of what fictional is. Just as a side note, princess, if I did believe in one of those, how would it make my “complete life” fictional. It would mean one believed in something fictional. Educate yourself a little before making idiotic comments, and your stupid won’t show as much.

  1. I don’t give a damn anymore about “issues” these shooters have. We all have problems. We all have issues. But we don’t take them out on innocent people.

    1. Amen to this twice! Most people have problems in their life but they don’t go around shooting people to death! Most people have family members that have died! Some people have no self control whatsoever and take it out on other people and personally I’m sick of it!

  2. When the governor Engler closed all the state facilities for mental illness they were left on the streets placed in jails and without real treatment centers. We knew in health care this would be a major problem. Now it manifests itself in violence. It’s only going to get worse. Prayers to the families and may The Most High help them in this time of trouble, amen 🙏🏾

    1. @Jon Dough Politics are no better than Bloods and Crips in my opinion. Both are committing extortion on everyone they can so they can be ahead and live in million dollars houses while caring less and lees about anyone else… They don’t care about this country.

    2. Unbelievable you wanna spin this politically. But hey, thats the democrats philosophy. Never let a tragedy go to waste! Nice job deflecting you liberal hivemind!

    3. Bummer. The shooter wasn’t a white conservative. He is a registered democrat who obtained the firearm illegally who was a felon let out of jail by another liberal judge. Perhaps next time CNN. I guess tougher gun control laws are the solution….right libtards? 😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣 Well over 100 million Americans legally own over 300 million firearms and over a trillion rounds of ammo….if they were the problem, we would know about it. Oh….Be sure to keep all school campuses gun-free zones…..these nut-job liberal shooters need to operate in an environment where nobody shoots back.

    4. @Steve B “And yes, people DO got to college”. Really?
      Not only do YOU have a problem with speaking proper English but you also have a problem understanding that when you aim a pistol and shoot at somebody standing 15 or 20 feet away from you it’s EXTREMELY likely you’re going to miss your target by anywhere from 2 to 3 feet.

      This means it’s very possible, if not probable, that you’re going to miss your target and hit someone else standing next to your target.

      Why don’t you simply call one of your local gun stores and ask an experienced pistol shooter how difficult it is to hit a 2 foot wide human torso target for more than 15 feet away.

      And the shooter’s adrenaline was running pretty high which makes it harder to hit your target that is about 15 feet or more away.

      You are not a complete moron nincompoop but you need to understand more about what others like me are talking about.

      And don”t or be about it.

      And remember that other people are judging what you say here! What people? These people:

    1. @Ministry Of Truth since toxic people like you and all Republican virus are still alive this world will never see peace

    2. @Ministry Of Truth Since 1966 when a gunman at UT killed a bunch of people and stunned the nation. Copycats have been following up ever since.

  3. This one hit too close to home for me. Not only did my brothers and I all go to MSU, but I have a niece and nephew there now, and my niece’s dorm is not far from the Student Union. It was over an hour before I could reach anyone to find out if she was OK. I can’t say I was panicked – I know how big that place is, and knew that the odds were massively in their favor, but it was still stressful, thinking that at any time I might get a call telling me that May or Tom was shot.

    1. @Willa1901 😰 I’m glad your cousins is safe. But…UGH! Nobody…none of us…should have to live this way!

    2. Bummer. The shooter wasn’t a white conservative. He is a registered democrat who obtained the firearm illegally who was a felon let out of jail by another liberal judge. Perhaps next time CNN. I guess tougher gun control laws are the solution….right libtards? 😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😆🤣😆😂😅🤣😅🤣 Well over 100 million Americans legally own over 300 million firearms and over a trillion rounds of ammo….if they were the problem, we would know about it.

  4. This is why we need mental heath out in all communities nationwide. Mental health issues are at an all time high. Try to treat people with kindness, you never know what people are going through. My deepest condolences and sympathy to all parties involved.

