1. @Rider 38 One side tried to overthrow US democracy. Deeeeeep breath…….which side was that……….take your time….

  1. Thanks Republicans, for showing us how you’re going to lead the House and represent the people of the United States. We see you.

    1. The rhino’s want McCarthy. The others want competent ppl. And the past one was a criminal who th8jks we’re stupid

    2. @Lissa Bee your the party that doesn’t even have primaries anymore, your told who to vote for and yall don’t question it. Nancy was nothing more than a criminal

    1. It’s rather pathetic to watch
      Democrats and leftists gloating about the fact that the Republican Party seems to still allow for a tiny amount of dissent and debate while their own party is an absolute authoritarian borg that demands lockstep allegiance from its members.

    2. @Ms. Byrd
      “Republican In Name Only” is the acronym, yes. But Trump supporters who believe that their blind loyalty to trump has anything to do with the GOP.

      But I think our country needs better than what both parties are offering. At least their united on the subject of China. I’m looking forward to a few particular bits of legislation that are extremely tough on China.

    3. @🏳️‍🌈 Chinese Pride I want Voters Suppression and Police Brutality dealt with… YESTERDAY! Be blessed!

    4. @🏳️‍🌈 Chinese Pride I want Voters Suppression and Police Brutality dealt with… YESTERDAY! Be blessed!

  2. Republicans: Our government is broken.”

    America; “Yes we know, because we watched you break it…repeatedly.”

    1. @Jay that’s because half voters are clowns. Voting against their own self interest to be fanboys of a Republican party who doesn’t care about them one bit.

    2. @Morgan Stevens And where did you see these peaceful protests? It wasn’t at the capitol on 1/6/21. I watched the protest live. I happen to be viewing a podcast of the certification that day.
      Peaceful is not the word I would use to describe the capitol incident. Former president Bush described the people involved with your “peaceful protest” best when he called them “domestic terrorists”.
      Now what would cause him to say that if it was peaceful? Naw…you know better so stop playin.

    3. @Mr. Robot Republicans have been saying for decades they hate the government and If elected they will try to destroy it. And yet, millions vote for them, just to whine later on and say DC is dysfunctional. Mfers vote for the arsonists and then complain when the house is on fire.

  3. He lost the vote on the vote… He lost more support in the 2nd, He’s already lost as even more support as the 2nd vote, and the votes still going – Sensing a theme here 🙂

    1. Here’s the problem for the Republicans. If they resolve the speakership issue then congress will go into session, they will have to swear in Rep. Santos which will not SHOW well on TV, form committees, and conduct the business of the United States. The problem is Republicans do not have a plans or policies. They say they will INVESTIGATE a whole list of Dems but what we really need them to do fund the government, pass legislation to address the border, and stop being the party of CHAOS. In Short… the Republican is to do nothing. claim an accomplishment like “We owned the Libs on that one!”, then go on FOX and fundraise.

    1. @Urban Libertarian awww…you tried. Lol. That is clearly not gonna happen. But you can pretend like usual

  4. When the elections were mostly finished, I looked to my family and I said that soon the Republicans will be controlled by the objectors rather than the people they elect to lead them. The objectors can gum the works to enforce their policies because the rest of the party NEEDS their votes to get anything moving. In a party where negotiation is seen as weakness to be exploited, we can expect to see more of this for years to come from the House majority.

    1. You do understand that Chip Roy and Matt are the ones who are trying their level best to do what is right for we the people , Macarthy and the rest of the majority are all turncoats , they have no desire to do the will of we the people , they are only interested in business as usual which is the uni- party , you must not have heard Chip Roy’s speech , he explained perfectly what there issues are and this American knows he’s right , they MUST have the necessary tools/rules in place to be effective for the people , the majority thinks “the peoples house” means it’s their house.

    2. @everyone’s entitled to my opinion “You do understand that Chip Roy and Matt are the ones who are trying their level best to do what is right for we the people”
      *HOW* is *doing nothing* to govern this nation ‘what is right’? seriously get some facts, and quit lapping up the horse s*it Tucker and the crazies tell you is true.