    1. Therapists aren’t going to save us. They are kind of like chemotherapy in the sense that for some people with cancer, it’ll extend their life for a little while. For others, no benefit whatsoever, yet extremely costly. The research shows no long term benefit. It’s a heart problem. Only God can fix that.
      How about we examine WHY it is that people’s mental health is supposedly declining (the evidence for that is shaky as well). But could it be that when a nation abandons spirituality and God, it makes a lot more room for plagues of the mind and evil? “Thou shalt not kill” (and the rest of the 10 Commandments) used to be in every school.

    2. Funny that “mental health issues” are at an all time high…..drug abuse due to libtards decriminalisation is at an all time high….mass shootings at an all time high….and yet noone on the left will connect the dots? High potency weed is causing more psychotic breaks then ANY real “mental illness” ever has in the history of mankind!

    3. @Justin Edse Thanks Justin.

      The school I was talking about is only about 1/2 mile away from where I’m sitting as I peck away at the keyboard.

      NOW in order to be able to get into the schools (during normal school hours) you need to get ‘buzzed in’ after being identified thru a camera system.

    4. @Justin Edse tell that to all Hollywood and politicians who worship him. And you can tell him yourself when your time here is done.

  5. Judges are too soft on crime! He shouldn’t have had a gun but the felony was changed to a misdemeanor which shouldn’t have ever happened! Ridiculous justice system!!

    1. This the comment I was scrolling for. Root cause this thing and don’t get caught up in narrative. Bad guy. Shouldn’t have been out. Period. Not a gun problem. Guy was a psycho, without a gun it would have been a bomb, car, you name it. Godless people doing evil. End of story.

    2. @Papa Smurfington Are you playing a reverse Uno card? You are letting tribalism warp your mind. So you think a Republican judge, a party who the Democratics call racist every day, would go easy on a POC for felony gun possession? The same Republican party that is also called racist for not going easy on criminals in general, instead of the catch and release, criminal reform of the Democratics? FYI, the Ingham County Circut Court where this person was charged, judges are elected, not appointed. Ingham County has 2 State Senators and 3 State Representatives, all of them are Democrats. The Governor and Legislature of MI is controlled by Democrats as is both US Senators and the US Rep from this district. Ingham County voted 65.7% for Biden in 2020. Ingham County and the MI 30th Circut Court are blue not red.

    3. Are you joking? Go to chicago and see how easily some crook can get a gun in an hour. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws, and yet, dozens get killed in shootings every week.

    4. He would have had a flgun regardless. Hes a criminal. Just because he has a felony you rhink hes gunna not carry a gun on him?

  6. So tired of of folks who ain’t about nothing taking their aggressions out on innocent lives. They can say all they want in most cases oh they had bad child hood etc as excuse. All bombs ticking in folks head aren’t detected until they set it off. So sorry really sorry for families. Damn hits hard. These students family did not sign up for this.

  7. It is absolutely terrifying 😰 I don’t know how much more heartbreaking news of another mass shooting I can take. Sending prayers to every student and professor at MSU! And thank you, first responders.

    1. A gunman who killed three and wounded five others at Michigan State University on Monday would have been barred from owning a firearm at the time of the shooting had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by a progressive prosecutor.

    2. @Cow Palace Dave Yea nah. Republicans are the ones spreading the lies for the last fifty years that someone is coming to take your guns hahaha.

    3. That’s the whole purpose of the exercise Jacqueline. You’re supposed to be terrified. We’re all supposed to be terrified, because that shuts down the reasoning centers of the brain, and you could be more easily manipulated. Don’t believe everything you see on CNN or NBC or any other CIA controlled News Network.

    4. This is a deplorable crime. I send my condolences to the families of the deceased. I send positive energy to the families of the ones who got shot and are still alive.

  8. Rest in peace too all the victim’s 💔😢😔I send my deepest condolences to the families this CAN’T BE NORMALIZED 😡😡😡

    1. Did you know 15 years ago there was a mass shooting in DeKalb Illinois. It was at a college just like this one and it had even higher casualties but it got very little attention. It’s weird how we give these shootings all sorts of attention these days.

    2. Democrat judges soft on crime led to this. Democrats do not have Americans backs btw. They want more criminals on the streets and wanna take your second amendment rights away.

    1. @Brian Zembruski Funny you say that…heres a fun fact: in 2020 more people died from inserting foreign objects up their rectums then were killed by AR15s! But silly putty? That would be a challenge….😂🤣😂🤣

    2. @CatsInHats S.Crouching Tiger There have been countless cases of psychopaths who has caused terrible tragedies who were coddled by their parents who raised them to become who they became OR those parents who refuse to acknowledge that their child is messed up and refuse to get them help and treatment. Our guardians have a huge influence and impact on who we become as adults and it is a bit illogical to claim otherwise. I think you ought to think this through more thoroughly ☺️i hope this helps. ✌🏻

    3. @CatsInHats S.Crouching Tiger Any object can become a weapon? Here in Australia, a beardy weirdy went nutz in central Sydney, running around with a knife screaming Allahu Akbar and stabbing people. One poor woman died before two businessmen pinned him down with a café chair. We’d have been fucked if that fella had of had access to an AR-15. Fortunately we’re not stupid enough to let any idiot buy one of those.

  9. Evil. Those young scholars had absolutely no connection to his life. Condolences to the families of the victims, the surviving community. Prayers for those fighting for their lives.

    1. @Ibrat911 Yup, it was a Democrat DA, funded by Soros, who reduced the felony so this guy could keep his guns….FACT!

    2. @N Your pie video has very strange things in it. And in the background. Also I see you are brainwashed with demonically.

  10. Wow, what a compassionate doctor! This is so sad. Unfortunately, more and more it seems, this is to be expected, as our society continues to deteriorate. We are only in the month of February and are already dealing with a bunch of mass shootings. I am afraid to see what the rest of the year will bring. May the victims rest in peace and the injured recover. 🙏

    1. @S. Terris how can they act to protect us. I mean they cops kill more unarmed people than all mass shooters combined smh

    2. CNN is leaving one keyword missing from the suspects description that is normally displayed with pride. Can anyone guess what it is?

    3. @Klerixజ్ఞా Il 98% of mass shooters are black…those of us who actual gather facts know this…msm knows this too, but deliberately hide this while pushing the marxist plan!

  11. My cousin is a senior at MSU and was in her apartment only a mile or two from the Uni during the shooting, she was frantically texting us during the incident. Shes at her parents home now, and safe. Condolences go out to all family members and friends who lost a loved one.

    1. Wowwwww! I certainly hope she able to complete her semester without any issues. Very Happy she is doing ok.🙏🏻

    1. @Who Knows that’s stupid how is anything to laugh about. And what does the fact that DA’s are letting criminals right back out have to do with a few bad cops here and there . Maybe cops would be more well trained and better chosen people if they weren’t being defunded

    2. @Johnny A it’s not the lack of training for cops, it’s the culture of corruption and hatred that needs to change, make them accountable! Every year hundreds of millions of dollars is being spent on law suits due to incompetence negelence of cops, which is paid by the taxpayers, why not let it come out of their pension, and personal assets? Immediate Reform is needed! Stop hiring nazi, psychopaths, deranged murdering racist lunatics!

  12. I’ve got to say, as I watched this unfold last night, everyone involved did an amazing job communicating with students, faculty, families, and press to get clear information out fast with regular, factual updates. So often we see a clusterfuck of rumor and misinformation adding to the panic. Kudos for transparency and clear lines of communication.

    1. @Diamond Spear Official I am gangstalked too but no point in snapping. It will not help us, that is what they want us to do. Screw the monitor community.

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