    3. @everyone’s entitled to my opinion Please tell me you’re talking about a different Matt other than Gaetz.

    4. Baloney, this is the tail wagging the dog. The ineptitude displayed by the GOP would be laughable if it wad not so sad. What you see here at work is karma, you reap what you sew, what the GOP have now is pure dysfunction, they lack the ability to lead and they lack the ability to govern.

    1. If the Dems had any brains they would vote for Liz Cheney for speaker (you don’t have to be a current member of the house to be elected speaker)… if they do they might be able to get enough GOP to elect Cheney. If they don’t McCarthy will eventually be made speaker as the rebels will be pressured into caving. I bet this ends much more quickly than the dems hope and they lose the opportunity to get a speaker that will actually negotiate on Biden’s agenda. Instead McCarthy is a wild card, he has always cooperated with extremists to gain power, with success in attaining the speakership who knows what happens next, but zero cooperation with Biden’s agenda is pretty much a given.

    2. It’s fun to watch for now. However, my biggest concern is that these Congressmen we’re elected by their constituents to go to Washington & get things done…to Govern! 🇺🇸😎

  5. Add to the list of things that need to change in federal government processes this strange rule that can cause the highest overall vote earner to NOT win the contest and allow the rounds of votes to be cast with no deadline or impasse breaking rule. I say put a deadline on vote of one week and after that halt all congressional salaries. No work – No pay.

    1. Let’s put electoral college principals in the house. The dems will win. It’s akin to the GQP trying to get one state one vote when the orange imbecile was trying to steal the win.

  6. McCarthy saying “I’ve earned this job” is both comical & true. There’s no one more deserving at failing to earn enough votes to become Speaker than McCarthy.

    1. @Samuel Pankonien Pelosi navigated a 222 majority into what is considered to be one of the most consequential terms of Congress in recent history. You might not agree with the bills passed, but they got a lot of their policy through for such a small margin in the House, and even more impressively with no margin of error in the Senate, albeit that is not all the work of Pelosi. And even in losing the majority she was more sucessful than most, everybody predicted a red wave and at the end it was this small trickle that Kevin is seemingly drowning in. Say what you want about Nancy, but Kevin is the one being made a fool of right now, not her.

    2. @Blub… keep telling your self that bud.. alot of the country’s problems were all dealing with now and getting worse every day are directly pointed in her direction. For passing horrible bills that biden and Obama wanted for the democrats agenda to make America not great . Also she went to twain and caused almost a melt down . She became rich off of insider trading that she told her husband to make ND now is worth over 200m . Many many many things I could keep going . But I’ve learned that people can’t have a opinion in democrats eyes. They just blame everything on a republican even though it wasn’t them lol.. talking to a Democrat is like talking to a wall ..it don’t matter

    3. @Samuel Pankonien So you agree she was effective in passing her agenda, else your problems could not be blamed on the laws she passed. That was my entire point. If she failed in passing her laws, you could not blame her for the status of things right now, because the laws would not have been written by her.

    4. It’s rather pathetic to watch
      Democrats and leftists gloating about the fact that the Republican Party seems to still allow for a tiny amount of dissent and debate while their own party is an absolute authoritarian borg that demands lockstep allegiance from its members.

    1. Did you see the photo of Congressmember Ted Lieu (D-California) leaving his office with a bag of popcorn?

    1. if you watched the live stream of the real debate and floor vote you would see what you listen to on the news is not really whats going on..

  7. The votes have a clear message. One leader has his house in order while the other’s house has spiraled out of control.

    1. NO, the hold outs want guarantees that what McCarthy promised in writing. McCarthy just threatens them with losing their committee positions.

  8. I hope they record McCarthy repacking up the items that he just moved to the Speaker’s Office & heading back to his old office right where he belongs 😆

    1. He will pack up at night, like the cockroach he is , probably take some secret Documents he can sell to our enemies.

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